Reports are constantly being updated and changed for Shelter Buddy, so this list is subject to change without notice.
Updated June 2017
Report List
Animals Currently In Foster Report (Report 60)
This report provides a list of animals that are currently in foster, or if you want, animals that entered foster during a chosen date range.
Selection Parameters
- Region: if you select a region, then only animals that have this selected physical location at the start of their foster will be shown.
- Animal Type: restricts output to the selected animal type
- Only Show Animals That are Currently In Foster?: if ticked (default) you will only see animals who have a foster status currently shown the Animal Details Page. If unticked, you may select a date range for the Date in Foster from the Fostering Instructions page.
Foster statuses include:
- In Foster
- Hold In Foster
- Protective Custody In Foster
- Available for Adoption - In Foster
- Stray - In Foster
- Awaiting Spay/Neuter - In Foster
- Return Due Date: if selected, results will be filtered to animals with the Return Due Date set in the Fostering Instructions Page and between the selected date range.
- Foster Parent Preferences: if any are selected, the list will be filtered to only those foster parents with the selected foster preferences (under Foster Details) will be shown.
- Group by: You may choose how to sort and count the animals. Choose No Grouping for a better layout for export to Excel, plus the links are removed that open new windows for animal ID and person ID. Note: when exporting to Excel, if you need to sort the data, it is recommended that you use the advanced excel export and untick all the options.
- Include fields: You may choose which fields you want to output on the report. Animal ID, animal name, foster person ID, foster person name, and animal type will always appear.
Field Notes
- Date In Foster: comes from the Fostering Instructions page.
- Animal Type: is the type at the start of the foster period (for example, if the animal was a kitten at the start of foster but now is a cat, this report will display kitten)
- Current Age: is the age shown on the Animal Details Page.
- Date In Shelter: is the most recent date the animal entered the shelter.
- Date In Foster: is the date recorded in the Fostering Instructions Page.
- Return Due Date: is the date set in the Fostering Instructions Page.
- Actual Return Date: is the date in Status History for the first non-fostering status recorded after the Date in Foster date. Note: the report may show a return date that is invalid if someone has set the animal status back to one of the fostering statuses after a non-fostering status, and did not use the Personal Category of Foster to properly send the animal back into foster.
- Days: is the number of days the animal was in foster, including the beginning and ending dates. It is calculated from the Date In Foster to the Actual Return Date if there is an actual return date, or to today if the animal is still in foster.
Animals Due For Treatment (241)
This report shows all animals in foster care with a scheduled treatment in the date range. This includes scheduled surgery date, stitch removal, medications, vet treatments due, and animal care requests.
- Date Range is used by to find the various treatments shown. The report searches for treatments in the date range as listed above whether or not you choose to display them.
- Region is the current animal type as shown on the Animal Details Page
Field Notes
- Contact Details is the foster person phone numbers.
- Scheduled Surgery Date is shown on the Medical Notes page.
- Stitches Removal Date is shown on the Medical Notes page.
- Vet Treatments Due includes any vet treatments that have been scheduled in the date range but not given.
- Medications include any medications that are scheduled during all or part of the date range specified.
- Care Requests include both vet reminders and animal care requests with a reminder date in the date range.
Available Foster List (Report 108)
This report shows details for foster persons. To appear on this report the person must have a blank Inactive Date on the Foster Details Page, and not be marked No Foster on the Person Details page. Additional filters are chosen at the time you run the report.
If you leave all options blank, you will receive a list of all active foster persons.
- Available Date: You may leave this blank. If you enter from and to dates, then people will be excluded from the report who have Unable To Foster dates fully outside the date window you select. If they are available any part of that date period they will show.
- Foster Details: Matches those entered on the Foster Details page
- Foster Carer: Allows you to select only people who currently are fostering or select only people who are not currently fostering animals, as determined by the person being associated with animals who have any of the foster statuses as the current animal status.
- Special Needs: Matches those entered on the Foster Details page
- Last Foster End: You may leave this blank. If you select a date range, then you will see people who have the most recent date they returned an animal within that date range. Note it does not look at animals currently in foster since they do not have a return date.
