Reports are constantly being updated and changed for Shelter Buddy, so this list is subject to change without notice.
Updated June 2017
Shelter Report List
ACO Animal Details (Report 211)
This report shows details of animals which have an ACO number.
Adopted and Came Back (Report 678)
This report looks at adopted animals who came back via any incoming source. The animal must have an outgoing adoption status and must have a later incoming source.
Selection Parameters
- Adopted Date Range: This filters on the outgoing adoption status. It is not required.
- Adopted Region: This filters on the region in status history at the time of the outgoing adoption status.
- Adopted Type: restricts output to the selected animal type at the time of adoption.
- Adopted Status: restricts output to those animals who have the selected outgoing Adoption statuses.
- Came Back Date Range: This filters on the incoming source after the outgoing adoption status. This date range is not required. You may want to pick an adoption date range or the date range the animal came back, or a combination of the two.
- Incoming Region: This filters on the region in source history for the incoming source when the animal came back.
- Came Back Sources: This filters on the source stored in source history when the animal came back.
- Day Count Range: This allows you to filter the output on just the count of days between the adoption and the incoming source. For example, you may not care exact dates for the adoption but only want to see those that came back less than a year from the adoption. To do this, you would leave the Adoption Date Range blank, enter your Came Back Date Range as needed, and set Day Count From = 0 (do not care the minimum day count) and Day Count To = 356. The filter is inclusive. For example, if you set Day Count From = 5 and Day Count To = 7 you will get animals that came back 5, 6, and 7 days from adoption. If you set the Day Count = 0 or leave it blank, that part of the filter will be ignored.
Field Notes
These fields are from Status History:
- Adopted Type
- Adoption Date
- Adoption Status
These fields are stored in Source History for the next incoming source after the adoption date:
- Came Back Source
- Incoming Date
- Incoming Region
- Return Reason
- Surrender Reason
Next Outgoing Status and Next Outgoing Date: This is the outgoing status and status date associated with the incoming source when the animal came back. If there is no outgoing status, then the most recent in care status is shown.
Days: This is a count of the days between the adoption date and the incoming source date.
Adopted from different locations (Report 458)
This report shows the animals that have been adopted out from a location other than where they were received from.
Adopted List Report (Report 196)
This report lists adoptions entered in the system. The date range is the date the adoption was entered into the system, NOT the date the animal was adopted in status history.
The animal type filter is for the animal type at the time of adoption, not current animal type (e.g. the animal could have been adopted as a puppy, but is now a dog).
Adopters Report (Report 222)
This report provides a selection of data regarding people who adopted in a date range. The intent for this report is to show information about people who currently own the adopted animal.
- Only the current adopter is shown. That is, if the animal has been returned and adopted by someone else then the first person will not show, even if that adoption is in the date range.
- People marked deceased are excluded.
- People marked inactive are excluded.
- The animal type is the type at the time of adoption.
- Date Range: based on Adoption Date
- Region: the region that the user who processed the adoption was signed into
- Exclude Returns: this option allows you to show or exclude people who have returned their adopted animal and the animal has not been adopted by someone else since then. The report always excludes people who returned the adopted animal if the animal has been adopted to someone else since then.
Adoption Amounts For Auto Aged Animals Report (Report 529)
The function of this report is to list all animals which have changed from either a puppy to a dog, or from a kitten to a cat, and have a status of either "Available For Adoption", or "Available for Adoption - In Foster".
Adoption by Jurisdiction (Report 274)
This report details adoptions which took place between the specified date range. The results are broken up by Jurisdiction, so only records where the owner has this field filled in will show on this report.
Adoption Disclaimer (Report 238)
No description.
Adoption Microchip Disclosure Forms (Report 733)
This has all the adoption microchip disclosure forms for adoptions.
Adoption Return Questionnaire (Report 242)
Tables Animals that have been returned within a date bracket, ordered by Animal Type, and uses Region/Physical Location to filter.
Adoption Sponsor - Customer Response (Report 348)
Display persons that have answered a sponsor data collection for a particular answer. Eg. all people that have selected "yes" to be on the sponsor mailing list.
Adoptions By Hour (Report 373)
This report shows adoption statistics for a given time period during a day.
Adoptions Per Day (Report 684)
This report is helpful in determining which days are the busiest for adoptions, so that you may optimise the allocation of staff/volunteers. The animal type is determined from Status History.
- Date range: taken from the status date from status history for adopted statuses only.
- Region: taken from the physical location from status history.
Agency Animals In Care (Report 215)
This report tables animals that have entered care via the Agency Incoming PC, and currently have an in care status.
- Date Range: taken from source history
- Agency: The agency that received the animal. NB: the agency must exist in the “Go to Agency” list.
- Animal Type: taken from Source history
- Status: uses current status
- In Care Report option includes ALL in care statuses for animals linked to an agency.
- Awaiting Sort Report option excludes any animal that does not have “Awaiting Sort” as the current status.
Agency Statistics - Incoming (Report 190)
Tables the number of animals incoming via Agency records. Can be ordered to show and sort by Primary Breed.
Animal Attendant Report (Report 71)
This report shows all animals with the status "Available For Adoption" and the adoption date within a range if selected. Deprecated - report: #3 “Available for Adoption Report” has replaced it.
Animal Birthday Report (Report 739)
This report lists adopted animals that are not deceased and excluding returns, where the animals birthday falls within the date range of the report.
Animal Birthday Report (Report 739)
This report provides a study of animals in care over a date range. The report looks at in care statuses recorded in Status History.
Key Selection Parameters
- Region: this will filter on animals that have the selected region in status history.
- Animal Type: restricts output to the selected animal type as saved in status history.
- Date Range Option:
- Status Begins in Date Range: The filter will take those animals with a status date in the date range you entered.
- Status Occurs Any Part of Date Range: The filter looks at the span of time the animal had the status and includes the animal if the status falls in the selected date range. For example, this selection allows you to see all animals who had the status of Available For Adoption any time in June. If you want to see all animals in care during the month of June you would select this option.
- Source Date: If you choose this option the date filter is restricted to animals with a Source Date in the range selected. You can see the total length of stay using this option and it will include animals currently in care. You need to choose the Count Days By option to All Days at Each Status to do this.
- Outgoing Date: If you choose this option the date filter is restricted to animals with an outgoing status during the date range specified. To see the Total Length of Stay, you will need to choose the Count Days By option to All Days at Each Status to get an accurate count. If you choose to exclude certain statuses they will not be counted. For example, you might want to measure the Total Length of Stay for animals that had an outgoing status in June but exclude their time in foster. To do this, exclude all the Foster statuses.
- Count Days By:
- Animal Days in the Date Range: Only count the days the animal were in care AND within the date range. For example, use this option to see how many meals should have been served to the dogs in June. For this example you would also select the Date Range Option of Status Occurs Any Part of Date Range.
- All Days at Each Status: sums the total amount of days the animal had that status regardless of the date range (the date range and date range option is used to select which animals to include). If there is no next status, it counts through today's date. Examples of using this feature would be to see the average amount of time animals are awaiting sort, or the total amount of time the animals are in care.
- Source to Status Date: Counts days from the Source date to selected status regardless of any statuses in between the selected status. It is recommended that you select only one status for this summary to give useful information. For example, use this option to measure how long from incoming to Available for Adoption.
- Status Date to Outgoing Date: Counts days from the start of the selected status to the outgoing date. If there is no outgoing date, the ending report date is used. It is recommended that you select only one status for this summary to give useful information. For example, use this option to measure the length of time from Available for Adoption to any outgoing status, even if there were some other statuses in between.
- Days to One Specific Status: This option needs the Select Status parameter to be filled in (if you forget you will get no data). This option counts all days at each status until the first time the selected status is found for each animal. This gives you the ability to measure the days between incoming and Available for Adoption, for example, and also allows you to exclude certain statuses from the count. Perhaps you need to measure the length of stay between incoming and Available for Adoption, but you do not want to count Foster time in this calculation: Use the Date Range Option of Source Date, the Count Days By option to Days to One Specific Status, the Select Status to Available for Adoption, and exclude the foster statuses.
- Calculate Age On: This option lets you see the animals age calculated from date of birth to the date you select. If you leave this option blank no age will be calculated. If you enter a date, the age will be calculated in years and months and will automatically show on the report.
- Unique Animal IDs: Counts each animal only once. Useful for studying the total amount of time the animal is in care or average time at available for adoption.
- Instances at Each Status: If an animal has multiple statuses in the output it will be counted each time the status is listed. This is useful if you want to study how long animals are Awaiting Vet Check each time they need it.
- Source Select/Exclude and Sources: You can either select specific sources or exclude specific sources. If you choose Exclude but do not select any specific sources, you will get them all.
- Status Select/Exclude and Statuses: You can either select specific in care statuses or exclude specific ones. If you choose Exclude but do not tick any specific statuses, you will get them all. This only affects the status column and which records are reported; not the Next Status nor the Outgoing Status columns. For example, you may want to count animal care days for June except for animals offsite, so you would Exclude status of In Foster, Available for Adoption Offsite, etc.
- Include fields: This is for the Detail Report Type. You may choose some fields you want to see on the report output. Animal ID, animal name, and animal type will always appear in the Detail listing.
- Breed Size: This is the size assigned to the breed under Administration > Edit Drop Down Lists > Animal Breeds > Maintain. Enter breed size for the Dog or Cat animal types; do not enter breeds and sizes for Kitten nor Puppy. Enter breed sizes for other animal types as appropriate.
Animal Care Days – Summary (Report 11)
The summary version of 735 Animal Care Days - Detailed
This report provides a study of animals in care over a date range. The report looks at in care statuses recorded in Status History and gives you counts of days and counts of animals (depending on choices below) and the associated average, grouped by one or two grouping options of your choice.
Key Selection Parameters
- Region: this will filter on animals that have the selected region in status history.
- Animal Type: restricts output to the selected animal type as saved in status history.
- Date Range Option:
- Status Begins in Date Range: The filter will take those animals with a status date in the date range you entered.
- Status Occurs Any Part of Date Range: The filter looks at the span of time the animal had the status and includes the animal if the status falls in the selected date range. For example, this selection allows you to see all animals who had the status of Available For Adoption any time in June. If you want to see all animals in care during the month of June you would select this option.
- Source Date: If you choose this option the date filter is restricted to animals with a Source Date in the range selected. You can see the total length of stay using this option and it will include animals currently in care. You need to choose the Count Days By option to All Days at Each Status to do this.
- Outgoing Date: If you choose this option the date filter is restricted to animals with an outgoing status during the date range specified. To see the Total Length of Stay, you will need to choose the Count Days By option to All Days at Each Status to get an accurate count. If you choose to exclude certain statuses they will not be counted. For example, you might want to measure the Total Length of Stay for animals that had an outgoing status in June but exclude their time in foster. To do this, exclude all the Foster statuses.
- Count Days By:
- Animal Days in the Date Range: Only count the days the animal were in care AND within the date range. For example, use this option to see how many meals should have been served to the dogs in June. For this example you would also select the Date Range Option of Status Occurs Any Part of Date Range.
- All Days at Each Status: sums the total amount of days the animal had that status regardless of the date range (the date range and date range option is used to select which animals to include). If there is no next status, it counts through today's date. Examples of using this feature would be to see the average amount of time animals are awaiting sort or the total amount of time the animals are in care.
- Source to Status Date: Counts days from the Source date to selected status regardless of any statuses in between the selected status. It is recommended that you select only one status for this summary to give useful information. For example, use this option to measure how long from incoming to Available for Adoption.
- Status Date to Outgoing Date: Counts days from the start of the selected status to the outgoing date. If there is no outgoing date, the ending report date is used. It is recommended that you select only one status for this summary to give useful information. For example, use this option to measure the length of time from Available for Adoption to any outgoing status, even if there were some other statuses in between.
- Days to One Specific Status: This option needs the Select Status parameter to be filled in (if you forget you will get no data). This option counts all days at each status until the first time the selected status is found for each animal. This gives you the ability to measure the days between incoming and Available for Adoption, for example, and also allows you to exclude certain statuses from the count. Perhaps you need to measure the length of stay between incoming and Available for Adoption, but you do not want to count Foster time in this calculation: Use the Date Range Option of Source Date, the Count Days By option to Days to One Specific Status, the Select Status to Available for Adoption, and exclude the foster statuses.
- Calculate Age On: This option lets you see the animals age calculated from date of birth to the date you select. If you leave this option blank no age will be calculated. If you enter a date, the age will be calculated in years and months and will automatically show on the report.
- Count Animals By: This applies to the Summary Report Type, and determines the Animal Count and the denominator for the average.
- Unique Animal IDs: Counts each animal only once. Useful for studying the total amount of time the animal is in care or average time at available for adoption.
- Instances at Each Status: If an animal has multiple statuses in the output it will be counted each time the status is listed. This is useful if you want to study how long animals are Awaiting Vet Check each time they need it.
- Sort/Group By: These two choices allow you to see counts by those one or two categories. You can leave the same choice in both selections.
- Source Select/Exclude and Sources: You can either select specific sources or exclude specific sources. If you choose Exclude but do not select any specific sources, you will get them all.
- Status Select/Exclude and Statuses: You can either select specific in care statuses or exclude specific ones. If you choose Exclude but do not tick any specific statuses, you will get them all. This only affects the status column and which records are reported; not the Next Status nor the Outgoing Status columns. For example, you may want to count animal care days for June except for animals offsite, so you would Exclude status of In Foster, Available for Adoption Offsite, etc.
- Breed Size: This is the size assigned to the breed under Administration > Edit Drop Down Lists > Animal Breeds > Maintain. Enter breed size for the Dog or Cat animal types; do not enter breeds and sizes for Kitten nor Puppy. Enter breed sizes for other animal types as appropriate.
Animal Email Subscriptions (Report 38)
This Report will list animals that are subscripted to email group lists. The region filter is for the animals current physical location, the status/sub status filter is for the animals current status and sub status. Animals subscripted to individual email addresses will be excluded.
Animal Free Text Notes Report (Report 227)
Allows you to view specific note categories linked to a specific Animal ID. By default, uses all General Animal Notes and Vet Notes. Can be ordered chronologically.
Animal ID Checked Report (Report 374)
This report shows all in care animals with the ID checked field on the animal details set to 'No'
Animal Photo Report (Report 406)
This report shows the animals for different in-care statuses that do not have a photo uploaded to the site.
Animal Socialisation Questions (Report 632)
This report will display animal socialisation data input from the Socialisation Questions section.
Animal Status Report (Report 612)
This report lists animals that had a status within the date range specified. The status history is used to generate this report
- Date Range: uses the status date field on the animal details page
- Animal Type: is the animal type at the time of the animal's status (E.g. puppy then but dog now)
- Status: The status the animal had during the date range specified.
- Region: The physical location of the animal when the status was processed. If the status was information, then the region of the user that entered the animal will be used.
Animal Status with Sub Status Report (Report 151)
This report lists animals with their status and sub status history. The region filter is based on the pets incoming region, the date range is based on the date the animal came in to the shelter, and the animal type is based on the animal type of when it came into the shelter.
Animal Surrender Stats (Report 125)
A statistical report that tables all pets entered within a date range that has a Reason for Surrender entered. Can be filtered by Region, Animal Type, Reason for Surrender and Source.
Animals By Location Report (Report 617)
This report details those animals which are currently in owner care. Filters include animal type, breed, colour and also owner's address.
Animals Received By Report (Detail) (Report 598)
This report should pull the total number of animals received through various means, the information coming from the “Animal Received By:” field on the Animal Details Page.
Animals Received By Report (summary) (Report 597)
This report will pull the total number of animals with a value saved in the Received By drop down on the Animal Details page during the date bracket selected. However, it will only display individual totals for canine and feline types, all other animals are grouped anonymously.
Note: if filters for specific Received By settings are used, then the column "Not Stated" will always return a zero result and by definition, the report using those filters is excluding these entries
Animals Responsible By Person Report (Report 423)
This report shows basic animal details for all animals that a person is responsible for. (ie. In their care).
Setting the incoming date range will show animals that came into the shelter within the specified dates.
Entering a person ID will get animals linked to the specified person. Leaving it blank will display animals for all person IDs.
Selecting a primary microchip brand will show all animals that have been micro-chipped with the selected brand.
Animals Returned (Report 53)
Display animals with source in the source history of "return".
Asilomar Accords – Animal Detail Listing (Report 563)
This report is a companion to Asilomar Accords - Annual Animal Statistics Table showing the animal IDs for each section selected.
Asilomar Accords – Exception Listing (Report 564)
The Asilomar Accords - Exception Listing report is a companion report to the Asilomar Accords - Animal Statistics Table report. It is meant to help find errors and issues.
Section 1: Incoming vs outgoing mismatches
This section looks for animal IDs where the number of incoming counts does not balance with the outgoing counts. The Total column is calculated by: beginning inventory count + incoming count - outgoing count - ending inventory count. Animal IDs where the total is not equal to 0 are shown below. The counts are based on the dates selected.
Example: Date Range Jan 1 2009 to April 1 2009
Group |
Animal ID |
Beginning Inventory Count |
Incoming Count |
Outgoing Count |
Ending Inventory Count |
Total |
Dog |
11111 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Dog |
22222 |
0 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Cat |
33333 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
-1 |
Other |
44444 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
-1 |
The Asilomar Report has four main sections: the count of animals in the beginning inventory, the count of animals that came in during the time period (via public, from transfers from another agency, etc) the count of animals that left during the time period (by either adoption, transfer, euthanasia, etc), and the ending inventory count as of the last day of the date period.
