Admin - Advanced Animal Training Set Up (Add on Module)


How do I Setup Animal Training?
Setup of the animal training module begins in admin, where you add the details for drop down lists and setup classes. To access this admin area:

  1. On the left hand side of the screen (the orange menu) click Administration. Click Animal Training.
  2. The different options for the animal training setup are then displayed. The drop downs need to be setup first before the rest of animal training is setup.
    • Classes – The classes that are available for users to select 
    • Locations – The locations that animal training will be held at
    • Class outcomes – possible outcomes for animals in animal training
    • Trainers – the animal trainers
    • Discounts – any discounts available to animal training clients

How do I Add a Class?
This is where you add the classes that are available for users to select. The field Max Class Size will block users from over booking a class.

How Do I Add Locations?
From the Animal Training Administration you can access training locations. You enter the names here and then in the next step you can assign the location to display for only certain regions.

How Do I Assign a Location to a Region?
From the Animal Training Administration screen you can link the location name to the region of your shelter. This is for when a location is only available for users of a particular region. If you want a location to be linked to al’ regions then you can skip this section.

  1. Select the region you wish the location to be available for.
  2. Select one or more training locations (hold down ctrl to select more than one).

How do I add prerequisites for classes?
Class prerequisites are not classes which must be completed first, but instead are restrictions on the class such as “dog must be under 1 year old”.

  1. From the Animal Training Administration screen the first link Class Prerequisite:
    • Select the class the prerequisite is for
    • Click Add Prerequisite
    • The pre-requisite popup will open, from here enter the text for the prerequisite.

How do I setup details for a class, or edit a class?
So far you have entered the class, and now you need to setup that class with all the different options (locations, times, etc). This process is to setup the class for each location.

  1. From the Animal Training Administration screen click Class Setup
  2. Select the physical location (region) that the location is linked to (or you can select "Show All" to view all the locations)
  3. Select the location the class is for
  4. Select the class you want to setup
  5. Click the Add Class button.
  6. A popup will display with all the details for the class.
    • Class Name – Name of the class
    • Start Date
    • Classes on – Select the days the class is held on and the time for each
    • Held – How often is it held?
    • For the next – for how many weeks/ months it is held for
    • Trainers – you can select the trainers that you have already setup above in the drop down lists admin for animal training.
    • Min class size – defaults to class min class size but can be overridden here for each location and class.
    • Max class size – same applies as min class size.

Once a class is added the page will refresh with the new class. Now you can edit the times / roster by clicking the Edit Times/ Roster link for the class.

  1. From the Class Times / Roster page you can add a new class date, edit a class date, or remove one.
  2. A drop down list will be available with each date the class will be held on depending on the details entered when it was added.
  3. To add additional dates click the Add New Class Date link
    • Enter a class date, start and end time and the trainers.
    • Click apply to all dates only if you want the times and the trainers to be applied to all dates of this class.
  4. To edit an existing date select it one from the drop down list.
    • Edit as necessary. Click apply to all dates only if you want the times and the trainers to be applied to all dates of this class.
    • Use the Remove This Date link to delete a selected date.

How do I setup fees for a class?

  1. From the Animal Training Administration screen click Class Setup
  2. Select the physical location (region) that the location is linked to (or you can select "Show All" to view all the locations)
  3. Select the location the class is for
  4. Select the class you want to setup
  5. Each class is then listed with a Edit / View Fees link, click this link.
  6. Select the default amount and the account the fee will be defaulted to on the receipt page.
  7. Click Add to save.

How do I cancel or delete a class?

  1. From the Animal Training Administration screen click Class Setup
  2. Select the physical location (region) that the location is linked to (or you can select “Show All” to view all the locations)
  3. Select the location the class is for
  4. Select the class you want to setup
  5. Each class is then listed with a Cancel Class and a Delete Class link.
  6. Clicking either of these links will prompt the user with a “are you sure?” alert box.
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