- Region: Matches that entered on the Foster Details page
- Foster Preference: Matches those entered on the Foster Details page
- Property Check Completed: If you choose yes, then people will show on the report who have any date entered in the Property Check field in Foster Details page.
- Training Completed: If you choose yes, then people will show on the report who have any date entered in the Foster Parent Training Completed field in Foster Details page.
- Order By: Allows you to choose how you want the results sorted.
Notes on Some Fields
- Address: This is their postal/mailing address.
- Current Foster Count: This is a count of animals that are in the person's care, and the animal has a current status of one of the foster statuses.
- Most Recent In Foster Date: This is the most recent In Foster date associated with the person as shown on the Foster Instructions pages for all the foster animals for that person
- Last Foster End: This is the most recent date they returned an animal. Note that this does not show anything for animals currently in their care since there is not a return date for those animals. The return date is based on the first non-foster status for that animal after the In Foster date shown on the Foster Instructions page, and therefore theIn Foster date is required.
- Person Jurisdiction: This is shown on the Person Details Page with their physical address.
Dispatch Animals in Foster by Job Number (616)
Display the animal details and foster parent details of animals linked to a dispatch job. This report will only display animals with a current foster status.
Foster Monthly Report (Report 140)
This report is designed to give you counts or details on foster animals in four basic categories.
Report Parameters
- Date Range: the dates of interest. The date ranges are used differently in each section, detailed below.
- Regions: the region from which the animal went into foster, stored in the Status History.
- Animal Types: the animal type at the time the animal went into foster, stored in the Status History.
- Report Type: The Summary report provides simple counts by animal type. The Detail report can be either one record per entry into foster, showing start and end dates and the foster person information, or you can choose the Detail report where there is only one record per animal ID, and this will show the number of times the animal started foster as well as the number of unique foster homes the pet had during the date range.
Report Sections
Note: if your parameters result in no data on a section, that section will not appear in the report.
Section 1: In Care End of Day
This section counts animals that were in foster care as of the end of the ending date selected, based on the most recent status history entry entered before the Date To you entered. Animals are only counted once.
Section 2: Animals Fostered This Period
This section counts the animals that were in foster care during any portion of the date range selected, including those that started foster before the beginning of the date period and were still in foster during any part of the date period or have not yet returned from foster. Number of animals is the count of specific animal IDs. Number of Instances counts the number of times an animal was in foster during the date range entered (an animal can be counted multiple times).
Section 3: Animals Starting Foster This Period
This section counts the animals that went into foster care during the date period.
Section 4: Animals Returned this Period
This section counts animals that returned from foster care during the date range selected. An animal is considered returned when a non-foster status in status history follows the foster status.
Field Notes
- Number of Animals: a count of unique animal IDs.
- Number of Instances: a count of the number of times the animal was in foster.
- Number of Foster Homes: a count of unique foster person IDs associated with the animal during the date range.
- Inventory Status: only shown in Section 1. This is the status that is the most recent status before the Date To and is used to determine that the animal was in foster for Section 1.
- Foster Date: the date/time in status history when the animal was sent into foster. If showing the detail report with one line per animal, then this is the first date the animal went into foster related to this report data.
- Return Date: the date/time of the first non-foster status in status history following the Foster Date. If showing the detail report with one line per animal, then this is the last date the animal returned from foster related to this report data.
- Total Days: the Return date minus the Foster Date expressed in days and tenths of days.
- Report Days: the days the animal was in foster during the report date range.
Foster Statuses include:
- In Foster
- Available for Adoption - In Foster
- Awaiting Spay/Neuter - In Foster
- Awaiting Vet Approval - In Foster
- Bite Quarantine - In Foster
- Emergency Evacuation - In Foster
- Hold In Foster
- Protective Custody In Foster
- Stray - In Foster
Foster Person List (Report 691)
This report gives information on people who fostered in a date range.
- Date Range: compares to status history with one of the foster statuses.
- Region(s): Optional. Filters on the physical location stored in status history at the start of foster.
Report Types:
- Foster Person: One line per person including contact information and the number of animals fostered (unique animal IDs) and the number of instances (entries into foster).
