Reports are constantly being updated and changed for Shelter Buddy, so this list is subject to change without notice.
Updated June 2017
Active Volunteer's Information Report (Report 576)
This report shows all active volunteers and HR Information about them.
Inactivated Volunteers (Report 512)
This report retrieves a list of all volunteers (in a specific role or roles) that have been inactivated through the inactive date/reason since a specific date.
List Volunteers (Report 103)
This report gets a list of volunteers that do not have inactive reasons specified and that also match the following requirements:
Duration: searches for activity from today’s date
Shelter/Shop: People who are available at this shop or location
Mail State: The state they are from
Records Updated Between: Timeframe the person record has been updated in.
List Volunteers Once By Role (Report 431)
List each volunteer signed up for selected roles without repeating rows with the following filters:
- Show volunteers that: Hav /Don't have an email address
- Show volunteers that: Completed/Requested Training
- Exclude volunteers that are not available (date range) - Not available period on volunteer page
- Show person records that are active/inactive (Status Active on Person Details page)
- Show Volunteers that are active/inactive - inactive checkboxes AND inactive drop down on volunteer page (both must be active for volunteer to show for a role)
- Show person records that are active/inactive (Status Active on Person Details page)
- Date of Birth Date Range - from DOB on Person Details Page (show all people younger than a selected age by entering From Date; show all people older than a selected age by entering To Date, or enter a range of birth dates)
List Volunteers Once By Role Labels (Report 531)
This report is used to print Avery labels for each volunteer signed up for selected roles without repeating rows with the following filters:
- Show volunteers that: Have/Don't have an email address
- Show volunteers that: Completed/Requested Training
- Exclude volunteers that are not available (date range) - Not available period on volunteer page
- Show person records that are active/inactive (Status Active on Person Details page)
- Show Volunteers that are active/inactive - inactive checkboxes AND inactive drop down on volunteer page (both must be active for volunteer to show for a role)
On Call (Report 128)
This report finds any volunteer who has been flagged as “on call” by Volunteer Location.
Special Events (Report 127)
No description available.
Trained Volunteers not Yet Logged In (Report 326)
Finds volunteers who have been marked as trained, but have not yet completed a live rostered shift.
Volunteer Availability (Report 29)
This report locates volunteers who are available to work within the parameters selected.
Volunteer Companies Report (Report 443)
This report displays volunteers that are linked to a company.
Selecting a region will show person records linked to that region.
The date range selected will get all person records that were added within the dates specified.
You can also select person records that are Active/Inactive also.
Volunteer Hours by Person (Report 28)
This report lists each volunteer and the number of hours they have worked.
Life totals are the total number of hours the volunteer has worked and is NOT restricted by date range.
Date range limits the number of hours returned between the dates specified.
Hours range limits the people that are displayed on the report by listing people that have worked hours between what has been specified.
Volunteer Hours by Role Group (Report 687)
Counts volunteer hours by role group for the dates and regions specified.
- Date From/To: Optional. The dates from the volunteer clock on/off module. Leaving this blank will return all dates.
- Physical Location: Optional. As indicated in the volunteer administration screen when adding or editing a volunteer role.
- Role Group: Defaults to 'All'. As indicated in the volunteer administration screen when adding or editing a volunteer role.
Volunteer Hours by Role Report (Report 436)
The purpose of this report is to allow managers to see the number of hours that are worked by volunteer role.
It also shows the total number of roles, total number of volunteers and the total number of hours.
This report can be filtered on the date of the hours volunteered, and/or the region of the role.
Volunteer Rewards and Hours Served (report 582)
This report shows volunteers with their start dates.
Volunteers by Role (Report 389)
List each volunteer signed up for selected roles with the following filters:
- Show volunteers that: Have/Don't have an email address
- Show volunteers that: Completed/Requested Training
- Exclude volunteers that are not available (date range) - Not available period on volunteer page
- Show person records that are active/inactive (Status Active on Person Details page)
- Show Volunteers that are active/inactive - inactive checkboxes AND inactive drop down on volunteer page (both must be active for volunteer to show for a role)
- Show person records that are active/inactive (Status Active on Person Details page)
- Date of Birth Date Range - from DOB on Person Details Page (show all people younger than a selected age by entering From Date; show all people older than a selected age by entering To Date, or enter a range of birth dates)
Volunteers Currently Logged On (Report 428)
This report shows all volunteers that are currently clocked on.
Volunteers Rostered (Report 30)
This report shows the volunteers that are rostered for a specified volunteer role and week.
This report will only show a week's worth of shift times.