Any animal in the report should either be in the beginning inventory or have come in during the date period, and also should either have left the shelter or be in ending inventory. An animal can only be counted in beginning or ending inventory once. An animal can have more than one incoming count and or more than one outgoing count - returns and second adoptions for example.
In an ideal world, the sum of the Beginning Inventory plus Incoming Count (Ins) should equal the sum of the Outgoing Count plus Ending Inventory (Outs).
Asilomar Accords Report [Uses Euthanasia Reason] (Report 344)
This report is based on the definitions and layout for the Annual Animal Statistics Table at the Asilomar Accords website. See This report uses the evaluation categories set in Admin for each Euthanasia Reason.
Selection Criteria
Dates: Incoming dates are those shown in Date Animal Came In under the Source History for the animal. Outgoing dates are those shown in Status Date under the Status History for the animal. Inventory dates are based on status history dates.
Regions: You may pick one or more regions.
Display Regions: If checked, the regions you selected will be listed above the Beginning Shelter Count on the report. Note this is not part of the Asilomar standard template.
Internal Transfers: You can choose whether internal transfers are counted as Within The Community/Coalition (Sections C and J) or as Outside The Community/Coalition (Sections D and K). Internal transfers between selected regions are not counted at all; the internal transfers are counted where one end of the internal transfer is one of the selected regions and the other end is not selected. This allows you to treat your main shelter and an associated retail store as one unit. If you leave all regions blank then internal transfers are not counted at all.
Alliance: If you have multiple alliances assigned to various shelters and agencies, pick the one you want to use to count as Within Community/Coalition (Sections C and J) or as Outside The Community/Coalition (Sections D and K). If you leave this choice at All, transfers from or to a shelter or agency will be counted as Within Community/Coalition if they are assigned any alliance.
Include Wildlife and Include Other: You may choose to show or not the Wildlife and the Other columns. When both Wildlife and Other are not shown, this report layout matches the standard Asilomar Accords template.
General Report Notes
The animal groups are: dogs (including dogs and puppies), cats (including cats and kittens). Wildlife is determined by the Class setting as seen on the Animal Details page, and anything not one of the above is put into the Other group.
For the Euthanised outgoing counts (M-P), the evaluation categories are taken from the euthanasia reason. The evaluation category is assigned to each euthanasia reason in admin. An additional line has been added for without category assigned to show if there are animals that are missing evaluation category for the euthanasia reason.
When both Wildlife and Other are not shown, this report layout matches the standard template. Additionally, when the Euthanized without category counts are zero, this line will not show, again to match the standard template.
A BEGINNING SHELTER COUNT (beginning date): The count is calculated by counting animals who came in before midnight on the beginning date (i.e., before the day begins) and whos last status change in status history before that time is any in care status.
INTAKE (Live Animals Only): For lines B-H, the animal must have entered the shelter during the date period and in one of the sources that are categorised as a live incoming source.
B From the Public: The counts include these sources: Owner Surrender, Stray, Returns, Agency, Abandoned, ACO Impound, Ambulance, Ambulance-Owner Surrender, Ambulance-Wildlife, Bequest In Shelter, Humane Officer, Humane Officer Seized, Humane Officer Surrendered, Evacuation, Emergency Boarding, Cruelty Case Offspring, Foster Offspring, Shelter Offspring, Owner Surrender-ACO, Owner Surrender-Good Samaritan, Owner Surrender-No Authority, Routine Inspection, Wildlife, and the special cases of Pending Medical Evaluation and Euthanasia Request w/ Consent to Rehome if the second status for that animal is anything other than Euthanized or Awaiting Euthanasia.
C Incoming Transfers from Orgs within Community/Coalition: These counts include the source of Transfer In, and the originating organisation has been linked to your selected alliance or to any alliance if the alliance selection is All. Use the Administration menu to link Shelter/Rescues and Agencies to an alliance.
Section C also counts animals with a status of Internal Transfer In with a status date during the date range, and the internal transfer is into a selected region and the internal transfer is not from one of the selected regions, and you have selected the option for internal transfers to be Within Alliance.
D Incoming Transfers from Orgs outside Community/Coalition: This count includes the source of Transfer In, and the originating organisation has NOT been linked to your selected alliance or is not assigned to any alliance if the alliance selection is All.
Section D also counts animals with a status of Internal Transfer In with a status date during the date range, and the internal transfer is into a selected region and the internal transfer is not from one of the selected regions, and you have selected the option for internal transfers to be Outside Alliance.
E From Owners/Guardians Requesting Euthanasia: This line counts all animals with sources of Owner Requested Euthanasia, ACO - Euthanasia Request, Ambulance - Euthanasia Request, Humane Officer - Euthanasia Request; and the special cases of Pending Medical Evaluation and Euthanasia Request w/ Consent to Rehome if the second status for that animal is euthanized or awaiting euthanasia.
F Total Intake: [B + C + D + E] The sum of all the intake subtotals.
G Owner/Guardian Requested Euthanasia (Unhealthy & Untreatable Only): This line counts animals in line E above and with the Evaluation Category of Unhealthy/Untreatable assigned to the euthanasia reason.
H ADJUSTED TOTAL INTAKE [F minus G]: This shows the subtotal in F less the subtotal in G. It removes the unhealthy/untreatable euthanasia requests from the total intake.
OUTGOING COUNTS: Lines I - P and U are counts of outgoing statuses. The counts are taken from status history.
I ADOPTIONS: This section counts any animal with any of the Adopted statuses, including Adopted, Adopted Offsite, and others.
J OUTGOING TRANSFERS to Organizations within Community/Coalition: Counts any animal with the outgoing status of: Transfer Out, Agency Transfer Out, Emergency Evacuation - Permanent, Emergency Evacuation - Released, Released to Agency, Released to Rescue, Released to Wildlife Rehabilitator; and the organization that the animal is going to has been associated with your selected alliance or to any alliance if the alliance selection is All.
Section J also counts animals with a status of Internal Transfer Out with a status date during the date range, and the internal transfer is from a selected region and the internal transfer is not to one of the selected regions, and you have selected the option for internal transfers to be Within Alliance.
K OUTGOING TRANSFERS to Orgs outside Community/Coalition: counts any animal with the same list of outgoing statuses as above, and the organization that the animal is going to has NOT been associated with your selected alliance or to any alliance if the alliance selection is All.
Section K also counts internal transfers with the same rules as for section J, if you have selected the option for internal transfers to be Outside Alliance.
L RETURN TO OWNER/GUARDIAN: counts animals with these statuses: Reclaimed, Returned To Owner, Returned Surrender, Released to Owner at Vet, Redemption (Offsite), Returned Protective Custody Animal, Bite Quarantine(Home), Seized Release, Emergency Boarding Returned to Owner, Return to Habitat, Released, Wildlife Released
ANIMALS EUTHANIZED: Lines M-P and P2 count any animal with a euthanised status regardless of the source, sub-counts are separated by the evaluation category assigned to the euthanasia reason. Line P2 counts those animals euthanised but there is no category for the euthanasia reason. If P2 counts are all zero, line P2 will not show. Euthanised statuses include: Euthanized, Euthanasia - RTO, EOA - Euthanised on Arrival, Euthanised by Offsite Vet, Euthanasia In Field.
M Healthy (Includes Owner/Guardian Requested Euthanasia)
N Treatable - Rehabilitatable (Includes Owner/Guardian Requested Euthanasia)
O Treatable - Manageable (Includes Owner/Guardian Requested Euthanasia)
P Unhealthy & Untreatable (Includes Owner/Guardian Requested Euthanasia)
P2 Euthanised animals without category assigned: this is added as a double check that all euthanised animals are counted. This line is only shown if counts are greater than zero.
Q Total Euthanasia [M + N + O + P + P2]: the sum of the euthanasia sub-counts
R Owner/Guardian Requested Euthanasia (Unhealthy & Untreatable Only): This is a repeat of line G above
S ADJUSTED TOTAL EUTHANASIA [Q minus R]: Line Q minus Line R
T SUBTOTAL OUTCOMES: [I + J + K + L + S ]: This line excludes owner/guardian requested euthanasia in line G and repeated in R
U DIED OR LOST IN SHELTER/CARE: counts statuses of: Unassisted Death, Escaped, Stolen, Post-operative Death, Unresolved File, and similar outgoing statuses.
V TOTAL OUTCOMES [T + U ]: This line excludes owner/guardian requested euthanasia in line G and repeated in R
W ENDING SHELTER COUNT (ending date): This is an inventory count of animals who came in before 11:59 pm of the ending date and whos last status change in status history before that time is any in care status.
Annual Live Release Rate: This is a percentage display of the sum of adoptions, transfers, and return to owners, divided by the subtotal outcomes (which excludes owner requested euthanasia of unhealthy animals). Using the row headings, the equation is: (I + J + K + L)/T * 100
Data Check: This report displays the data check from the Asilomar Accords standard template as two lines for easy comparison. The first line shows the Beginning Shelter Count (A) plus the Adjusted Total Intake (H). The second line shows the Total Outcomes (V) plus the Ending Shelter Count (W). The two lines should match before you publish your results.
Asilomar Accords Report [Uses Maddies Eval Categories] (Report 587)
This report is based on the definitions and layout for the Annual Animal Statistics Table at the Asilomar Accords website. See Report 587 uses the evaluation categories entered by the user on the Animal Details Page and stored in source and status history, similar to the Maddies Report.
Selection Criteria
Dates: Incoming dates are those shown in Date Animal Came In under the Source History for the animal. Outgoing dates are those shown in Status Date under the Status History for the animal. Inventory dates are based on status history dates.
Regions: You may pick one or more regions.
Display Regions: If checked, the regions you selected will be listed above the Beginning Shelter Count on the report. Note this is not part of the Asilomar standard template.
Internal Transfers: You can choose whether internal transfers are counted as Within The Community/Coalition (Sections C and J) or as Outside The Community/Coalition (Sections D and K). Internal transfers between selected regions are not counted at all; the internal transfers are counted where one end of the internal transfer is one of the selected regions and the other end is not selected. This allows you to treat your main shelter and an associated retail store as one unit. If you leave all regions blank then internal transfers are not counted at all.
Alliance: If you have multiple alliances assigned to various shelters and agencies, pick the one you want to use to count as Within Community/Coalition (Sections C and J) or as Outside The Community/Coalition (Sections D and K). If you leave this choice at All, transfers from or to a shelter or agency will be counted as Within Community/Coalition if they are assigned any alliance.
Include Wildlife and Include Other: You may choose to show or not the Wildlife and the Other columns. When both Wildlife and Other are not shown, this report layout matches the standard Asilomar Accords template.
General Report Notes
The animal groups are: dogs (including dogs and puppies), cats (including cats and kittens). Wildlife is determined by the Class setting as seen on the Animal Details page, and anything not one of the above is put into the Other group.
For the Euthanised outgoing counts (M-P), the evaluation categories are taken from the status history of the animal. The evaluation category is saved to Status History when the user updates the category on the Animal Details page. An additional line has been added for No Category to show if there are animals that are missing evaluation category in Status History.
When both Wildlife and Other are not shown, this report layout matches the standard template. Additionally, when the Euthanized without category counts are zero, this line will not show, again to match the standard template.
A BEGINNING SHELTER COUNT (beginning date): The count is calculated by counting animals who came in before midnight on the beginning date (i.e., before the day begins) and whos last status change in status history before that time is any in care status.
INTAKE (Live Animals Only): For lines B-H, the animal must have entered the shelter during the date period and in one of the sources that are categorised as a live incoming source.
B From the Public: The counts include these sources: Owner Surrender, Stray, Returns, Agency, Abandoned, ACO Impound, Ambulance, Ambulance-Owner Surrender, Ambulance-Wildlife, Bequest In Shelter, Humane Officer, Humane Officer Seized, Humane Officer Surrendered, Evacuation, Emergency Boarding, Cruelty Case Offspring, Foster Offspring, Shelter Offspring, Owner Surrender-ACO, Owner Surrender-Good Samaritan, Owner Surrender-No Authority, Routine Inspection, Wildlife, and the special cases of Pending Medical Evaluation and Euthanasia Request w/ Consent to Rehome if the second status for that animal is anything other than Euthanized or Awaiting Euthanasia.
C Incoming Transfers from Orgs within Community/Coalition: These counts include the source of Transfer In, and the originating organisation has been linked to your selected alliance or to any alliance if the alliance selection is All. Use the Administration menu to link Shelter/Rescues and Agencies to an alliance.
Section C also counts animals with a status of Internal Transfer In with a status date during the date range, and the internal transfer is into a selected region and the internal transfer is not from one of the selected regions, and you have selected the option for internal transfers to be Within Alliance.
D Incoming Transfers from Orgs outside Community/Coalition: This count includes the source of Transfer In, and the originating organisation has NOT been linked to your selected alliance or is not assigned to any alliance if the alliance selection is All.
Section D also counts animals with a status of Internal Transfer In with a status date during the date range, and the internal transfer is into a selected region and the internal transfer is not from one of the selected regions, and you have selected the option for internal transfers to be Outside Alliance.
E From Owners/Guardians Requesting Euthanasia: This line counts all animals with sources of Owner Requested Euthanasia, ACO - Euthanasia Request, Ambulance - Euthanasia Request, Humane Officer - Euthanasia Request; and the special cases of Pending Medical Evaluation and Euthanasia Request w/ Consent to Rehome if the second status for that animal is euthanized or awaiting euthanasia.
F Total Intake: [B + C + D + E] The sum of all the intake subtotals.
G Owner/Guardian Requested Euthanasia (Unhealthy & Untreatable Only): This line counts animals in line E above and with the Evaluation Category of Unhealthy/Untreatable stored in Source History.
H ADJUSTED TOTAL INTAKE [F minus G]: This shows the subtotal in F less the subtotal in G. It removes the unhealthy/untreatable euthanasia requests from the total intake.
OUTGOING COUNTS: Lines I - P and U are counts of outgoing statuses. The counts are taken from status history. For the Euthanasia section, the evaluation category is from status history.
I ADOPTIONS: This section counts any animal with any of the Adopted statuses, including Adopted, Adopted Offsite, and others.
J OUTGOING TRANSFERS to Organizations within Community/Coalition: Counts any animal with the outgoing status of: Transfer Out, Agency Transfer Out, Emergency Evacuation - Permanent, Emergency Evacuation - Released, Released to Agency, Released to Rescue, Released to Wildlife Rehabilitator; and the organization that the animal is going to has been associated with your selected Alliance or to any alliance if the alliance selection is All.
Section J also counts animals with a status of Internal Transfer Out with a status date during the date range, and the internal transfer is from a selected region and the internal transfer is not to one of the selected regions, and you have selected the option for internal transfers to be Within Alliance.
K OUTGOING TRANSFERS to Orgs outside Community/Coalition: counts any animal with the same list of outgoing statuses as above, and the organisation that the animal is going to has NOT been associated with your selected or to any alliance if the alliance selection is All.
Section K also counts internal transfers with the same rules as for section J, if you have selected the option for internal transfers to be Outside Alliance.
L RETURN TO OWNER/GUARDIAN: counts animals with these statuses: Reclaimed, Returned To Owner, Returned Surrender, Released to Owner at Vet, Redemption (Offsite), Returned Protective Custody Animal, Bite Quarantine(Home), Seized Release, Emergency Boarding Returned to Owner, Return to Habitat, Released, Wildlife Released, Released by Agency
ANIMALS EUTHANIZED: Lines M-P and P2 count any animal with a euthanized status regardless of the source, sub-counts are separated by the outgoing evaluation category stored in Status History. Line P2 counts those animals euthanised but there is no category in Status History for the euthanasia status. If P2 counts are all zero, line P2 will not show. Euthanised statuses include: Euthanized, Euthanasia - RTO, EOA - Euthanised on Arrival, Euthanised by Offsite Vet, Euthanasia In Field.
M Healthy (Includes Owner/Guardian Requested Euthanasia)
N Treatable - Rehabilitatable (Includes Owner/Guardian Requested Euthanasia)
O Treatable - Manageable (Includes Owner/Guardian Requested Euthanasia)
P Unhealthy & Untreatable (Includes Owner/Guardian Requested Euthanasia)
P2 No Category: this is added as a double check that all euthanised animals are counted. This line is only shown if counts are greater than zero.
Q Total Euthanasia [M + N + O + P + P2]: the sum of the euthanasia sub-counts
R Owner/Guardian Requested Euthanasia (Unhealthy & Untreatable Only): This is a repeat of line G above
S ADJUSTED TOTAL EUTHANASIA [Q minus R]: Line Q minus Line R
T SUBTOTAL OUTCOMES: [I + J + K + L + S ]: This line excludes owner/guardian requested euthanasia in line G and repeated in R
U DIED OR LOST IN SHELTER/CARE: counts statuses of: Unassisted Death, Escaped, Stolen, Post-operative Death, Unresolved File, and similar outgoing statuses.
V TOTAL OUTCOMES [T + U ]: This line excludes owner/guardian requested euthanasia in line G and repeated in R
W ENDING SHELTER COUNT (ending date): This is an inventory count of animals who came in before 11:59pm of the ending date and whos last status change in status history before that time is any in care status.
