Set Up - Property Entered


The Administration link will only display for users that have administrative access to the system.  This allows certain areas of the system to be edited by administrative staff.  This process is to allow various ways a property was entered to be added, edited or deleted from the dispatch area of the system.


Many places when entering a property you must either have consent, a warrant or a reason under the act that is specified for a sole purpose. These can be listed to meet your requirements.

Setting up:

To set up Inspector Checklists, you must have access to the Administration menu.

  1. From the Welcome / Search Page, click the Administration link in the orange left-hand Menu.
  2. In the resulting menu, find and click on the option Dispatch Administration OR Edit Drop Down Lists.
  3. Find and click on the option Dispatch Inspection How Was Property Entered.  
  4. This is a quick entry list, so all you need to do to enter a new option is place your cursor in the text box, type the item (be sure to use the correct case) and hit the Enter key. 
  5. To edit an existing item, hover your mouse cursor over the item until a small pencil icon appears on the left.
  • Click the icon to open the text box and make your changes
  • To hide the item so it no longer shows, until the box in the Show column
  • To save your changes, click the green tick icon on the right of your item.
  • To discard your changes, click the red cross icon on the right of your item. 
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