Bequest - Administration


This process adds, edits and deletes options specifically relevant to the Bequest functions from the Person Details page.

In the Left Hand (Orange) Menu, find and click on the Administration link. In the resulting menu, find and click on the Bequest Administration link.

  1. Drop Down Lists: at the top of this admin feature is a list of options for bequest-related drop down lists you can manage as required.
    • All the options in this list are quick entry - just type the item into the text box provided and press your enter key to add it to the list of available options.
    • To edit, hover your mouse over the item you would like to amend until a small icon that looks like a pencil appears on the left of the entry. Click on the pencil and four things will become possible:
      • The entry will appear in a text box so you can change it as required
      • The check box in the Show column activates so you can click it to add or remove the check mark. If an item has a check mark against it, it will show in the drop down. If it has no check mark, it will be hidden.
      • A green check mark will appear towards the right hand side of the entry: click this icon to save your changes
      • A red cross will appear at the right hand end of the entry: click this icon to cancel your edit. Your changes will not be saved.
  2. Each offered drop down list is referenced by a drop down on the Bequest Details page, accessed via the Bequest Person Category at the bottom of any given Person Details Page.
  3. Bequest GL Codes: This function allows you to add, edit and delete default GL codes specific to the Bequest program. The code must already be set up in Edit Drop Down Lists > Accounts to appear here.
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