Annual Live Release Rate: This is a percentage display of the sum of adoptions, transfers, and return to owners, divided by the subtotal outcomes (which excludes owner requested euthanasia of unhealthy animals). Using the row headings, the equation is: (I + J + K + L)/T * 100
Data Check: This report displays the data check from the Asilomar Accords standard template as two lines for easy comparison. The first line shows the Beginning Shelter Count (A) plus the Adjusted Total Intake (H). The second line shows the Total Outcomes (V) plus the Ending Shelter Count (W). The two lines should match before you publish your results.
Attached Animals List (Report 199)
Lists all animals currently linked either to a Person ID number OR to a specific address.
Available For Adoption (Report 3)
This report displays animals that have the status of "Available For Adoption" or "Available for Adoption - In Foster". The number of days are calculated by comparing the date in shelter field and the current date.
Photos will only show in the PDF export, not when the report displays on screen.
Behaviour Assessment (Detail) (Reports 674)
Provides a detail of behavior assessments. The date refers to the date the test is given (as entered by the user).
Behaviour Assessment (Summary) (Report 673)
Provides a summary total of monthly behavior assessments. The date refers to the date the test is given (as entered by the user).
Behaviour Assessment Recheck (Report 56)
Locates animals requiring a Behaviour Assessment Recheck
Bite Quarantine Status Report (Report 620)
This report lists the animals that had the status of Bite Quarantine during the date range specified. The jurisdiction filter is based on the jurisdiction field on the animal details page that is stored in history (source history).
Breed Incoming Statistics (Report 419)
This report uses the source history to find out what breeds came into the shelter. The animal type, date range, and physical location are all based on the animal's source history. This report does not count animals using data from the Secondary Breed.
Breed Outgoing Statistics (Report 420)
This report uses the status history to find out what breeds left the shelter. The animal type, date range, and physical location are all based on the animal's status history.
Cat Kennel Card Report (Report 433)
This report prints out kennel cards for all Cats/Kittens that have a status of "Available for Adoption".
Cleaning Report (Report 701)
This report displays kennel cleaning request details within a given timeframe.
Selection Parameters
- Date Range refers to the Scheduled Cleaning Date.
- Animal Type refers to the type of animal currently in the kennel, or the last animal in the kennel.
Clinic Consultation Invoice (Report 338)
Reports all clinic procedure costs for a given time frame.
Cost of Animal Report (Report 445)
This report shows all product/services costs associated with an animal during its stay in the shelter. All filters are optional.
- Animal type: This will filter for and display the animal type shown currently on the animal's page.
- Breed: if selected this will only return animals that match the breed selected and omit all others.
- Size: this relates to the size field on the animal details page.
- Animal ID: if you want to see only the information for one specific animal, enter the Animal ID number here and no other filters. Use the date range if you want to see products added to this animal during a specific timeframe.
- Date From/Date To: These relate to the dates items that are added to the files, and not to the source/status of the animals in question. Enter a date range to see items that were added within a specific timeframe.
- Dispatch Job Number: if you need to see all costs related to animals linked to a specific dispatch job, enter the job number here and no other filters. Use other filters as well to further refine your search.
- Emergency Boarding Reason(s): if the report is being run to track costs involved with emergency boarding animals, mark at least one Emergency Boarding reason. This can be used with other filters to further streamline your result.
- Agency or Shelter: This drop down lists all options from the Shelter/Rescue and Agency drop down lists. Select from the drop down to confine your result to just animals linked to an Agency or Shelter/Rescue. Use other filters as well to further refine your search.
- Show Products Charged to Customer: Mark this box to limit the report return only to products that were marked "Charge to Customer". If left unchecked, the report will exclude these items.
- Include Sold Products: This box will only function if "Show Products Charged to Customer" has been marked. Leave this box unmarked if you want to display only those items that have been charged to a customer but not charged to a receipt. Mark this box if you want to display all items charged to a customer, whether charged to a receipt or not.
- Select Fields: These fields are options for information the report will display for you. The prices shown are total costs for the item, not the price per item.
Costed Clinic Detail Listing (Report 654)
This report provides a selection of data regarding animals receiving costed clinic care in a date range.
- Date Range is the date of the consult
- Type is the current animal type as shown on the Animal Details Page
- Address is the physical address of the person associated with the animal.
- Show Procedures: this selection allows you to search for and show the Main Procedures from the costed clinic consultation, or to also look in and show the Products and Services and the Additional Procedures used from the costed clinic consultation. You can then select certain procedures or product/services as needed.
Council Animals In (Report 332)
Statistical report tabling numbers of selected animal types for a specific agency or all agencies over a financial year.
Daily Adoption Report (Report 651)
This report shows the number of each animal type adopted from the specified region within the given date range.
Dangerous Animal Report (Report 416)
This report lists all of the animals that have had the "Dangerous Animal" checkbox on the Animal Details page ticked.
- Selecting an Agency will show animals that are currently attached to the selected Agency.
- Selecting a Physical Location will show animals that are currently located within the selected Physical Location.
- Selecting a Shelter Location will show animals that are currently located within the selected Shelter Location.
Declawed Cats Report (Report 380)
This report shows declawed cats and kittens currently in care, or outgoing in a date range.
Selection Parameters
- Status Type looks at the current status as shown on the Animal Details Page
- Outgoing Date Range is used when you select the status type of Outgoing and is the outgoing date in status history. Date range is optional.
- Region is either the current region if you selected in care animals or the outgoing region from status history if you selected the outgoing status type.
Deleted Animals (Report 270)
This report finds basic details of animals that were deleted either outright or by being merged into another file, or files that have been flagged to delete within a date range.
The return shows minimal information: Animal ID, Date, Reason for deletion, Animal Type, Breed, Owner ID, user and current deletion status (Deleted or Flagged).
Details by Breed Report (Report 422)
This report will show animal details based on animal type, breed, source, region, incoming/outgoing and date the animal was entered.
Disease Animals - In Contact (Report 288)
This report is used to find animals that may have been in contact with a diseased animal. It provides a list of animals that were in a selected location in a date range, or if you enter one animal ID, the animals that were in the same location at the same time during that date range.
The intent of this report is that you should select shelter locations OR a specific animal ID. If you leave both blank, this report might time-out due to too much data. If you select both, it will only show the animals that were in the selected location at the same time the selected animal was there.
Selection Parameters
- Date Range (required): The dates for entry into a kennel location is the automated Date Changed as shown on the Location History. If the animal moved to a new kennel, the next Date Changed shown in Location History is used. If the animal has an outgoing status, the date in status history is used.
- Region (Optional): this is the region associated with the Shelter Location in Location History.
- Shelter Locations (Optional): The location of interest. If you also select a specific animal ID the filter will be on both selections.
- Animal ID (Optional): If you enter an animal ID, the list will show the locations in Location History this animal was housed as well as any other animals housed in that location during the same time period as this one. If the animal entered a specific location multiple times, the routine will look at the earliest entry and the latest exit of the location.
Field Notes
- Selected Animal: This is just a marker if the row is the animal ID you entered, just to make it easier to track the diseased animal.
- Date In Kennel: this is the Date Changed in Location History for when the animal was placed in the kennel.
- Date Moved: this is the next Date Changed in Location History.
- New Location: this is the next location in Location History.
- Current Status/date/location/etc: These are as shown on the Animal Details Page and are helpful to find the other animals that have been in contact with the suspect animal.
Do Not Adopt Report (Report 386)
This report will list everyone that has "Do Not Adopt" ticked.
DOA - Stray Intake (Report 534)
This report shows animals with a source of:
- DOA Stray or
- DOA Agency coming in or
- DOA - Humane Officer
on the dates selected.
The report is used to show the public of the DOA animals that were picked up off of the streets.
They may view the information and attempt to determine whether or not a listed animal is theirs.
DOA Animals Not Cremated (Report 284)
This report has 2 parts:
- Displays animals with these sources:
- DOA - Stray
- DOA - Owner Surrender
- DOA - Agency
- DOA - Humane Officer
That do no have these statuses: - Cremated
- Interred
- It also displays animals with these statuses:
- Cremated
- Interred
but do NOT have with these sources: - DOA - Stray
- DOA - Owner Surrender
- DOA - Agency
- DOA - Humane Officer
Email Report (Report 556)
This report shows all persons with an email address. This report can be run for all people, volunteers, fosters and adopters.
Emergency Evacuation Release Report (Report 253)
This report is used to release evacuation animals in bulk update.
Emergency Evacuation Report (Report 254)
This report is used when evacuating animals out of the shelter. It is used to perform a bulk update of animals in-care to an emergency evacuation status.
Euthanasia by User Count (Report 550)
Shows how many euthanasias have been done by ShelterBuddy users
Euthanasia Reason by Animal Type (Report 410)
This report counts euthanasia reasons by animal type for euthanised animals.
Selection Parameters
- Date Range is the date of the outgoing euthanasia status as stored in Status History
- Region is the one recorded at the time of the outgoing status as stored in Status History
- Euthanasia Statuses: you may select specific euthanasia statuses. If you leave them all blank you will see all these shown. Only animals with euthanised statuses are counted.
- Owner Requested: this allows you to filter or exclude the Owner Requested Euthanasia sources. If you choose Owner Requested ONLY, you will filter on only those animals who came in under one of the euthanasia requested sources, including:
- Euthanasia Request
- ACO - Euthanasia Request
- Ambulance - Euthanasia Request
- Humane Officer - Euthanasia Request
Euthanasia Reason Statistics (Report 287)
This report tracks euthanasia reasons assigned to animals with any status that indicates the animal is no longer alive.
Source Group gives the additional option to view only Owner Requested euthanasia, or exclude Owner Requested Euthanasia, or exclude any animal with a DOA source.
Please note: If required, this report can be run to show results for any and every "not alive" animal, regardless of whether they were in fact euthanised or not (e.g. DOA animals). Therefore, the statuses pre-selected by default are the same used by report 70 "Euthanasia Report" as the two are most commonly used together. If additional statuses are required, you must manually select them to override the default settings.
Euthanasia Report (Report 70)
This report provides a selection of data regarding animals who died in a date range. To show on this report, the animal has to have a live incoming source (DOA is excluded) and a status that is categorised as deceased linked to that source. This report shows only the first status categorised as a deceased status for each animal.
- Date Range is the status date stored in Status History
- Type is the animal type at time of death
- Jurisdiction is that from the time of incoming, stored in Source History.
- Status: if you leave all statuses blank, all animals who died in the date range will be shown, not just euthanised. This allows you to study more than just euthanasia. TheDeceased status is neither an in-care nor an outgoing status. The in-care statuses are used for times that the animal needs to be held.
- Show Drug Usage: this option shows you the drugs used for euthanasia as recorded on the Drug Link. Note if you show drug usage the results may look like duplicates if more than one drug was used. There will be a record for each drug used.
- Evaluation Category and Eval Conditions are the ones linked to status history.
- This report shows the first deceased status for an animal. For example, if an animal has a status of Euthanized during Stray Hold and another status of Euthanized, this report will show only the Euthanized during Stray Hold.
- Note that the status of Euthanized during Stray Hold is an in care status and Deceased is an informational status: counts might not agree with your outgoing statistics reports.
Euthanasia Sympathy Card Report (Report 252)
This report is used to find records of animals euthanised within a date bracket where the “Send Sympathy Card?” tick box on the Animal Details page has been applied.
Expired Trial Adoptions (Report 244)
This report is used to find Trial Adoptions that were scheduled to be finalised within a selected date bracket, but have not yet been finalised.
Failed Behavior Assessment Report (Report 427)
This report shows all dogs, cats, puppies and kittens that have failed the behaviour assessment.
Specifying a date range will get animals that have had behaviour assessments within that date range.
Select an animal type to display only that animal type on the report.
Selecting a "Passed for Rehoming" reason will show animals that only have that reason.
Feeding Requirements (Report 42)
This report is used to find animals that have information entered in the Feeding Requirements note field and are in care.
Frequent Surrenderers (Report 538)
This report counts the number of receipts issued to a person who surrenders animals under Owner Surrender, Stray, or Return during the date period selected. The receipt count is used because it shows the number of times a person has surrendered animals. The total number of animals that the person surrendered is also shown. The report only shows people who have more than one receipt during that time period, and the list is sorted by the person with the most receipts first.
Hold List (Report 4)
This report is used to find animals which currently have the status “Hold”.
HomeSafe ID Export (Report 663)
This report returns all of the animals that are deemed to be sent to HomeSafeID.
Hourly Adoption Report (Report 439)
This report allows you to track the number of adoptions that occur in a particular hour period during the week.
For example, how many adoptions happen on Tuesdays between 9 am - 10 am.
Selecting a date range will allow you to view the total number of hourly adoptions for any specific hour period that occurred within the date range. Dates are taken from the Adoption history (in other words, the date the Adoption itself was processed) and not the Status date.
Selecting a region will only count adoptions that happened in the specified region.
Identification Type & Services Report - Detail (Report 671)
Reports detail data on informational records generated using the Identification type & services PC. Animal type is as of the event date. Grouped by identification type, and ordered within that group by Event Date, then by animal type. Dates are optional and are the status date. You have the ability to choose which data you want on the report. Person IDs and Animal IDs are interactive.
Identification Type & Services Report - Summary (Report 670)
This report shows a summary of animal records created using the Identification type & Services Person Category and is arranged as labelled via the Identification Type/Event (E.g. Microchip Event). The mandatory date is the status date.
Region refers to the shelter region from the receipt, reflecting the user's login location at the time of the receipt's creation. This is an optional filter.
Jurisdiction is taken from the Jurisdiction/Shire field from the Animal Details page from the Lost/Found Address location and is an optional filter.
The Postal Code / Zip will restrict the report's return only to such files attached to person records within the specified code zone. This is an optional filter.
In Care Behavior Assessment Rating (Report 605)
Staff screen animals and will have a good indication what animals are able to go out to outreach events. The rating will be used to select which animals get to participate in outreach events.
This report will only list animals that:
- Have an in care status
- Have an overall rating selected on the behaviour assessment page
In Care Counts By Day (Report 537)
This report counts the number of animals in care each day of the date period selected and shows the counts by animal type.
The report displays counts for animal types (cat, dog, etc) that were in care during that date range, having counts > 0. Animal Types with counts of zero are excluded from the report.
There is no total for each animal type because these are inventory counts and the same animal can be counted in many days. The total for each day is displayed on the far right.
In Care Detail List (Report 656)
This report provides a selection of data regarding animals in care in a date range.
Criteria Notes
- Date Range is based on source and status date. The animal had to be in care sometime during the date range.
- Region filters on the incoming region and the status region (either outgoing or the most recent in care). If the animal came in the selected region stored in Source History OR the last status for the animal is in the selected region (stored in Status History) then the animal will appear on the report.
- Region filters on the incoming region and the status region (either outgoing or the most recent in care). If the animal came in the selected region stored in Source History OR the last status for the animal is in the selected region (stored in Status History) then the animal will appear on the report.
- Region Select filter works only when you have selected one or more regions. It allows you to filter the data on the region the animal came in to or went out from.
- Source is stored in Source History for the animal.
- Status is stored in Status History for the animal. If you leave all statuses empty you will get all outgoing statuses as well as any animals still in care if they were in care during the date range selected.
- Include DOA allows you to show or exclude DOA animals. DOA animals have an incoming source but usually, no time spent in care.
- Show Hyperlink allows you to have the links for the animal ID removed. This is useful if you are exporting to Excel. Some versions of Excel send warning messages if it finds these links on export, and removing the links prevents that warning.
Field Notes
You can set defaults for this report under administration. - Status information is the most recent status linked to the source for the animal. It may be outgoing or in care or informational.
- Incoming Address is the physical address of the person associated with the animal.
- Incoming jurisdiction is stored in Source History for the animal.
- Found Address is the found address for the animal entered on the Animal Details Page and stored in history.
- Euthanasia Date and Reason is only displayed if the outgoing status is one of the euthanised statuses.
- Date Died is only displayed if the outgoing status is one of the unassisted death statuses.
In Care Inventory (Report 226)
This report shows details for all animals currently in care as determined by the status shown on the Animal Details Page.
- Media is all current media appearances for an animal
- Days Here is from the source date (in source history) to today
- Days at Current Status is from the status date on the Animal Details Page to today
- In Shelter Days is the days here less days in foster
- Days the Animal Has Held This Status - will find any animals that have the selected status/s within the number of days selected. For example, if you enter a range of 10 to 20, it will show animals that have had the selected status for 10 to 20 days. The range can be open-ended, so you can find animals that have held a date greater than a set number of days by entering the number into the first box and leaving the second blank, or less than a number of days by entering a number in the second box and leaving the first box empty. The range boxes will only accept whole numbers and numeric characters only.
In Care on Specific Day (Report 646)
This report shows details of animals which were in shelter care on a given date. The inventory is calculated and is based on status history. To be on this report, the animal has to have an incoming source before the specified date, and the status in status history that is dated before the specified date must be an in care status. If you want to match this report with the In Care Inventory, set this report date to today and choose the End of Day date option. If there are discrepancies, run the Audit reports.
You can set defaults for this report under Report Administration.
Selection Criteria
- Inventory Date: This date you are interested in.
- Date Option: Choose Beginning of Day for the calculated inventory before the business day, specifically at midnight on your selected date. Choose End of Day for the calculated inventory after the close of business for the day, specifically at 11:59 pm.