- Foster Person and Dates: For each foster person, shows the dates they fostered animals during the date range, the number of days they fostered, and the number of animals. This report is useful to analyse the analyse of days the person had animals during the date range, for volunteer hours for example. The days are complete days including the start and end dates.
- Foster Person and Animals: For each foster person, shows detail on each animal they fostered. Animal Type is the type stored with the status history when the animal went into foster. Region is the physical location stored with the status history when the animal went into foster. Foster Start Date is the status date stored with the status history when the animal went into foster. Return Date is the date stored in the status history for the first non-foster status after the foster status date. Due Date is from the Foster Instructions and only displays if the animal has not yet been returned. Total Days is the return date minus the status date when the animal went into foster; if the animal is still in foster than the report ending date is used. Report Days is the same math as Total Days but ending at the report date range.
Foster Property Check Report (Report 608)
This report lists all foster parents that do not have a property check date entered on the foster details page.
Foster Returned Report (Report 62)
This report provides a list of animals that were returned from foster in the date range selected.
Selection Parameters
- Region: if you select a region, then only animals that have this selected physical location at the start of their foster will be shown.
- Animal Type: restricts output to the selected animal type at the start of foster.
- Outgoing Status: restricts output to those animals who have the selected outgoing statuses as the first outgoing status after the Date In Foster.
Field Notes
- Animal Type: is the type at the start of the foster period (for example, if the animal was a kitten at the start of foster but now is a cat, this report will display kitten)
- Foster Parent: is the person linked to Owner History during the animal into foster process.
- Date In Foster: is the status date linked when the animal was sent into foster.
- Return Date: is the date in Status History for the first non-fostering status recorded after the Date in Foster date.
- Days: is number of days the animal was in foster. It is calculated from the Date In Foster to the Return Date, including the starting and ending date.
- Current Status: is the status shown on the Animal Details Page.
- Outgoing Status: is the first outgoing status after the Date In Foster.
Fostered Out (Report 61)
This report is designed to give you counts or details on animals that entered foster care during the date period selected, including counts by reason for foster.
- Date From and Date To: Required. The status date in status history when the animal went into foster. This is linked during the foster process.
- Region(s): Optional. Filters on the physical location recorded in status history when the animal went into foster.
- Animal Type(s): Optional. The animal type stored in status history at the time the animal went into foster.
- Outgoing Status: Optional. Filters on the outgoing status (adopted, etc).
- Report Type: Detailed provides a list of animal IDs along with various data elements. Summary provides counts based on your selections in Group By and Count By.
- Group By: your first selection of grouping of the animals. Note: if you select Foster Reasons, you will see a group for each reason. An animal can have multiple reasons attached to one foster entry, so your counts might not match other reports.
- Order By/Count By: your second selection for the ordering or counting of the animals. Note: if you select Foster Reasons, you will see a group for each reason. An animal can have multiple reasons attached to one foster entry, so your counts might not match other reports.
Detail Report Field Notes:
Animal ID and Foster Parent Person ID are always shown. Results are grouped by your selection in Group By and ordered by your selection in Order By, followed by animal ID and In Foster Date.
- Foster Reasons: This is always the collection of reasons for the foster animal.
- Reason Count: this count allows you to more easily spot animals with multiple foster reasons.
- Foster Count: this count allows you to more easily spot animals with multiple entries into foster.
- In Foster Date: the status date from status history when the animal entered foster
- Return Date: the status date from status history for the first non-foster status after the In Foster Date.
- Foster Days: the number of days and partial days from the In Foster Date/time to the Return Date/time. If the animal is still in foster, the math is done to the current date and time.
- Current Status: the status shown on the Animal Details page.
- Outgoing Status and Outgoing Status Date: the first outgoing status for this animal after the In Foster Date.
Summary Report Field Notes:
Your selection for the Group By and the Count By fields are shown. Next is a count of the unique animal IDs that meet the combination of those two selections. Finally there is a count of the number of times an animal entered foster with that combination of those two selections.
New Foster Homes (681)
This report will show you how many new foster homes have been added during the selected time period and/or by region, based on the "date trained" date and selected region showing on the Foster Person Details page.