Introduction to the Welcome Page


After logging in to Shelter Buddy you will be greeted with the main Welcome page. This is your starting point or home page. From here you can perform a number of different searches as well as jump to other sections of the program by clicking on the links in the orange left-hand menu. The orange left hand menu display will depend on your security access. This information sheet summarizes the most commonly used searches.

Shelter Buddy has a number of different search functions available on the Welcome page, the most common being the basic and advanced Person Search and Animal Search.

Page Display Descriptions:

Top: Your name displays at the top of every page.

Left: Main Menu: This allows you to link into other parts of the system. Your access depends on your security level.

Search Menu: To select specific searches located in different areas of the Welcome page and to access search help. It also contains a link to the Bulk Updating Menu which allows you to move animals around or update in-care statuses en mass.

Person Search: To search for a person, facility or organization that already has a Shelter Buddy record. There is also a link to a more advanced search that offers more options.

Animal Search: To search for an animal that already has a Shelter Buddy record. There is also a link to a more advanced search that offers more options.

Agency Search: Enables you to locate an agency file or an animal record that is attached to an agency record.

Animal Transfer Search:  Used to search for animals transferred internally between locations on a specific date.

Microchip Search: Enables you to locate an animal or person record by Microchip Number.

Obedience Handler Search: (Module must be enabled) If your site uses the Animal Training module, this search will take you to any client listed as an animal handler booked into animal training courses. 

License Owner Search: Enables you to locate an animal or person record by License Number.

Ambulance Search: (Module must be enabled) If your site uses the Dispatch module, this search is used to locate specific dispatch jobs designated as Ambulance jobs.

Ambulance Pick up Location: (Module must be enabled) If your site uses the Dispatch module, this search enables users to locate specific ambulance dispatch jobs using the location the animal was picked up from. 

Receipt Search: Enables you to locate a specific receipt by receipt number, Person ID or Animal ID.

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