- Region is the region stored in status history with the in care status.
- Include DOA allows you to include or exclude animals that have a DOA source and are still in care as of that date.
- Animal Groups provides an easy way to filter on some of the animal types. You can use Animal Groups or Types; you do not have to specify both.
- Type is the animal type at the selected date as stored in status history.
- Incoming Source is the source attached to the in care status.
- Shelter Location is the location of the animal as of the selected date, and is calculated from location history.
Output Notes
The following fields are as shown on the Animal Details Page:
- Name
- Breed
- Colour/Secondary Colour
- Sex
The following fields are as saved in Status History:
- Type
- Region
- Status
- Status Date
The following fields are as saved in Source History linked to the Status History:
- Source
- Incoming Date
- Lost/Found Address
- Jurisdiction
These fields are showing the most recent value saved in their own history table on or before the selected date:
- Shelter Tag
- VIP Tag
- Shelter Location/Kennel
- Weight
The field Altered is calculated as an estimate as to if the animal was altered by the report date based on a number of factors.
The field Age is calculated in years and months from the animals Date of Birth shown on the Animal Details Page to the Report Date.
In Care With or Without Rabies Vaccination (Report 699)
This report shows animals in care either with or without current rabies vaccination, as determined by the most recent due date of the rabies vaccination. Animals without a due date for the rabies vaccine are considered without the vaccine. Animals who have been given a rabies vaccination but have no due date for the next one are also considered without the vaccine since the expiration is unknown. Animals who do not have a vaccination given date in Shelter Buddy but have a future due date are considered current on their vaccination. Animals with due date on the date you select are considered without vaccination because they are now due for their vaccination.
Selection Parameter Notes
- Region, Shelter Location, Animal Type, and In Care Status are all as shown on the Animal Details Page
- Foster Status allows you to include, exclude or focus on animals in foster. The filter is based on the current status.
- Due Date is the date to compare to the rabies due date. This allows you to adjust the report to catch up to the end of the week for example.
Field Notes
- Incoming From Name is the person or organisation at the time of incoming
- Incoming City State Zip is their physical address or mailing address if no physical address exists.
- Vaccine Given and Due Dates are the most recent entries for the animal.
Incoming / Outgoing Animal Conditions (Report 370)
This report shows animals' Asilomar evaluation categories over the time spent in the shelter.
Incoming Age by Postcode and Animal Type (Report 601)
This report provides details on animals with selected sources, by post code and age. Animal Type is that stored at the time of the source entry. Age is current age as shown on the Animal Details Page. Jurisdiction is the one tied to the address you choose. Surrender Reason is shown on the Animal Details Page.
If you do not choose any Sources you will get all Incoming sources.
You must choose which address to use to display postcode and suburb.
- Dispatch: uses the address tied to the dispatch job for the animal
- Lost/Found: uses the lost and found address recorded at the time of intake, stored in Source History
- Surrender: uses the Physical Address associated with the person or organisation who is linked to the animal in Source History.
Incoming Animal - By Origin Address (Report 171)
This report counts the number of animals that have a value selected in the origin drop down list on the vet notes page. The date range is the date the animal was entered into the system.
Incoming Animal - Original Origin Report (Report 170)
This report counts animals by the information entered into the “Where did you get this animal from” drop down at the top of the Animal Behviour Page.
Incoming Animals By Age (Report 225)
This report finds animals that entered care at a specific age. It can be filtered either using the Age Group or the Date of Birth field (by Weeks, Months and Years only. To find animals that entered care at less than 1 week, enter 0 weeks).
Incoming Animals by Jurisdiction (Report 235)
This report looks at ALL incoming animals during a date range.
These fields are from Source History stored at the time of incoming:
- Jurisdiction
- Region
- Address is the lost/found address stored at the time the animal came in.
- Postcode is that of the lost/found address
- Type
- Source
- Date In
- Circumstance
Date Out: is the outgoing date for that incoming source, if there is one.
New Status: is the current status for the animal shown on the Animal Details Page.
Old Status: is the status before the New Status.
Incoming Animals by Jurisdiction Stats (Report 593)
Provide monthly statistics, by jurisdiction, on the type animals that some into the shelter for a period of time (monthly, quarterly, annually, etc) and if their origin was Animal Control or Surrender, and if Surrender, whether Stray or Owner.
This report uses the jurisdiction field that is entered on the animal details page. This info is stored with the source history (e.g. an animal may come in more than once from a different jurisdiction).
Incoming Animals By Person State (Report 286)
This report is used to find animals that came from people who live in a specific state. It uses the address fields from the incoming Person Details page.
Incoming Animals by Source and Circumstance (Report 624)
This report counts incoming animals by source and circumstance based on Source History.
Incoming Animals for a Shift (Report 592)
This report provides a count of incoming animals during a selected work shift over a date range, to see staff activity on a particular shift. The work shift is defined by the time frame you select. Counts are grouped by jurisdiction in source history. This report uses the date and time that the animal was entered into Shelter Buddy, not the source or status date.
Incoming Animals Microchip Status (Report 677)
Reports the number of animals that have come into care during a date range (required) that were previously microchipped.
Incoming Animals Report (Report 506)
This report counts the number of incoming animals for each month in the selected month range.
These counts are broken up by the incoming Source and also includes counts for (June/July) Financial Years. The Jurisdiction selected refers to the jurisdiction at the time the animal came into the shelter.
Incoming Detail Audit Report (Report 347)
This report is used to view information on what type and how animals are coming into care, and where they come from. It breaks data down statistically by Source, Animal Type, Calendar Month (to date if the month is not complete) and Financial Year to date.
Incoming Detail List (Report 197)
This report provides a selection of data regarding incoming animals in a date range.
This data comes from Source History:
- Received Date
- Incoming Region
- Animal Type
- Source
- Lost/Found Address
- Intake Eval Category/Conditions
- Surrender Reason
- Incoming Jurisdiction
- Animal Received
This data is as shown on the Animal Details Page:
- Age
- Age Group
- Spay/Neuter/Desex Status
- Previously altered
- Current location, kennel, status, breed, etc
- Current person linked to the animal
- Suitable for Events
- Alt. Placement ('Alternative / Specialized Placement')
Other notes:
- Altered Status at Incoming is a calculation based on the spay/neuter/desex date compared to the incoming date, the previous spay/neuter/desex tick box, the current spay/neuter/desex status
- Original Source and Original Source Date display the very first time the animal entered Shelter Buddy
- If a vet treatment of type 'Vaccination' (so not a treatment or test) has a date given, then this will show for 'vaccinated'. If a vaccination is due but not given then it will show for 'unvaccinated'.
NB: If you select options from both the Suitable for Events and the Alt Placement lists, then the report will only return animals that have BOTH items listed on their file. Animals that only have one or the other will be omitted.
Incoming External Transfers (Report 710)
This report provides a selection of data regarding animals incoming in a date range from agencies and shelter rescues with any source, and additionally from individuals with the source of Transfer In. The intent is to provide data regarding intake from other organisations.
Parameter Notes
- Date Range: the incoming date stored in Source History
- Regions: the incoming region stored in Source History
- Animal Types: the animal type at incoming stored in Source History
- Individuals: If you select Include or Only, then people will show who are not in the Agency dropdown nor the Shelter/Rescue drop down and are associated with an intake with a source of Transfer In. This gives you a way to see individuals who might need to be added to the Agency or Shelter/Rescue drop down list (under Administration). If you choose Exclude these individuals will not show in the report.
- Alliance: the alliance associated with the Agency or Shelter Rescue. You can choose one, all, or not in alliance.
- Sources: All sources are shown, so you can see if some organisations brought in animals under sources other than Transfer In, or you can filter on selected sources. Individuals are included only if their intake has a source of Transfer In.
- DOA: allows you to easily include or exclude any of the DOA sources.
- Euth. Requests: allows you to easily include or exclude any of the Euthanasia Request sources.
Field Notes
- Delivery: a combination of the organization name and the date that animals were brought in. This gives you the ability to see which animals were delivered each trip. For the purpose of this report, dates are displayed in the format yyyy-mm-dd to ensure that each entry and each grouping appears chronologically and uniformly throughout.
- State: from the physical address for the individual or organization shown on the Person Details page.
- Spay/Neutered at Intake: calculated based on intake date, spay/neuter date, previous spay/neuter setting.
- Status: the most recent status associated with this animal and intake.
Incoming Shelter/Rescue Summary (Report 86)
This is a summary version of the incoming shelter / rescue report. Date range is the incoming date of the pet and animal type is the type at time it came into care.
Incoming Shelter/Rescue Report (Report 384)
This report shows all animals which were brought into a shelter/rescue with a source of 'Agency Incoming' or 'Transfer In'.
Incoming Vs Outgoing (Report 281)
An audit that displays all records that have an imbalance between the number of incoming sources and outgoing statuses. It marks if an animal is in care to help with urgency.
Interested Party (Report 221)
This report is used to track animals that have had the Hold Interested Party procedure applied. It can be run for a specific animal, or for bulk animals.
Inventory History (Report 282)
Shelter Buddy Staff may need to configure this report for your site.
This report runs in parallel with the inventory snapshot functionality. At the beginning of each month, Shelter Buddy takes a "snapshot" of all animals that are currently in care. This is designed to help in debugging end of month shelter statistics. This report displays the contents of the snapshot.
Length Between 2 Statuses (Report 614)
This Report calculates the number of animals, total length, and the average of the number of days an animal was between statuses. For example, running this report with a To status of "available for adoption" and a from the status of "Adopted" would give the number of days the animal had the status of "available for adoption" before it was given the status of "adopted".
The report uses the status history to calculate these figures. A break down of the filters are:
- The source filter will use the animal's source that was applied during its status history (from source history) at the time the "from status" was applied.
- The date ranges are from the status date field that is stored in the status history at the time the "from status" was applied.
- The region filter is the physical location of an animal when it was in care, or if the status was outgoing then the user of the region that first entered the animal is used. The "From status" history is used (in case the animal is transferred to a different region)
- The animal type is the type the animal was at the time the "from status" was applied (from status history)
Length of Stay by Region (Report 686)
Reports on the length of stay by region in both summary and detailed formats. This report will only show the number of days in shelter per animal type within the given time frame, not total. For example, if a dog enters a shelter on April 1 and leaves on April 21, but the report is only being run for the range of April 7 - April 14, then the dog's number of days is counted as 7, not 21. Data is pulled from status history plus source history.
This report pulls data based on both status and source dates. Please run the audit reports to be sure your data is clean. Recommended reports include Outgoing Status History Audit and Source and Status Date Audit.
- Date From: Required. The status date from status history.
- Date To: Required. The status date from status history or the from date from source history.
- Region(s): The animal's physical location from source history or status history.
- Animal Type(s): The animal's type from source history or status history.
- Incoming Source(s): Optional. The incoming source, so you can exclude DOA or Euthanasia Requests, for example. Internal Transfers are included if the true source is in the selected list. Leave blank for all sources. You cannot filter on Internal Transfers.
- Outgoing Status(es): Optional. If you select any outgoing status then the animals still in care will be excluded. Internal transfers are included if the true outgoing status is in the selected list. Leave blank for all outgoing statuses plus in care animals. You cannot filter on Internal Transfers.
Summary Report Format:
- Number of Animals: Total number of animals from source history and status history for this period. Each visit at a region counts separately.
- Total Report Days: Difference between start date/time and end date/time. Start date is either the day the animal arrived in shelter or the date from parameter, whichever is later. End date is either the day the animal left shelter, or the date to parameter, whichever is sooner.
- Average Report Days: Total report days divided by number of animals.
Detail Report Format:
- Total Report Days: Difference between start date/time and end date/time. Start date is either the day the animal arrived in shelter or the date from parameter, whichever is later. End date is either the day the animal left shelter, or the date to parameter, whichever is sooner.
- Report Start Date: Either the starting parameter or the date the animal came to the region via a new source or an internal transfer in.
- Report End Date: either the ending parameter or the date the animal left the region via an outgoing status or an internal transfer out.
- Actual Start: the day the animal arrived in shelter.
- Actual End: the day the animal left shelter.
License Renewal Export (Report 33)
This is the license renewal report but exported to excel instead of a letter
Litter Report Summary (Report 623)
This report shows a total count of litters.
Live Animal Reconcilliation (Report 283)
This report runs an inventory that compares the number of incoming and outgoing animals.
Maddies Fund: Animal Statistics Table (Report 541)
This report is based on the definitions and layout for the Animal Statistics Table Annual Reporting Form at the Maddies Fund website. See
Selection Criteria
Dates: Incoming dates are those shown in Date Animal Came In under the Source History for the animal. Outgoing dates are those shown in Status Date under the Status History for the animal. Inventory dates are based on status history dates.
Regions: You may pick one or more regions to study.
Display Regions: If checked, the regions you selected will be listed under the Organization Name on the report. Note this is not part of the Maddies standard template.
Internal Transfers: You can choose whether internal transfers are counted as Within The Target Community (Sections C and J) or as Outside The Target Community (Sections D and K). Internal transfers between selected regions are not counted at all; the internal transfers are counted where one end of the internal transfer is one of the selected regions and the other end is not selected. This allows you to treat your main shelter and an associated retail store as one unit. If you leave all regions blank then internal transfers are not counted at all.
Alliance: If you have multiple alliances assigned to various shelters and agencies, pick the one you want to use to count as Within Target Community (Sections C and J) or as Outside The Target Community (Sections D and K). If you leave this choice at All, transfers from or to a shelter or agency will be counted as Within Target Community if they are assigned any alliance.
Include Wildlife and Include Other: You may choose to show or not the Wildlife and the Other columns. When both Wildlife and Other are not shown, this report layout matches the standard template from Maddies Fund.
Put X Next To: This parameter gives you the option to put an X next to your type of organization. This is displayed in the report header.
General Report Notes
The animal groups are: dogs (including dogs and puppies), cats (including cats and kittens). Wildlife is determined by the Class setting as seen on the Animal Details page, and anything not one of the above is put into the Other group.
For Intake counts (B-H), the evaluation categories (Healthy, Treatable-Rehabilitatable, etc) are taken from the source history for the animal. The evaluation category is saved to Source History when the user updates the category on the Animal Details page. An additional line has been added for No Category to show if there are animals that are missing evaluation category in Source History.
For all the outgoing counts (I-V), the evaluation categories are taken from the status history for the animal. The evaluation category is saved to Status History when the user updates the category on the Animal Details page. An additional line has been added for No Category to show if there are animals that are missing evaluation category in Status History.
When both Wildlife and Other are not shown, this report layout matches the standard template from Maddies Fund. Additionally, when the No Category counts are zero, those lines will not show, again to match the standard template.
A BEGINNING SHELTER COUNT (beginning date): The count is calculated by counting animals who came in before midnight on the beginning date (i.e., before the day begins) and whos last status change in status history before that time is any in care status.
INTAKE (Live Animals Only): For lines B-H, the animal must have entered the shelter during the date period and in one of the sources that are categorized as a live incoming source.
B From the Public: The counts include these sources: Owner Surrender, Stray, Returns, Agency, Abandoned, ACO Impound, Ambulance, Ambulance-Owner Surrender, Ambulance-Wildlife, Bequest In Shelter, Humane Officer, Humane Officer Seized, Humane Officer Surrendered, Evacuation, Emergency Boarding, Cruelty Case Offspring, Foster Offspring, Shelter Offspring, Owner Surrender-ACO, Owner Surrender-Good Samaritan, Owner Surrender-No Authority, Routine Inspection, Wildlife, and the special cases of Pending Medical Evaluation and Euthanasia Request w/ Consent to Rehome if the second status for that animal is anything other than Euthanized or Awaiting Euthanasia. The counts are sub-categorized by the evaluation category stored in Source History.
C Incoming Transfers from Orgs Within Target Community: These counts includes the source of Transfer In, and the originating organization has been linked to an alliance. Use the Administration menu to link Shelter/Rescues and Agencies to an alliance. The counts are sub-categorized by the evaluation category stored in Source History.
Section C also counts animals with status of Internal Transfer In with status date during the date range, and the internal transfer is into a selected region and the internal transfer is not from one of the selected regions, and you have selected the option for internal transfers to be Within Alliance. Evaluation category for these animals is pulled from Status History.
D Incoming Transfers from Orgs Outside Target Community: This count includes the source of Transfer In, and the originating organization has NOT been linked to an alliance. The counts are sub-categorized by the evaluation category stored in Source History.
Section D also counts animals with status of Internal Transfer In with status date during the date range, and the internal transfer is into a selected region and the internal transfer is not from one of the selected regions, and you have selected the option for internal transfers to be Outside Alliance. Evaluation category for these animals is pulled from Status History.
E From Owners/Guardians Requesting Euthanasia: This line counts all animals with sources of Owner Requested Euthanasia, ACO - Euthanasia Request, Ambulance - Euthanasia Request, Humane Officer - Euthanasia Request; and the special cases of Pending Medical Evaluation and Euthanasia Request w/ Consent to Rehome if the second status for that animal is euthanized or awaiting euthanasia. The counts are sub-categorized by the evaluation category stored in Source History.
F Total Intake: [B + C + D + E] The sum of all the intake subtotals.
G Owner/Guardian Requested Euthanasia (Unhealthy & Untreatable Only): This line counts animals in line E above and with the Evaluation Category of Unhealthy/Untreatable.
