Set Up - Dispatch Request Urgency Codes


The Administration link will only display for users that have administrative access to the system.  This allows certain areas of the system to be edited by administrative staff.  This process is to add, edit or delete codes that indicate how urgent a dispatch job is. 

This allows you to prioritise jobs that are coming in and allows you to colour code for urgency so when viewed via the Dispatch Summary pop up, the most critical jobs will immediately stand out.


  1. In the left-hand menu on the Welcome page click on the Administration link.
  2. On the Administration page click on the Dispatch Administration link.
  3. Go to the Dispatch Request Urgency Codes section.

To ADD Dispatch Request Urgency Code

  1. Click on the Add ­­­­link.  This will generate the Add Dispatch Request Urgency Code pop up window.
  2. Dispatch Request Urgency Code:  enter the title of the reason.
  3. Colour: Select a colour from the drop down to highlight jobs with this urgency. NB: the default is black, which means the appearance of the job will not change.
  4. Click Add Dispatch Request Urgency Code.  The popup window will disappear.


To EDIT Dispatch Request Urgency Code

  1. Click on the Edit ­­­­link.  This will generate the Edit Dispatch Request Urgency Code pop up window.
  2. Dispatch Request Urgency Code: click on the down arrow to select the urgency to be edited.
  3. New Dispatch Request Urgency Code:  enter the correct urgency title.
  4. Colour: Select a colour from the drop down to amend the appearance of the job on the Dispatch Summary pop up. 
  5. Click Edit Dispatch Request Urgency Code.  The popup window will disappear.


To DELETE Dispatch Request Urgency Code

NOTE: this doesn't delete items completely, it just "hides" them so they can't be applied to existing jobs or new jobs moving forward, but they will still display on any job they were previously assigned to. 

  1. Click on the Delete ­­­­link.  This will generate the Delete Dispatch Request Urgency Code pop up window.
  2. Delete Urgency Code: click on the down arrow to select the urgency code to be deleted.
  3. Click Delete Dispatch Request Urgency Code.  The popup window will disappear.


To ORDER Dispatch Request Urgency Code

  1.  Click on the Order link. This will take you to Order Dispatch Urgency Codes page.
  2. On the left is a list of each available Dispatch Request Urgency Codes and on the right a column of drop down boxes each displaying a number. The numbers represent the order in which they appear in the Urgency drop down box on the Add Dispatch Job page  
  3. Select a number from the drop down to indicate the urgency of each code. Each code must have a unique number.
  4. Click Save. The items will rearrange their order so the code numbered "1" is at the top of the list and the rest are in descending order from there.  
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