Fundraising Report Overview List


Reports are constantly being updated and changed for Shelter Buddy, so this list is subject to change without notice.

Updated June 2017


Admissions Follow Up (Report 469)
This report retrieves person and animal details for all animals which were admitted to the shelter through Stray, Owner Surrender or Returns which were adopted during the specified date range. Agencies, staff members, foster parents and persons who have been investigated are not included.

Adopted by User (Report 585)
This report lists each user that processed an adoption in the specified region and date range and the number of adoptions that they did.

Animals From Agency Statistics (Report 193)
A simple list of in care animals that have come from an Agency source.

Branch/Community Council Members Report (Report 474)
This report lists branch/community council members.

Campaign Appeal People (Report 661)
Shows a list of people who have been contacted for a campaign by appeal code, and whether or not they have made a donation to the campaign.

Campaign List (Report 705)
A simple report to export the campaigns for review.

Campaign Performance Analysis (Report 660)
Analyse and measure the effectiveness of a fundraising campaign, how many people responded, the amounts that were donated etc. for future earnings, by linking the Appeal Category on donation receipts with the Appeal Category in Campaign Communication Online Diary entries.

Campaign Results (Report 138)
A simple statistical report showing how many times a particular campaign has been assigned to a receipt within the date range selected.

Campaign Zip Code Report (Report 136)
This report displays amounts assigned to a campaign within a specified zip code/postcode area.

Cumulative Donations (Report 239)
This report lists people who have donated within a date range and notes the amount for that range and the total amount the person has donated to the organisation over all time. NB: to appear on this receipt, the donation must be linked to a campaign. 

Donation Report (Report 390)
This report shows details of people who have made a donation within a selected date range. The walk-in option is for receipts that are not flagged as donor receipts (through the donor person category) but rather general receipts entered through the system.

If no Donation Account is selected, the report will only display receipts that have not yet been allocated to a Donation Account.

Donor History Letter (Report 230)
Generates letters to supporters that includes their donation history within the date range selected.

Donor Receipts (Report 658)
This report shows details of all of the donations to a fundraising campaign. To appear on this report:

  • The grant must be added under the “Grants” link in the Fundraising menu
  • Must have a response status of “Pending”
  • The Expected Response Date must be within the parameters selected for the report. If no Expected Response Date has been entered, it will use the date applied instead.

Grants Awaiting Response (Report 31)
This report displays a list of grants that have passed their expected response date.

Inactive Persons List (Report 707)
A simple report to export a list of inactive persons with contact details for review.

Lottery Mailing Address Labels
Produces a mailing list of people who are to receive lottery books.

Lottery Tickets
Produces a list of lottery tickets issued, returned or refunded.

Mailing Lists (Report 1)
This report lists persons entered on your system and can be filtered in different ways. NOTE: applying multiple filters means the files on the resulting return must have ALL selected filters active on their file. The fewer filters, therefore, the larger the return.

Medical Clinic Services - Owners Listing (Report 513)
This report retrieves person details and the types of clinic consultation services that were done for their animals during the date period selected. The Origin field is from the consultation page, not the Animal Details page.

Member Numbers / Areas (Report 26)
This report shows how many members there are for a specified Member Type and Branch.

Member Renewals (Report 25)
This report shows members whose membership is due to be renewed or expire within the date range selected.

Members Birthdays (Report 27)
This report provides a list of members whose birthdays fall within the selected parameters.

Membership Report (Report 411)
Primarily designed for querying lapsed members, this report can find members by Membership Type, joining date, renewal dates, and much more. Quite handy for targeting specific groups within your members.

Microchip Implant Report (Report 572)
This report shows all animal ids for animals that have been microchipped within the given date range.

New Members to Approve (Report 259)
This report must be run so that members recently entered are officially approved. This report must be run for the system to recognise them as approved, regardless of the manual setting on the Membership page.

No Recorded Reason for Euthanasia (Report 583)
This report shows a list of animals that have been euthanised where the staff member has not recorded the reason for euthanasia.

Person Mailing List Subscriptions (Report 721)
This report lists the person and what mailing lists they are subscribed to receive. 1 means they are subscribed, 0 means they are not.

Pre Registration / Data Acquisition (Report 85)
This report gets information from the pre registrations/data acquisitions area. This module may need to be enabled for your site by Shelter Buddy support.

Prospective Donors Report (Report 67)
A simple report that locates files that have the “Prospective Donor” box ticked on their Person Details page.

Receipts Per User Report (Report 195)
A simple report that displays how much money has been assigned to any given type of receipt by users within a date range.

Regular Payment Batch Direct Debits (Reports 453)
This report lists bank account details for a certain regular payment batch direct debit transactions. (These direct debit transactions have not had receipts created for them yet).

Regular Payment Exclusion Report (Report 694)
A simple report that lists any exclusions against a specific batch from Regular payments.

Regular Payments Due To Expire (Reports 652)
This report details regular payments which either (depending on user selection) expire in the selected date range, or are attached to a credit card which will expire in the selected date range.

Regular Payments List (Report 475)
This report lists people with regular payments, with the status and other details of the regular payment.

Sponsorship Products Report (Report 509)
This report produces a list of sponsorship products, including whether they are currently available for sponsorship or if a person or business is currently sponsoring this product.

Sponsorships Report (Report 510)
This report produces a list of sponsorships that a person or business currently have or have had previously.

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