H ADJUSTED TOTAL INTAKE [F minus G]: This shows the subtotal in F less the subtotal in G. It removes the unhealthy/untreatable euthanasia requests from the total intake.
OUTGOING COUNTS: Lines I - P and U are counts of outgoing statuses. The counts are taken from status history. The evaluation category at the time of the status of the animal is changed to the outgoing status is saved to status history. The outgoing evaluation category may be different from the incoming evaluation category.
I ADOPTIONS: This section counts any animal with any of the Adopted statuses, including Adopted, Adopted Offsite, and others. Subcounts are by the outgoing evaluation category in Status History.
J OUTGOING TRANSFERS to Organizations within Target Community: Counts any animal with the outgoing status of: Transfer Out, Agency Transfer Out, Emergency Evacuation - Permanent, Emergency Evacuation - Released, Released to Agency, Released to Rescue, Released to Wildlife Rehabilitator; and the organization that the animal is going to has been associated with an Alliance.
Section J also counts animals with status of Internal Transfer Out with status date during the date range, and the internal transfer is from a selected region and the internal transfer is not to one of the selected regions, and you have selected the option for internal transfers to be Within Alliance. Evaluation category for these animals is pulled from Status History.
K OUTGOING TRANSFERS to Orgs outside Target Community: counts any animal with the same list of outgoing statuses as above, and the organization that the animal is going to has NOT been associated with an Alliance.
Section K also counts internal transfers with the same rules as for section J, if you have selected the option for internal transfers to be Outside Alliance.
L1 RETURN TO OWNER/GUARDIAN: counts animals with these statuses: Reclaimed, Returned To Owner, Returned Surrender, Released to Owner at Vet, Redemption (Offsite), Returned Protective Custody Animal, Bite Quarantine(Home), Seized Release, Emergency Boarding Returned to Owner, Released by Agency.
L2 RETURN TO HABITAT: counts animals with these statuses: Return to Habitat, Released, Wildlife Released
ANIMALS EUTHANIZED: Lines M-P and P2 count any animal with a euthanized status regardless of the source, sub-counts are separated by the outgoing evaluation category stored in Status History. Line P2 counts those animals euthanized but there is no category in Status History for the euthanasia status. If P2 counts are all zero, line P2 will not show. Euthanized statuses include: Euthanized, Euthanasia - RTO, EOA - Euthanized on Arrival, Euthanized by Offsite Vet, Euthanasia In Field.
M Healthy (Includes Owner/Guardian Requested Euthanasia)
N Treatable - Rehabilitatable (Includes Owner/Guardian Requested Euthanasia)
O Treatable - Manageable (Includes Owner/Guardian Requested Euthanasia)
P Unhealthy & Untreatable (Includes Owner/Guardian Requested Euthanasia)
P2 No Category: this is added as a double check that all euthanized animals are counted. This line is only shown if counts are greater than zero.
Q Total Euthanasia [M + N + O + P + P2]: the sum of the euthanasia sub-counts
R Owner/Guardian Requested Euthanasia (Unhealthy & Untreatable Only): This is a repeat of line G above
S ADJUSTED TOTAL EUTHANASIA [Q minus R]: Line Q minus Line R
T SUBTOTAL OUTCOMES: [I + J + K + L + S ]: This line excludes owner/guardian requested euthanasia in line G and repeated in R
U DIED OR LOST IN SHELTER/CARE: counts statuses of: Unassisted Death, Escaped, Stolen, Post-operative Death, Unresolved File, and similar outgoing statuses.
V TOTAL OUTCOMES [T + U ]: This line excludes owner/guardian requested euthanasia in line G and repeated in R
W ENDING SHELTER COUNT (ending date): This is an inventory count of animals who came in before 11:59pm of the ending date and whos last status change in status history before that time is any in care status.
Mathematical Calculation for Ending Count: this is simply the math of counting the animals that were in the beginning count, plus the total intake, less the total outcomes. In an ideal world, the values in this row will match the values in row W.
Maddies Fund- Detail Animal Listing (Report 565)
This report is a companion to the Maddies Report: Animal Statistics Table (Report 541). This report shows all animal IDs and related data for the sections that are direct counts of animals. The sections that are mathematical calculations based on other counts are not offered. See help under the Maddies Report for definitions of sections and how the Alliance and Internal Transfer options are used.
You must select one of the major sections. Each section will produce different columns that are pertinent to that section.
Beginning Shelter Count: Data is related to inventory as of the start of the Date From selected. Selections of Sub Section, Alliance, Internal Transfer and optional fields are ignored. Data shown is as of the time of the inventory.
Intakes: Data is related to incoming sources during the date range selected. You may further filter the output by selecting one or more of the incoming Sub Sections B-E. Selections of Subsection, Alliance, Internal Transfer and optional fields are used.
Outcomes: Data is related outgoing status history during the date range selected. You may further filter the output by selecting one or more of the outgoing Sub Sections I-U. Selections of Subsection, Alliance, Internal Transfer and optional fields are used.
Beginning Shelter Count: Data is related to inventory as of the end of the day of the Date To selected. Selections of Sub Sections, Alliance, Internal Transfer and optional fields are ignored. Data shown is as of the time of the inventory.
Maddies Fund - Exception Listing (Report 566)
The Maddies Fund - Exception Listing is a companion report to the two Maddies Reports: Animal Statistics Table: Adoption Guarantee Organization, and Animal Statistics Table: Animal Control and Traditional Shelter. It is meant to help find errors and issues.
You may also find these reports useful:
- Animal Type History Audit Report (401): to check for animals that came in as one type (dog) and out as another (rabbit)
- Audit Trail (119): to see edits on an animal record
Section 1: Incoming / Outgoing Balance
This section looks for animal IDs where the number of incoming counts does not balance with the outgoing counts for the date period selected. The Total column is calculated by: beginning inventory count + incoming count - outgoing count - ending inventory count. Animal IDs where the total is not equal to 0 are shown below.
Example: Date Range Jan 1 2009 to April 1 2009
Group |
Animal ID |
Beginning Inventory Count |
Incoming Count |
Outgoing Count |
Ending Inventory Count |
Total |
Dog |
11111 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Dog |
22222 |
0 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Cat |
33333 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
-1 |
Cat |
44444 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
-1 |
Other |
55555 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
The Maddies Report has four main sections: the count of animals in the beginning inventory, the count of animals that came in during the time period (via public, from transfers from another agency, etc) the count of animals that left during the time period (by either adoption, transfer, euthanasia, etc), and the ending inventory count as of the last day of the date period.
Any animal in the report should either be in the beginning inventory or have come in during the date period, and also should either have left the shelter or be in ending inventory. An animal can only be counted in beginning or ending inventory once. An animal can have more than one incoming count and or more than one outgoing count - returns and second adoptions for example.
In an ideal world, the sum of the Beginning Inventory plus Incoming Count (Ins) should equal the sum of the Outgoing Count plus Ending Inventory (Outs).
Sometimes the math does not work out properly. That is why this exception report exists. Data entry mistakes can cause problems, as can editing the data improperly or incompletely. Editing the data is required to make sure your database is clean, and editing the data is required to fix these problems.
This table counts the number of times that animal ID appears in each of the four parts. The Total column in the report is the result of the equation: Beginning Inventory Count + Incoming Count - Outgoing Count - Ending Inventory Count. Where the total is positive (examples of the two dogs above), that means you have more Ins than Outs. Where the total is negative, that means you have more Outs than Ins.
Example 1: In the example above, dog 11111 was in the beginning inventory on the From Date selected for the report. However it never had an outgoing status nor was it in the ending inventory. The place to look first for this problem would be the status history. You can click the Animal IDs on this report to open a new window showing the Animal Details Page, and then click the Status History. To be counted in inventory, the most recent status before the From Date must be an in care status. In this example, you are looking for a status that is before 1 Jan 09. Then compare the other statuses to see if you have a problem. You can also look under Administration > Maintain Status History and Administration > Maintain Source History to see if the animal type is the same. Puppy to Dog and Kitten to Cat is OK and correct and should be left alone; however there have been times when an animal came in as a Dog but was really a Rabbit and somewhere along the line the animal type was changed. The animal type is stored in history so you can see and correct it there.
Example 2: Dog 22222 shows two incoming counts. The place to look first on this type of problem is Source History. Are there duplicates?
Example 3: Cat 33333 shows the animal was in care on 1 Jan 09: look at the Status History for the cat and see that the most recent status change before 1 Jan 09 was an in care status. Then the animal has one outgoing and is ALSO on the ending inventory count without having another incoming count. You will need to look at both source and status history for this animal. You may want to run the Audit Trail report to see if what changes have been made to the animal record.
Example 4: Cat 44444: if you click on the animal ID you will open a new window showing the animal details. This example has only an outgoing count. Look in the Status History. If there are no status entries before the From Date, then you know it could not have been in beginning inventory. Look in Source History - is there a matching source history entry for the first (often awaiting sort) status? Do the dates match? Maybe the source is one that is not counted as an intake source. Examples of these include Information and Animal Training.
Example 5: Other 55555: if you click on the animal ID you will open a new window showing the animal details. This example has only an incoming count. Look in Source History, and note the date the animal came in . Now look at Status History - is there a matching entry for the first (often awaiting sort) status? Do the dates match? Is the Awaiting Sort date AFTER the ending inventory date? Sometimes when statuses are edited, the source date does not get changed. If the ending date you chose falls between those two dates, then you will see an incoming without an ending inventory date. You will need to edit either the source date or the first status date so that they align.
Note: Beginning and ending inventory is based on the Status history while the intake is based on Source history. This can be confusing because if you have a source entry of one day the first a status history date is a few days later, the animal may show up as an intake but not be counted in inventory, if the dates align that way. In the example above, with the dates of 1 Jan through 1 April, if the animal has a source date of 30 March and an Awaiting Status date of 2 April, this animal would show up as a discrepancy here. However if another animal has a source date of 15 March and an Awaiting Status date of 18 March, then this routine will not show this animal given those same date parameters, because by the ending inventory date of 1 April, the animal will be counted.
Section 2: Intake Animals without Evaluation Category
This section looks for incoming animal IDs where the Evaluation Category is missing from Source History or is set to Feral. The Evaluation Category is assigned in the Animal Details page, or it can be corrected in the Maintain Source History function.
This section of the report just lists the animal group (dog, cat, wildlife, other) and the animal IDs for those animals that meet the criteria above. Users do not save the evaluation category to Source History directly. Instead, after an animal is entered into the system, the next time an evaluation category is selected for that animal using the drop down list on the Animal Details Page, the selection is saved to the appropriate source history.
To appear on this section of the report, the animal has to have one an incoming entry in Source History dated in the time period you selected, and the evaluation category in that same record is blank or is set to Feral. Feral should not be used for the Maddies Report. To edit the source history, click the Administration link on the left side menu, then click Edit Evaluation Category History. Enter the animal ID, and click Edit to add or change an evaluation category, or delete to remove an erroneous one.
Section 3: Outgoing Animals without Evaluation Category
This section looks for outgoing animal IDs where the Evaluation Category is missing from Status History or is set to Feral. The Evaluation Category is assigned in the Animal Details page or corrected in the Maintain Status History function.
This section of the report just lists the animal group (dog, cat, wildlife, other) and the animal IDs for those animals that meet the criteria above. Users do not save the evaluation category to Status History directly. Instead, while processing the outgoing status change the evaluation category is saved to the appropriate status history.
To appear on this section of the report, the animal has to have one an outgoing status in Status History dated in the time period you selected, and the evaluation category in that same record is blank or is set to Feral. Feral should not be used for the Maddies Report. To edit the status history, click the Administration menu on the left side menu, then click Maintain Status History for Animal. Enter the animal ID, and click View Status History. Select the particular record you want to edit. You can add or change the evaluation category.
Section 4: Euthanized Animals where Euthanasia Category is Different from Evaluation Category
This section looks for euthanized animals where the Euthanasia Category associated with the reason for euthanasia is different from the evaluation category stored in status history. This section shows only animals that have both categories entered. Correct by either changing the Reason for Euthansia on the Animal Detail Page or editing the Evaluation Category in the Maintain Status History function.
This section of the is intended to help you match the Asilomar Report (344) version that uses the Euthanasia Category to the Maddies Fund reports which use the evaluation category. To differentiate between the two categories, the term Euthanasia Category is used to specify the one that is matched to the Reason for Euthanasia, the one that the user does not directly select. The term Evaluation Category is used to specify the one that the user enters into the Animal Details Page and is stored in Status History. Only animals euthanized are shown on this section, and the animal must have both a Euthanasia Category assigned as well as an Evaluation Category.
Animals shown here do not directly cause number discrepancies on your Maddies nor Asilomar reports, however a comparison between the reports may differ.
To edit the status history, click the Administration menu on the left side menu, then click Maintain Status History for Animal. Enter the animal ID, and click View Status History. Select the particular record you want to edit. You can add or change the evaluation category.
If the reason for euthanasia is missing an evaluation category, click the Administration menu on the left side menu, then click Edit Drop Downs. Go to Euthanasia Reasons and click Maintain. You can edit the reasons here, and add an evaluation category.
If the two categories disagree because of the reason for euthanasia, you can change that on the Animal Details Page.
Section 5: Long Term Inventory Animals
This section looks for animal IDs in the Beginning Inventory that have not had a status change for over 6 months. The data may be correct. This is just something to review.
This section of the report is intended to help you check for animals that might have data entry errors and appear to be in inventory for a long time but really should be removed. The animal has to be in your beginning inventory and then have no status changes for 6 months before that date. This is correct for some animals; Protective Custody is common. If you see animals that should not be on this list, then add an outgoing status to their status history.
Media Animal Stories (Report 664)
This report shows details of animals that have been in the media. The 'date from' and 'date to' input parameters refer to the dates the media was entered for the animal. Grouped by media outlet when you choose 'All'.
Microchipped Animals Report (Report 379)
This report shows all animals with Microchips with the following inclusions:
- Only animals that have a microchip
- No animals included that are deceased
- The animal has an outgoing status within the date range or...
- The animal has been entered through the identification PC and the identification type has the microchip option selected or...
- The animal has a license entered and the microchip has been purchased as part of this license.
The filters are based on:
- Region: The location of the pet at the time of the status.
- Date: The date of the animals outgoing status, or the date they were entered in the license or identification PC.
- Animal Type: the animal type at time of the transaction.
- Clinic Animals: These are animals that have a source of clinic and have a chip implant date within the selected date range.
Microchipped Outgoing Animals (Report 421)
This report selects all animals that have been microchipped and have had either an adopted or redeemed status within a given time period.
The time period specified will filter on the date the animal's status was changed.
Number Allocation Report (Report 607)
Displays a list of all the number allocated for a range.
Outgoing (including transfers) Detail Report (Report 528)
This is a detailed report for the "Shelter Statistics - Outgoing (including transfers)" report. It list animals that have left the shelter (from status history) and animals that have left the shelter but transferred to a different region before leaving. Transfers are calculated by getting all the transfers from the selected region (transfer history) that have an outgoing status (from status history).
Outgoing Animals - Agencies/Shelter Groups (Report 236)
This report counts animals with status of Transferred Out in Status History over the selected date range, and that were transferred to an agency or shelter/rescue. Region corresponds to the region the animal was transferred out of as stored in Status History.
Outgoing Animals By Age (Report 489)
This report counts the number of animals (broken up into animal type) that have left the shelter.
- The report uses status history to find all animals with an outgoing status.
- The region is the physical location of the animal when it left the shelter (stored in status history)
- The date range is the status date at the time the animal left the shelter (stored in status history)
- The gender is from the animal details page
- Age Range is the number of weeks/months/years difference between the DOB and the date the animal left the shelter (status date in status history)
- Age group is from the animal details page and this is not stored in history (so if the animal was a baby when it left the shelter, but is now currently an adult, the report will count the stat as ADULT)
- Animal Type is based on the type when the animal left the shelter (e.g. if the animal was a puppy when it left, but is now a dog, the report will count this as PUPPY).
Outgoing Detail Audit Report (Report 346)
This report is used to view information on what type and how animals are exiting care, and where they went to. It breaks data down statistically by Source, Animal Type, Calendar Month (to date if the month is not complete) and Financial Year to date. Includes financial information from outgoing receipts.
Outgoing Detail List (Report 198)
This report provides a selection of data regarding animals with outgoing statuses in a date range.
Selection Parameters
- Date Range: the outgoing status date in Status History
- Region: the outgoing region in Status History
- Animal Classes: this provides you a way to pick a class of animal such as Wildlife instead of having to pick out the individual animal types.
- Animal Types: the animal type at outgoing status, as stored in Status History
- Incoming Sources: You may select specific sources to include. If you leave all blank, you will get all sources.
- Include DOA: You may include or exclude the various DOA sources with this check box. You could create the same filter by using the Incoming Sources list and unchecking all the DOA sources; this is easier. Note: this filters on source not status in order to match with the Shelter Statistics - Incoming report.
- Incoming Jurisdiction: the jurisdiction recorded at the time of incoming and stored in Source History.
- Animal Received: allows you to filter on the Animal Received field recorded at the time of incoming.
- Outgoing Statuses: the statuses in Status History that are counted. If outgoing statuses were used but are currently hidden, you will see those at the end of the list. When you chose rows =Outgoing Status then hidden statuses will include the prefix Hidden.
