Drug Useage Tracking Admin - Add New Drug to Inventory


The following process is done via the Administration section.

  1. Click on the Administration link in the orange left-hand menu.
  2. Click on Drug Administration
  3. Click on the Drug Usage Tracking link.
  4. Click on the Add New Drug to Inventory link.  This generates a pop-up window that will allow you to enter the information for a new drug.  This must be done in order to receive shipments of the drug in the future.
  5. Complete the following:
    • Product Name: enter the Name of the drug.
    • Product Code: enter the product code for the drug. 
    • Active Ingredients: enter the main (active) ingredients of this drug. 
    • Description: enter a small description of the drug. 
    • Unit Sale Price: enter the sale price per unit.  For example, if 100cc of the drug costs 100 dollars.  The unit sale price would be 1 dollar.  Enter digits only. 
    • Plus Tax: place a checkmark in the box if the sale cost does not include sales tax.
    • GL Code: enter the GL code applicable for this drug.  This has to be the exact GL code that should be used for billing of this drug.  If a GL code is entered which does not exist in the system the new drug cannot be entered.
    • Euthanasia Drug: If the drug is used for euthanising animals, click this box to mark it. 
  6. Click Add Drug.  A notification indicating the drug has been added to the system will appear.
  7. Click OK.


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