- Separate ORE: If you check this box, animals with one of the various euthanized statuses and source of one of the various Owner Requested Euthanasia sources will be counted with the status of Euthanized-Owner Requested.
- Outgoing Jurisdiction: the jurisdiction of the person associated with the outgoing status (seen under that person/organization physical address)
- Agency, Shelter/Rescue, and Person ID: These three work together; you can pick any combination or you can leave all blank. Selections will filter on outgoing animals to these chosen people or organizations.
- Vet Treatment Status: Vaccinated will look for any vaccination treatment at any date assigned to the animal. Unvaccinated will look for animals that have no vaccination treatments entered into the system.
- Feral: allows you to filter on the Feral status as shown on the Animal Details Page.
- Suitable for Events: from the animal details page. If you do not specify, the filter will not be applied.
- Alt. Placement: from the animal details page, 'Alternative / Specialised Placement'. If you do not specify, the filter will not be applied.
- Changed Type: if you check this you will see ONLY animals have a different type Source History as compared to the type in the outgoing status in Status History.
Field Notes
You can set defaults for this report under administration.
- These fields come from status history:
- Outgoing Person/Org and address
- Outgoing Status
- Outgoing Date
- Outgoing Region
- Evaluation Category
- Evaluation Conditions
- These fields come from Source history tied to the outgoing status:
- Source
- Source Date
- Incoming Agency/Council/Person name, address
- Incoming Jurisdiction
- Incoming Region
- Animal Received
- Found Address
- Came In As: displays only if different from the outgoing type
- These fields come from the Animal Details Page:
- Animal Name
- Breed, Color, Sex, Age, Altered status
- Current Status
- various Identification fields
- Feral
- Spay/Neuter/Desex status
- Current Media
- Other notable fields:
- Altered Status at Incoming is a calculation based on the spay/neuter/desex date compared to the incoming date, the previous spay/neuter/desex tick box, the current spay/neuter/desex status
- 1st Agency/Rescue: the agency or rescue that the animal came from the first time it was entered into the system.
- Last Kennel Location: the location last saved before the outgoing status
- Where did you get this animal From: from the Animal Behavior page
- Outgoing Jurisdiction: as shown on the Physical Address section of the person attached to the outgoing status.
- Media: the media list that was entered before the date of the outgoing status.
NB: If you select options from both the Suitable for Events and the Alt Placement lists, then the report will only return animals that have BOTH items listed on their file. Animals that only have one or the other will be omitted.
Outgoing External Transfers (Report 711)
This report provides a selection of data regarding animals with outgoing status in a date range to agencies and shelter rescues with any status, and additionally to individuals with status of Transfer Out. The intent is to provide data regarding outcomes to other organizations.
Parameter Notes
- Date Range: the outgoing status date stored in Status History.
- Regions: the outgoing region stored in Status History.
- Animal Types: the animal type at outcome stored in Status History.
- Individuals: If you select Include or Only, then people will show who are not in the Agency dropdown nor the Shelter/Rescue drop down and are associated with an status of Transfer Out. This gives you a way to see individuals who might need to be added to the Agency or Shelter/Rescue drop down list (under Administration). If you choose Exclude these individuals will not show in the report.
- Alliance: the alliance associated with the Agency or Shelter Rescue. You can choose one, all, or not in alliance.
- Statuses: All statuses are shown, so you can see if some organizations took animals under statuses other than Transfer Out, or you can filter on selected statuses. Individuals are included only if their outcome has a status of Transfer Out.
- DOA: allows you to easily include or exclude any of the DOA sources. Note this filter is based on the incoming source, and since the owner generally stays the same for DOA animals, the agency or shelter/rescue likely brought in the animal. Including these in your counts might be misleading.
- Euth. Requests: allows you to easily include or exclude any of the Euthanasia Request sources. Note this filter is based on the incoming source, and since the owner generally stays the same for Euthanasia Request animals, the agency or shelter/rescue likely brought in the animal. Including these in your counts might be misleading.
Field Notes
- Pickup: combines the organization name with the date they picked up animals. This gives you a way to see a list of animals for each trip. For the purpose of this report, dates are displayed in the format yyyy-mm-dd to ensure that each entry and each grouping appears chronologically and uniformly throughout.
- State: from the physical address for the individual or organization shown on the Person Details page.
- Spay/Neutered at Intake: calculated based on intake date, spay/neuter date, previous spay/neuter setting.
- Transfer Reason: stored during the Transfer Out process.
Outgoing Shelter/Rescue Detailed (Report 63)
This report shows details for all animals which were transferred out from a shelter / rescue (with "Transfer Out" status).
Outgoing Shelter/Rescue Summary (Report 385)
This report shows all animals which were transferred out from a shelter / rescue (with 'Transfer Out' status).
PAT Duration Report (Report 434)
This report displays those animals that have the current status of PAT (Pet Assisted Therapy) and displays basic animal details including the length of time the animal has had the status of PAT.
Person Acquired From Events / Expos (Report 435)
This report shows details of person records which were acquired from an expo / event within the selected date range. The report will also show animal details for those animals which were attached to this person when the animal was entered.
Note: If you leave the report selection for an event/expo blank, then the summary will include a count of person records where the 'Person Acquired From' field was left blank. These are noted by "No Entry". The detail portion of this report will never include these records where the 'Person Acquired From' field is left empty.
PetSmart Rescue Waggin (Report 609)
This report provides the data needed to complete the PetSmart Rescue Waggin forms. There are 4 types of reports needed for the PetSmart Rescue Waggin. Puppies and kittens are counted by their animal type in Source or Status History except for the TNR section in the Source Datasheet.
Destination Disposition: This is a compilation of beginning and ending inventory, intakes and outcomes, but only of animals that were transferred in from the PetSmart Rescue Waggin organization you selected. If you select one or more regions, internal transfers outside the selected regions are counted, similar to how the counts are done in the Asilomar reports.
Destination LOS: This is a year-to-date count. This section reports from January 1 of the year in you selected as the Date To, to the date you selected as the Date To. Dogs and Cats that had an outgoing status from the selected regions are counted. Dogs and puppies transferred to you from the PetSmart Rescue Waggin organization you selected are counted separately. Length of Stay is calculated from the incoming date in Source History to the status history date of the outgoing status.
Destination Datasheet and Source Datasheet: These provide data provided from many areas.
- Intake Local : This is any incoming cat or dog in the date range entered into the selected regions, except for the transfers. DOAs are included in this count.
- Intake Transfer In State and Out of State : This is any incoming cat or dog in the date range with source of Transfer In, and also any internal transfers from outside the selected regions. In or Out of State is determined by the address of the shelter/rescue or agency compared with your default state. All internal transfers from outside your selected regions are counted as In State transfers.
- Outcomes : Outcomes are counted from outgoing status history records in the date range from the selected regions.
- Euthanasia counts are shown by primary reason for euthanasia, so you can group them as required for the Rescue Waggin forms.
- Transfers include the outgoing status of Transferred Out as well as internal transfers. Internal Transfers are counted if they are transferring out of the selected regions. They are grouped into In State or Out of State by comparing the address of the shelter/rescue or agencies with your default state. All internal transfers are considered In State transfers.
- RTO : Return To Owner includes outgoing statuses of Bite Quarantine (Home), Emergency Boarding Returned To Owner, Reclaimed, Redemption (Offsite), Released by Agency, Released to Owner at Vet, Returned Protective Custody Animal, Returned Surrender, Returned To Owner, and Seized Release.
- Died: Died statuses include Post-operative Death, Unassisted Death, and Unassisted Death - In Foster.
- TNR Services: This is shown when you choose the Source Datasheet. Counts are of the selected Products and Services sold with receipt in the date range selected. Puppy and Kitten are determined by calculating the age at the time of the receipt and those under 5 months are considered puppy or kitten.
- Other Outcomes by Status: This includes any outgoing status not already categorized, and includes statuses such as Stolen or Escaped. This is shown just to make sure every outgoing status is counted.
- DOA: This is a count of incoming animals into the selected regions with one of the various DOA sources.
Postcode Report – Adopters (Report 438)
This report displays the number of adopters for specific zip codes or cities.
Postcode Report – Ownership (Report 544)
This report counts either ownership changes or source entries by Postcode of the person (zip code). It also breaks the counts by city and jurisdiction because some postcodes may belong in more than one city, as well as more than one jurisdiction.
The report uses the postcode from the physical address on the person's record, and if that is blank, then it uses the mailing address, and if that is blank then it uses the company address. The city follows the same priority - the physical address first, if that is blank then the mailing address, and if that is blank then the company address. The Jurisdiction comes from the person record and there is only one choice for that.
There are two ways to run this report. If you choose one or more Sources:
- The date range is the date in Source History
- The animal type comes from Source History, so if a puppy it will always remain counted in the puppy category
- The region is from Source History
- Selecting sources will give you better correlation to other common reports such as Shelter Statistics-Incoming.
If you choose statuses:
- The date range is the date in Status History
- The animal type comes from the status history, so if a puppy it will always remain counted in the puppy category
- The region is from Status History.
Note if you leave both status and source selections blank you will get all sources.
Pre-Adoption Contracts (Report 644)
This report prints pre-adoption contracts for animals which are available for adoption in a selected region and shelter location.
Pre-Adoption Questionnaire Report (Report 675)
This report provides a selection of data regarding people who have entered pre-adoption questionnaires.
Selection Parameters
- Date Range is the date the questionnaire was added
- Region is the region the animal was adopted from if an adoption was recorded in the same date range, otherwise it is the region the person was originally entered from.
- Emails allows you to filter on whether the person has emails entered into Shelter Buddy
- The rest of the selection parameters relate to fields on the Pre-Adoption Questionnaire. Those with selection of Complete or Open are based on the date for the associated field. If there is a date entered it is considered Complete.
- Adoptions are included only if they occur in the same date range selected
Additional Field Notes - You may set default fields in Report Administration
- City, State, Postcode are part of the mailing address
- Adopted Type, Adoption Date, and Region are from the associated record in Status History
- If there is no adoption, then Region is that associated with the person at the time the person was entered
Pre-Euthanasia List (Report 548)
This report displays a list of animals selected for euthanasia. It is reviewed to make sure all animals have cleared hold properly, do not have interested parties and all known ID has been cleared.
Print Microchip Certificates (Report 251)
No description.
Products and Services Price Change Reason (Report 549)
Shows reasons for changing default price of Products/Services.
Products Services Utilized By Date (Report 471)
This report shows the products and services used by each animal ID for animals with the selected agency, rescue, source and origins, over the date range selected.
Put Animal on Hold Report (Report 728)
This report shows details on animals that have been held using the Put Animal on Hold feature.
Selection Parameters
Date Range Selection:
- Currently On Hold: Filters on animals where neither the Scheduled End Date nor the Release Date have yet passed. This selection ignores the two date range fields.
- Hold Start Date: Date filter is based on the Hold Start entered.
- Scheduled End Date: Filter is based on the End Date entered by the user for the hold.
- Release Date: Filter is based on the Release Date entered by the user for the hold.
- Actual End Date: Filter is based on the earlier of the Release Date or the Scheduled End Date, but only when that date is before the current date/time stamp. This choice allows you to see holds that have ended and it does not matter if they ended due to the Scheduled End Date or the Release Date.
- Outgoing Date: Filters on animals that have an outgoing status after the Hold Start Date within the chosen date range. This allows you to review hold data on animals no longer in the shelter.
Regions: the current region shown on the Animal Details Page.
Animal Types: The current type shown on the Animal Details Page.
Status Type: the current status type for the status shown on the Animal Details Page. Note you can have an animal with an outgoing status date who came back to the shelter, therefore is currently in care.
Statuses: The current status shown on the Animal Details page.
Rabies Batch Number Report (Report 424)
This report lists animals that received rabies treatments in a specified batch and region.
Rabies Certificates By Jursidiction (Report 485)
For when the Clinic or Adoption animals are selected only.
This report displays all the rabies certificates by jursidiction for animals that have received a rabies vaccination and have had either a source of Clinic or have had a Adoption status within the given date range.
The Jursidiction selected refers to the jursidiction in history when the animal either received a source of Clinic or the current jurisdiction of an animal with an Adoption status.
The Date Range selected relates to either the date the animal was adopted or the date the animal entered via the Clinic.
For when "All Animals" is selected from the "Select Only" dropdown.
The Jurisdiction refers to the current jurisdiction of the animal. The Date Range refers to the date the animal received the vaccination.
Rabies Certificates by Jurisdiction Excel Export (Report 47)
For when the Clinic or Adoption animals are selected only.
This report displays all the rabies certificates by jursidiction for animals that have received a rabies vaccination and have had either a source of Clinic or have had a Adoption status within the given date range.
The Jursidiction selected refers to the jursidiction in history when the animal either received a source of Clinic or the current jurisdiction of an animal with an Adoption status.
The Date Range selected relates to either the date the animal was adopted or the date the animal entered via the Clinic.
For when "All Animals" is selected from the "Select Only" dropdown.
The Jurisdiction refers to the current jurisdiction of the animal. The Date Range refers to the date the animal received the vaccination.
Exports to excel
Rabies Report for Adopted Pets (Report 472)
This report will send rabies info of all adopted animals to the state rabies office.
Record of Microchip Forms Sent (Report 275)
This report lists minimal microchip information
Region Statistics (Report 345)
This report counts incoming and outgoing animals plus gives a count of the reasons for euthanasia in a date range.
Selection Parameters
- Date Range: the source date in Source History for incoming counts, or the status date in Status History for the internal transfers, outgoing counts, and euthanasia reasons.
- Region: the incoming region in Source History for incoming counts, or the outgoing region in Status History for the outgoing counts and euthanasia reasons, or the internal transfer in or internal transfer out region in status history if you choose to include internal transfers.
- Animal Types: As stored in Source or Status history as appropriate. Unlike some other reports, if you leave all blank you will get all animal types that are set to show, not just those used. In addition, if you leave all animal types blank, you will see an Other column for animal types in history that are no longer set to show, just to be sure no counts are missed.
- Internal Transfers: if you choose to Include them, status history records with status of Internal Transfer In are counted in the Incoming counts, and status history records with Internal Transfer Out are counted in the outgoing counts.
- DOAs: If you exclude DOAs then those animals with one of the various DOA sources will be excluded from both the incoming counts and the outgoing counts.
- Count Owner Requested Euthanasia Separately on Outgoing: If you check this box, animals with one of the various euthanized statuses and source of one of the various Owner Requested Euthanasia sources will be counted with the status of Euthanized-Owner Requested.
- Group Euthanasia Reasons by Eval Category: if you check this box, the Euthanasia Reasons will be grouped by the Asilomar Evaluation Category assigned to the reason. You can assign the Asilomar Evaluation Category to each Euthanasia Reason under Administration.
- Show Percentage of Incoming: If you check this box, each count will also show the percentage as compared to the total incoming as a separate column. Note the total percentage in the Incoming section might not match 100% due to rounding; it might not match 100% in the outgoing section because your total outgoing is likely unequal to your total incoming.
Released Animals - Non Agency (Report 267)
This report is used to see animals that were reclaimed, redeemed or otherwise released to the owner within the date range specified where the animal was not linked to an agency file.
Returned Pet CSV (Report 392)
This report shows details of all returned animals and the details of the owners who returned them.
Science Diet Adopter Report (Report 630)
For customers on The Hills Science Diet feeding program, this report can be used for the weekly adopters reports. It is in the specific format that is required for the report so that they can transfer the data we give them into their database easily. The Opt-in question is set via Admin -> Question and Form Administration -> Adoption Sponsorship.
NOTE: The Opt-in question and answer choices must have the exact same wording for every type of animal in order to run this report for multiple animal types.
Shelter / Rescue Group List (Report 618)
This is a list of the shelter / rescue groups that are in the system with their address details.
Shelter admission and fate summary (Report 606)
Custom report for a specific client with hardcoded settings. Shows animals that entered care within the date range selected and their fate.
Shelter Animals Count: Basic Animal Matrix (Report 741)
This report provide the data for the Shelter Animals Count Basic Data Matrix per the US National Federation of Humane Societies. This report was coded to version 06-2016 on
The standard report shows canines and felines. The definition of puppy ends at 5 months. For this report, the classification of adult dog or cat is determined by calculating the age in days, and anything over 150 days is counted as an adult. Where the date of birth is blank, the report uses the animal type in history appropriate to the report line.
Dates: Incoming dates are those shown in Date Animal Came In under the Source History for the animal. Outgoing dates are those shown in Status Date under the Status History for the animal. Internal transfers counted as intakes or outcomes use the Status Date under the Status History for the animal.
Regions: You may report on some or all of your regions. The selection of regions affects how Internal Transfers are counted.
Include Wildlife and Include Other: You may choose to show or not the Wildlife and the Other columns. When both Wildlife and Other are excluded, this report layout matches the standard template. Wildlife is determined by the Class setting as seen on the Animal Details page, and anything else is put into the Other group.
These counts might be different from other reports because of the use of source and circumstance for categorizing intakes, and also because the determination of puppy/kitten is calculated when DOB has been entered.
A Beginning Animal Count (beginning date): The count is calculated by counting animals who came in before midnight on the beginning date (i.e., before the day begins) and whose last status change in status history before that time is any in care status. Age is calculated to the beginning date.
Live Intake: For lines B-F, the animal must have entered the shelter during the date period and in one of the sources that are categorized as a live incoming source. Age is calculated to the source date.
B Stray/At Large: Counts include these sources regardless of circumstance: Ambulance-Wildlife, Stray, Abandoned, Wildlife. Also counted here are Sources of ACO Impound, Agency, Humane Officer, Ambulance, and Routine Inspection with circumstances of Council Stray, Stray (No ID), Stray (With ID), Stray Unhandleable, and Wildlife.
C Relinquished by Owner: Counts include these sources regardless of circumstance: Ambulance-Owner Surrender, Bequest In Shelter, Humane Officer Surrendered, Owner Surrender, Owner Surrender ? ACO, Owner Surrender-Good Samaritan, Owner Surrender-No Authority, and Returns. Also counted here are Sources of ACO Impound, Agency, Humane Officer, Ambulance, and Routine Inspection with circumstances of Bite Quarantine, Owner Surrender, Owner Surrender-No Authority, Return, Surrender-No Vacc.
D Owner Intended Euthanasia: Counts include these sources regardless of circumstance and outcome: ACO-Euthanasia Request, Ambulance-Euthanasia Request, Euthanasia Request, Euthanasia Request w/ Consent to Rehome, Humane Officer-Euthanasia Request, Pending Medical Evaluation. Also counted here are Sources of ACO Impound, Agency, Humane Officer, Ambulance, and Routine Inspection with circumstance of Euthanasia.
E Transferred In: Counts includes the source of Transfer In regardless of circumstance. Also counted here are Sources of ACO Impound, Agency, Humane Officer, Ambulance, and Routine Inspection with circumstance of Transfer In. Also included are internal transfers that originated in one of the regions not selected.
F Other Intakes: Counts include these sources regardless of circumstance: Cruelty Case Offspring, Data Import-Incoming, Emergency Boarding, Evacuation, Evacuation Outgoing, Foster Offspring, Humane Officer Seized, Shelter Offspring. Also counted here are Sources of ACO Impound, Agency, Humane Officer, Ambulance, and Routine Inspection with circumstances of: Abandoned, ACO, Ambulance, Cruelty Complaint, DOA, Emergency Boarding, Emergency Evacuation, Protective Custody, Protective Custody-Include in Invoice, Routine Inspection, Welfare Boarder-No Vacc, Welfare Boarder-Vacc.
G Total Live Intake: The sum of lines B, C, D, E and F.
Outcomes: Lines H-S are counts of outgoing statuses. The counts are taken from status history. Age is calculated to the status date.
H Adoption: This section counts any animal with any of the Adopted statuses, including Adopted, Adopted Offsite, and others.
I Returned To Owner: Counts animals with these statuses: Reclaimed, Returned To Owner, Returned Surrender, Released to Owner at Vet, Redemption (Offsite), Returned Protective Custody Animal, Bite Quarantine(Home), Seized Release, Emergency Boarding Returned to Owner, Released by Agency.
J Transferred Out: Counts any animal with the outgoing status of: Transfer Out, Agency Transfer Out, Emergency Evacuation-Permanent, Emergency Evacuation-Released, Released to Agency, Released to Rescue, Released to Wildlife Rehabilitator. Also counted are internal transfers out going to a region not selected.
K Returned To Field: Counts animals with these statuses: Released, Return to Habitat, Wildlife Released.
L Other Live Outcome: There are currently no statuses that link directly to this line, but it will count animals that do not meet any of the above outgoing statuses.
M Subtotal: Live Outcomes: The sum of lines H, I, J, K, and L.
N Died in Care: Counts animals with status of: Post-operative Death, and any of the Unassisted Death statuses.
O Lost in Care: Counts animals with status of: Escaped, Stolen, and Unresolved File.
P Shelter Euthanasia: Counts animals with status of: Euthanized, Euthanasia-RTO, EOA-Euthanized on Arrival, Euthanized by Offsite Vet, Euthanasia In Field, where the source or source/circumstance for the intake does not resolve to the Owner Intended Euthanasia as defined in line D.
Q Owner Intended Euthanasia: Counts animals with status of: Euthanized, Euthanasia-RTO, EOA-Euthanized on Arrival, Euthanized by Offsite Vet, Euthanasia In Field, where the source or source/circumstance for the intake resolves to the Owner Intended Euthanasia as defined in line D.
R Subtotal: Other Outcomes: The sum of lines N, O, P, and Q.
S Total Outcomes: The sum of lines M and R.
T Ending Shelter Count (ending date): This is an inventory count of animals who came in before 11:59pm of the ending date and whose last status change in status history before that time is any in care status.
Total A plus Total G: this is simply the math of counting the animals that were in the beginning count, plus the total intake.
Total S plus Total T: this is simply the math of counting total outcomes plus animals in inventory at the end of the period. Ideally A + G should match S + T. Note that if a puppy or kitten reached their 5 month birthday during their shelter stay, they would be in the adult column on outcome or ending inventory.
Shelter Animals Count: Detail Listing (Report 742)
This report provide the detail listing to audit the Shelter Animals Count: Basic Animal Matrix, report 741. Refer to that report help description for details on what each line includes.
Animal ID : Optional: you may enter one animal ID to see where it shows in the report.
Dogs, Cats, Wildlife, Others : Although the standard report always includes dogs and cats, this report allows you to pick separately for investigation and auditing.
Line : Optional: you may enter one character between A and T to see the individual records for that line. See Report 741 for definition of each line.
Field Notes
Animal Group : This is the calculated group Dog, Puppy, Cat, Kitten, Wildlife, or Other. It shows which column in the Matrix report this record is counted. The puppy and kitten groups are calculated to 150 days based on the date of birth when available.
Animal Type : The animal Type recorded in Shelter Buddy.
Age in Months : this is the calculated age in months based on the date of birth and the source or status date (depending on which report line is shown). It matters for puppies and kittens but is meaningless otherwise. It is blank if the DOB is missing.
Actual Source : Source for intakes. When source does not matter for the report line, such as the beginning inventory, it will show N/A. Source and Circumstance are needed for outcomes to determine lines P (Shelter Euthanasia) and Q (Owner Intended Euthanasia).
Circumstance : Circumstance for intakes. When this field does not matter for the report line, such as the beginning inventory, it will show N/A.
Actual Outcome : Outgoing status. When this does not matter for the report line, such as the Intakes, it will show N/A.
Shelter Clinic Consultations (Report 551)
This shows the cost for shelter animals clinic consultations and also shows which vets are doing the work etc and how much each is doing.
Shelter Statistics - 2 Year Comparative Summary (Report 638)
This report shows basic animal incoming and outgoing statistics for the month and year you select compared with the last two years same time frame.
- Region: If selected, the animal must have the region at the time of incoming our outgoing as stored in source or status history.
- Year To Date (YTD): these columns are pulling data for January through the end of the month you select for the respective years.
- Incoming subcategories: Incoming subcategories are shown with just those that came in dead (DOA) and those that came in live.
- Outgoing subcategories: Outgoing subcategories use the Asilomar groupings. In this report, the Other category covers the statuses of DOA etc that are not included in Asilomar.
Shelter Statistics - Identification Comparison (Report 535)
This report counts animals that came in during the date period selected with circumstance of either "Stray (With ID)" or "Stray (Without ID)".
Shelter Statistics - In Care Report (Report 84)
Statistical report of the number of statuses animals currently hold (x) against animal types in care (y).
Shelter Statistics - In Care Report By Animal Type (Report 229)
Statistical report of the number of animal types in care (x) against the statuses they currently hold (y).
Shelter Statistics – Incoming (Report 9)
This report counts incoming animals over a date range based on Source History.
Selection Parameters
- Date Range: the incoming date in Source History
- Region: the incoming region in Source History
- Animal Classes: this provides you a way to pick a class of animal such as Wildlife instead of having to pick out the individual animal types.
- Animal Types: the animal type at the time of incoming, as stored in Source History
- Jurisdiction: stored in Source History at the time of incoming
- Incoming Sources: You may select specific sources to include. If you leave all blank, you will get all sources used in the date period. If sources were used but are currently hidden, you will see those at the end of the list with the prefix Hidden. <\li>
- Include DOA: You may include or exclude the various DOA sources with this check box. You could create the same filter by using the Incoming Sources list and unchecking all the DOA sources; this is easier.
- Outgoing Statuses: If you choose specific outgoing statuses, then you will filter on animals that came in and have the chosen outgoing status tied to that incoming source. Leave blank to get all animals including those that are still in care.
- In Care Only: If you check this box, then only animals still in care since the incoming source will be included. Leave unchecked to get both in care and outgoing statuses. This looks at the status history status associated with the incoming source, not the current status.
- Agency, Shelter/Rescue, and Person ID: These three work together; you can pick any combination or you can leave all blank. Selections will filter on incoming animals from these chosen people or organizations.
- Vet Treatment Status: Vaccinated will look for any vaccination treatment at any date assigned to the animal. Unvaccinated will look for animals that have no vaccination treatments entered into the system.
- Animal Received: allows you to filter on the Animal Received field recorded at the time of incoming.
- Feral: allows you to filter on the Feral status as shown on the Animal Details Page.
- Suitable for Events: from the animal details page. If you do not specify, the filter will not be applied.
- Alt. Placement: from the animal details page, 'Alternative / Specialised Placement'. If you do not specify, the filter will not be applied.
- Show Animals that have Changed Type: if you check this, you will get a column at the end showing how many animals have changed type during their stay associated with the incoming source. The type shown is the incoming type.
- Report Type: Summary provides just the totals, no separate counts by source.
NB: If you select options from both the Suitable for Events and the Alt Placement lists, then the report will only return animals that have BOTH items listed on their file. Animals that only have one or the other will be omitted.
Shelter Statistics - Incoming (including transfers) (Report 92)
This report displays a count of all animals that have entered the shelter including internal transfers.
Shelter Statistics - Incoming Comparison to Prior Year (Report 669)
Comparison of incoming sources, year to year.
Shelter Statistics - Outgoing (Report 10)
This report counts outgoing animals over a date range based on Status History.
Selection Parameters
- Date Range: the outgoing status date in Status History
- Region: the outgoing region in Status History
- Animal Classes: this provides you a way to pick a class of animal such as Wildlife instead of having to pick out the individual animal types.
- Animal Types: the animal type at outgoing status, as stored in Status History
- Incoming Sources: You may select specific sources to include. If you leave all blank, you will get all sources.
- Include DOA: You may include or exclude the various DOA sources with this check box. You could create the same filter by using the Incoming Sources list and unchecking all the DOA sources; this is easier. Note: this filters on source not status in order to match with the Shelter Statistics - Incoming report.
- Animal Received: allows you to filter on the Animal Received field recorded at the time of incoming.
- Incoming Jurisdiction: the jurisdiction recorded at the time of incoming and stored in Source History.
- Outgoing Statuses: the statuses in Status History that are counted. If outgoing statuses were used but are currently hidden, you will see those at the end of the list. When you chose rows =Outgoing Status then hidden statuses will include the prefix Hidden.
- Count Owner Requested Euthanasia Separately: If you check this box, animals with one of the various euthanized statuses and source of one of the various Owner Requested Euthanasia sources will be counted with the status of Euthanized-Owner Requested.
- Outgoing Jurisdiction: the jurisdiction of the person associated with the outgoing status (seen under that person/organization physical address)
- Agency, Shelter/Rescue, and Person ID: These three work together; you can pick any combination or you can leave all blank. Selections will filter on outgoing animals to these chosen people or organizations.
- Vet Treatment Status: Vaccinated will look for any vaccination treatment at any date assigned to the animal. Unvaccinated will look for animals that have no vaccination treatments entered into the system.
- Feral: allows you to filter on the Feral status as shown on the Animal Details Page.
- Suitable for Events: from the animal details page. If you do not specify, the filter will not be applied.
- Alt. Placement: from the animal details page, 'Alternative / Specialised Placement'. If you do not specify, the filter will not be applied.
- Show Animals that have Changed Type: if you check this and choose rows =Outgoing Status, you will get a column at the end showing how many animals have a different type Source History as compared to the type in the outgoing status in Status History.
- Report Type: Summary provides just the totals by your choice of Rows. Detail provides a cross tab of status and animal type
NB: If you select options from both the Suitable for Events and the Alt Placement lists, then the report will only return animals that have BOTH items listed on their file. Animals that only have one or the other will be omitted.
Shelter Statistics - Outgoing (including transfers) (Report 456)
This report displays a count of all animals that have left the shelter including internal transfers. This report uses the status history for its figures. If any other column is displayed this is because an animal had a status that was available in the system, but now that status is hidden.
The "Show Animals that have changed type" option displays a column that is used to show how many animals types have changed. This is so you can balance the animals on the report in conjunction with the outgoing detail report.
"Transfer Out" refers to animals with that particular status.
"Transferred Adopted" are animals transferred* into the region and adopted from the selected region during the date range selected.
"Transferred Euthanised" refers to animals that were transferred* into the selected region and then subsequently euthanised during the date range required.
"Transferred Reclaimed" refers to animals that were transferred* into the selected region and subsequently reclaimed/redeemed from there during the date range selected.
*The date the animal was transferred in does not need to correspond to the dates selected for this report: only the outgoing status. These columns merely indicate that the animal originated somewhere other than the target Physical Location/Region.
Shelter Statistics - Outgoing by Animal Type (Report 228)
This report tables outgoing animals by type (x) against their outgoing status (y)
Shelter Statistics - Outgoing Comparison to Prior Year (Report 527)
This report shows counts of animals by outgoing status and by grouped animal type.
Sort Lists (Report 2)
This report enables the user to find records of animals that entered care on a date that is equal to or less than the one selected, with options to include or exclude foster animals and filter by in care statuses. Deprecated, in favour of 226 “In Care Inventory”.
Spay / Neuter Detail List (Report 676)
This is the detail list for Report 610, Spay / Neuter Statistics.
Selection Parameters
- Date Range is the spay/neuter (desex) date
- Region is the region stored in Source History or internal transfer history dated closest before the spay/neuter date.
- Origin is shown on the Medical Notes page.
- Clinic is the Clinic Name shown on the Medical Notes page
- Animal Type is as of the Animal Details page, but puppies and kittens are classified by their age at the time of the spay or neuter.
Special Needs Report (Report 558)
Lists Animals In Care with Notes.
Species List (Report 713)
This report exports all the species/breeds available in the system to excel.
Status History Report (Report 523)
This report shows a detailed view of all status changes during a selected time frame.
surburbName List (Report 704)
A simple report to export the suburbs / cities for review.
Summary of Animals Returned Report (Report 577)
This is a summary report for monthly and annual reports showing why animals have been returned and what has happened to them (readoption, reclaimed, euthanized, etc) in a summary format with a chart for clearer visualization of reasons for return.
Surgery List For Date (Report 596)
This report is run daily so that all animals that are scheduled for surgery are included. This includes animals that are in house, in foster and adopted unaltered or adopted awaiting spay neuter. The surgeries that this report is used for are spay, neuter and dental. There will be manual notes applied to the report as it is passed from hand to hand throughout the day. NB: uses scheduled surgeries model, not new Scheduling platform.
Surrender Detail Report (Report 377)
This report provides a selection of data regarding animals who came in during a date range. The original report was limited to owner surrender animals but now you can select any incoming source.
- Date Range is the incoming date
- Type is the animal type stored in source history
- Surrender Reason is shown on the Animal Details Page. This field is not kept with source history so if the animal comes in again and gets a new surrender reason the old is over written.
- Show Hyperlinks allows you to have the links for the person ID and animal ID shown or removed. This is useful if you are exporting to Excel. Some versions of Excel send warning messages if it finds these links on export, and removing the links prevents that warning.
- Group By: the No Grouping option gives you a cleaner list for export to Excel.
- Region is the region the animal came in, stored in source history.
- Status is the outgoing status tied to that incoming source or the most recent status in status history tied to that source if still in care.
- Outgoing person is shown only if the animal has an outgoing status tied to that source.
Tag Allocation Summary (Report 615)
Show a detailed list of all tag number in an allocated range, along with their shelter/kennel details.
Total Length of Stay (Report 272)
This reports shows the full length of stay in both summary and detailed format for animals with an outgoing status. The animals must have a live incoming source (no DOA). This report is different from Total Length of Stay by Region (report 690) because this report sums all time in care regardless of region. An animal is counted once per incoming source.
This report sums the calculated the status date/time to the next status date/time for each status history record. Additional filters allow you to select specific in care statuses or groups of statuses.
If the entire LOS for an animal is excluded by the selected excluded statuses, then that animal will not show in the detail nor count in the summary. For example: a cat with the status of Emergency Boarding and then her outgoing status is Emergency Boarding Returned to Owner: if you select to exclude days at Emergency Boarding, then this animal would not count.
- Date From: Required. The outgoing status date from status history.
- Date To: Required. The outgoing status date from status history.
- Region Option and Regions: If you select specific regions, then the incoming option will filter on source history or the outgoing option will filter on the status history at the outgoing status.
- Animal Type(s): The animal type stored in status history at time of outgoing.
- Jurisdiction: Filters on the incoming jurisdiction as stored in Source History.
- Color Select and Color: Selects or excludes based on the primary color shown on the Animal Details Page. For example, this allows you to compare LOS for black dogs vs LOS for non-black dogs.
- Min/Max Age(years): The age filter compares to the age in years calculated at the outgoing status date. This is set to be greater than or equal to the minimum age and less than the maximum age. This prevents animals that meet that maximum age to be counted twice if you are running the report for groups of ages.
- Sources: Allow you to pick one or more specific sources to examine.
- In Care Statuses: Allows you to pick one or more in care statuses to include. If you select specific statuses here, only animals with those statuses are included, and the Total Days is only the days at those selected statuses. Selected in care statuses override the Day Groups set to Include (Foster Days, Court Hold Days, etc). Note If you chose to exclude the same statuses using the Day Groups you may get confusing results.
- Outgoing Statuses: Outgoing statuses to examine.
- Euthanasia Requests: Exclude filters out the animals with any of the Euthanasia Request sources but only if the animal was euthanized. Include leaves those animals in the report. (You can also exclude Euthanasia Request sources by selecting other incoming sources). This provides an easy way to exclude these animals, and is set by default to exclude them because usually Length of Stay analysis excludes Euthanasia Requests. This filter looks at the outgoing status as well, because some euthanasia request sources allow for optional rehoming.
- Foster Days, Protective Custody Days, Court Hold Days, Emergency Boarding Days: Include: the days at the associated statuses count towards the Length of Stay. Exclude: the days at the associated statuses are excluded from the Length of Stay calculation, and are shown in the Excluded Days column.
- Report Type: Detailed provides a list of animal IDs and a sum of their time while in care. Summary provides statistics on these animal counts.
Detail Report Type: Shows one record per animal and entry into the shelter.
You may set defaults for the optional fields under Report Administration. - Total Days: Total days in care. If you selected one or more specific in care statuses, then Total Days shows number of days at those statuses only.
- Excluded Days: Days at the statuses you have chosen to exclude (Foster, Protective Custody, Court Hold, and Emergency Boarding). Note: if you chose specific in care statuses and also chose to exclude any of the Foster, Protective Custody, Court Hold, or Emergency Boarding Days, the animal might have more days excluded than total days.
- LOS: Total Days - Excluded Days
- Primary Color/Secondary Color: As shown on Animal Details Page
- Age (years): Calculated age in years at the outgoing status date.
- Incoming Source, Date, Region, Jurisdiction: From Source History. Note that source date is for reference only; it is not used in the LOS calculation.
- Incoming Person/Org: from Owner History linked to the source history record
- Outgoing Source, Date, Region, Jurisdiction: From the outgoing Status History record
- Outgoing Person/Org: from Owner History linked to the status history record
Summary Report Type: - Number of Animals: Count of animals by type. Each new incoming source counts separately.
- Total Days: Total days calculated by the sum of the status date/time to the following status date/time. If you chose specific in care statuses, then Total Days is only for those in care statuses.
- Excluded Days: Days at the statuses you have chosen to exclude (Foster, Protective Custody, Court Hold, and Emergency Boarding).
- Adjusted Days: Total Days - Excluded Days.
- Avg LOS: Adjusted Days divided by Number of Animals.
- Median LOS: the midpoint of the distribution of Length of Stay values, such that half the animals are above and half the animals are below that LOS.
Total Length of Stay by Region (Report 690)
This report shows the full length of stay by region in both summary and detailed format for animals with an outgoing status. This report is different from Length of Stay by Region (report 686) because this report looks at animals with an outgoing status and reports on the total time spent in care, with optional exclusions. An animal is counted once per incoming source and region combination.
For example, a dog enters the shelter on April 1 and is adopted on April 21, and during that time transfers from Region A to Region B and back to Region A. The dog would count once at region A and once at Region B. The dog would only count if the date range included April 21, when the outgoing status is recorded. If the dog comes back into the shelter after April 21 he will be counted separately.
This report calculates the status date/time to the next status date/time for each status history record, and sums those by the physical location recorded in status history. If you choose to exclude certain statuses, then those days are excluded from the final calculation.
If the entire LOS for an animal is excluded by the selected excluded statuses, then that animal will not show in the detail or count in the summary. For example: a cat with the status of Emergency Boarding and then her outgoing status is Emergency Boarding Returned to Owner: if you select to exclude days at Emergency Boarding, then this animal would not count.
- Date From: Required. The outgoing status date from status history.
- Date To: Required. The outgoing status date from status history.
- Region(s): Optional. Filters on the physical location recorded in status history.
- Animal Type(s): The animal type stored in status history at time of outgoing.
- Report Type: Detailed provides a list of animal IDs and a sum of their time at the selected regions. Summary provides statistics on these animal counts.
- Euthanasia Requests: Exclude filters out the animals with any of the Euthanasia Request sources. Include leaves those sources in the report. (You can also exclude them by selecting other incoming sources). This provides an easy way to exclude these sources, and is set by default to exclude them because usually Length of Stay analysis excludes Euthanasia Requests.
- DOA: Exclude removes any incoming DOA from the report. Include leaves DOA sources in the report. (You can also exclude them by selecting other incoming sources). This provides an easy way to exclude these sources, and is set by default to exclude them because usually Length of Stay analysis excludes DOA animals.
- Foster Animals: Exclude removes from the report any animal that was in foster (per status history) during its stay at the shelter. Include leaves these animals in the report, and you can exclude just their days in foster by the Foster Days filter.
- Incoming Source(s): Optional. The incoming source to allow you to pick one or more specific sources to examine.
- Outgoing Status(es): Optional. Outgoing statuses to examine.
- Foster Days, Protective Custody Days, Court Hold Days, Emergency Boarding Days: Include: the days at the associated statuses count towards the Length of Stay. Exclude: the days at the associated statuses are excluded from the Length of Stay at Region calculation.
Detail Report Type: Shows a sum of the days each animal spent at the selected regions. - Days At Region: Total days spent at the region
- Excluded Days: Days spent at status you have chosen to exclude, such as In Foster, etc.
- LOS At Region: Days At Region - Excluded Days
Summary Report Type:
- Number of Animals: Count of animals that spent time at the region by type. Each new incoming source counts separately.
- Days At Region: Total days calculated by the sum of the status date/time to the following status date/time at that region.
- Excluded Days: Days at the statuses you have chosen to exclude.
- Adjusted Days At Region: Days at Region - Excluded Days.
- Avg LOS: Adjusted Days at Region divided by Number of Animals.
- Median LOS: The midpoint value of the Adjusted Days at Region for that region/animal type.
Notes on optional fields for Detail Report:
You may set default fields in Report Administration. - Incoming Age: calculated age in years and months from date of birth to source date.
- Outgoing Weight: the last weight taken before the outgoing date.
- Breed Size: the size set in administration for the primary breed.
- Last Kennel and Location: the last kennel change before the outgoing date.
- Original Source and Date: the source and date for the first time the animal entered the shelter.
- Outgoing Jurisdiction: the jurisdiction shown on the person page for the person related to the animal on the outgoing status.
Transfer Checklist (Report 69)
This report lists all animals that were transferred between shelters (internal shelter transfers, not transfers to outside agencies / councils / shelter rescue groups).The animal must be currently in transit to appear on this list.
Transferred Animals List (Report 250)
This report details the animals transferred between the selected shelters between the selected date range. This report counts the individual animals which were transferred only once, regardless of how many times the animal was transferred during the date range. However, the details section will display the same animal as many times as it was transferred as per the report's search parameters.
Unredeemed SNAP Certificates (Report 223)
No description.
Vaccination Reminder (Report 639)
This report returns the same data as the existing Vaccination Reminder Letter report but not in a letter format so it can be exported as a CSV.
- Due Date From/To: Required. The date range the vaccination(s) are due.
- Outgoing Region: Defaults to 'All'. The animal's outgoing physical location.
- Treatment Type: Optional. The vaccination treatment type.
- Current Animal Type: Optional. The animal's current animal type.
- Residential Jurisdiction: Optional. The jurisdiction of the owner's residential address.
- The address shown on the report is the owner's mailing address.
- The residential jurisdiction pertains to the owner's residential address, which may be different from the mailing address.
Voucher Report (Report 657)
This report shows details on vouchers issued in the specified date range. Available filters include whether or not the voucher has been redeemed or is still outstanding, as well as redemption date.
Weight Check Report (Report 426)
This report provides the weight and previous weight of in care animals.
- All filters are OPTIONAL. Only in-care animals are included on this report, per the status shown on the Animal Details Page.
- All filters (physical location, shelter location, animal types, in care statuses) are based on the current animal data as shown on the Animal Details Page
- Last Weighed is the most recent Weighed Date shown in the Weight History, accessed from the Medical Notes Page.
- New Weight is the weight entered on the Last Weighed date.
- Last Weight is the previous weight entered before the Last Weighed Date. It is blank if there is not a previous weight.
- All other fields displayed on the report are from the Animal Details Page.
Vet Report List
Adoption Rabies Certificates (Report 371)
This report allows all rabies certificates for animals adopted on a specific date, or for a specific animal id.
Animals Vaccinated or Desexed By Internal / External Sources ( Report 722)
This report loads animals based on vet treatment given date or the desex date. it is used to track how busy a clinic is for external and internal clinic services.
- The date range will be based on the date the animal was given a vaccination or the date the animal was desexed.
- The region filter will be based off the animals incoming region.
- The source filter will be the animals incoming source that it had while it was given the treatment or while it was desexed (whichever reason the animal is showing on the report).
- If an animal was desexed and given a treatment during the selected date range, the animal will only be shown once.
- If an animal was given multiple treatments during the date range, the report will only show the animal once, and each treatment and date given will be listed underneath each other within the same row and same cell.
- Only the treatments will show that were given during the date range selected in the report(ie. not every single treatment given to the animal will show)
- The report will be grouped by external (source of clinic) or internal (not source of clinic), and then grouped by animal type.
Awaiting Spay/Neuter Report (Report 553)
This report is a:
• Listing of cats/dogs that have been put on status of 'awaiting spay/neuter' during a given period
• Then sorted by their final status e.g. "euthanized", "adopted", "awaiting adoption", etc.
• Then sorted on 'euthanasia reason'.
Awaiting Surgery Kennel Card Report (Report 653)
Animals that have a status of Awaiting Spay/Neuter or Awaiting Surgery.
Black Tag Contact List (Report 116)
Deprecated Report
Black Tag Status Report (Report 111)
Deprecated report
Cleaning Requirements (Report 43)
Deprecated Report – replaced by Report 701 “Cleaning Report”
Drug Usage Tracking (Report 213)
This report tracks the use of restricted drugs. It is designed to be compared against other hardcopy records to ensure that the quantities used are tracked accurately.
Exercise Diary (Report 45)
Deprecated report
Medication Requirements (Report 387)
This report will display animals that require medications within a date range.
Medications Due to Finish (Report 459)
This report displays all medications that are due to be stopped within a date range. This is calculated from the "End Date" field when adding a Medication.
Rabies Vaccines Given for Adopted, RTO and Clinic Pets (Report 696)
This report provides a selection of data regarding animals that received a rabies vaccine while in the care of the shelter, and the pet was either adopted or returned to owner, or the vaccine was given during a clinic visit.
This report looks at animals with any of the adopted statuses, any of the return to owner statuses, or the status of Information with source of Clinic. Pets with the outgoing status (adopted, returned to owner) must also have received a rabies vaccination between the date they came in (in Source History) and the day they left the shelter (outgoing status date). Pets that have source of Clinic and status of Information must have also received a rabies vaccine within the day of their visit.
- Date Range is the status date in status history for the statuses listed.
- Region is the region stored in status history associated with the statuses listed.
- Animal Group looks at the animal type in status history.
Field Notes
- The person information is the one in Owner History tied to the status in status history.
- Co-Owner is the spouse listed on the Person Page.
- Address fields are the physical address of the person associated with the animal.
- Spayed: an x is placed in this field if the animal is female and the Spay/Neutered field is marked Yes.
- Neutered: an x is placed in this field if the animal is male and the Spay/Neutered field is marked Yes.
- Rabies Due Date is the due date furthest in the future (in case there are multiple due dates).
Additional Note: For clean export to Excel, use the advanced export to excel icon and uncheck all the options.
Scheduled Surgery Report (Reports 181)
This report shows either in care animals or adopted animals with a Spay/Neuter (or Desex) Due Date in the range selected. The Due Date is shown on the Animal Details Page. The in care or adopted status for filtering the report is the current status shown on the Animal Details Page. The owner is the person currently linked to the animal. For in-care animals, the region is the current region as shown on the Animal Details Page; for adopted animals, it is the region adopted from. If you have the deposit module enabled, The Deposit Range is the deposit date range entered during the adoption process; if the deposit module is disabled the Deposit Range shows the date the animal was adopted.
NOTE: uses the old Scheduled Surgery system, not the newer Scheduling system.
Scheduled Surgery Report (Scheduling System) (Reports 182)
Similar to the above, this report also uses the old scheduling system to find animals that have a Spay/Neuter (Desex) Date entered on their Animal Details page. However, it will only operate for a single date at a time and uses Clinic rather than Region to find results.
Sick Return Report (Report 54)
This report finds information entered in the Sick Return section of the Medical Notes page (very bottom of the page). Deprecated report replaced by more advanced Clinic reports.
Spay / Neuter Statistics (Report 610)
A statistical report counting all spays (female) and neuters (male) performed in a date range by animal type.
Selection Parameters
- Date Range is the spay/neuter (desex) date
- Region is the region stored in Source History or transfer history dated closest before the spay/neuter date.
- Origin is shown on the Medical Notes page.
- Clinic is the Clinic Name shown on the Medical Notes page
- Animal Type is as of the Animal Details page, but puppies and kittens are classified by their age at the time of the spay or neuter.
Spay/Neuter Report (Report 6)
This report shows details for animals which were spay / neutered during the specified date range. If physical location is used as a filter then it will search for matches based on the following fields in order:
- Physical location of the animal at the time of the last status change in the system prior to the spay/neuter date
- The current physical location of the animal
- The region from which the animal was entered into the system
Using the shelter location filter will only search for animals currently in that shelter location.
The filter "Show clinic entered at:" will load the spay/neuter clinic that is entered via the scheduling module or the clinic entered on the medical notes page.
State Veterinary Requirements Request (Report 571)
This report shows animal information required if request anytime by a citizen about an animal.
Suture Removal Report (Report 520)
This report shows the suture removal date for animals from the vet notes page.
Unvaccinated Animals Report (Report 417)
This report provides a list of animals currently in care where the selected vet treatments have not been given or the due date has passed for the selected treatments. Although this report was intended for vaccinations, you may select any vet treatment.
Selection Parameter Notes
- Current Region, Shelter Location, Animal Type, Feral, and In Care Status are all as shown on the Animal Details Page
- Foster Status allows you to include, exclude or focus on animals in foster. The filter is based on the current status.
- Vet Treatments allows you to select specific vaccinations, tests, or treatments to study. This is recommended. If you do not select any items you will see only animals who have no treatments entered, or that have past due treatments.
- Due Date Before: Vaccinations, tests, or treatments due on or before this date will be shown, as they are considered past due. This allows you to catch up to the end of the week for example. If you clear this date no past due treatments will show.
Field Notes
- Incoming From Name is the person or organisation at the time of incoming.
- Incoming City State Zip is their physical address or mailing address if no physical address exists.
Vaccination Reminder Letter (Report 508)
This report displays the Vaccination Reminder Letters for Adopted Animals where one or more vaccinations are due. The list of vaccinations due is displayed on each letter.
Vet Consultation Listing (Report 552)
This report shows vet consultations over a selected time period with the diagnosis recorded.
- Vet Consult date is the date of consultation (and is used for the date range selection).
- Physical Location / Shelter Location are those at the time of consultation, and may not be the animal's current location.
- Hold Date is the date the animal's status changed to Hold In Vet Care.
- Next Status is the status following the Hold in Vet Care status and its date. NOTE: the report shows all status changes to Hold in Vet Care for the animal ID, along with the following status. There could be multiple entries here.
- Current Status / Date are those shown on the Animal Details page.
- Diagnosis / Differential Diagnosis is those listed for that particular vet consultation. If you have selected one or more particular diagnoses, then just those vet consultations with those diagnoses will display however you will see all the diagnoses that were entered for that consult.
- Show One Consultation Per Animal Only: if this box is checked, then only the most recent consultation will be displayed for each animal, even if there are multiple consultations for that animal within the selected time period.
Vet Product Detail List (Report 680)
This report lists the prices of products associated with the veterinary areas (vet treatments, medications, procedures, and products). It allows you to filter the result by region, product classification, locations it is available from and product group/s it belongs to. Vet Treatments and Main Procedures may also include filter and order by Animal Type.
Vet Related Drop Down Lists (Report 645)
This report provides a complete list of the drop down values entered in Shelter Buddy for some vet-related fields. The lists can be edited using Admin - Edit Drop Down Lists.
Vet Reminder Report (Report 96)
This Report displays animal care comments that are entered on the vet consultation page (within the medical notes page).
Vet Test Tracking Report (Report 723)
This report allows you to select a test and a result and show the animal details, it's outcome, owner details, the result of the test and a total.
- Excludes deceased animals
- The date range will be based on when the test was given to the animal
- The region filter is based on the animals most recent status history physical location, ie if it's in care it will be the current location if it's adopted it will be based on where it was adopted from.
Vet Treatments Due (Report 7)
This report displays animals that are due for a vet treatment or have their stitches removed in the given date range.
- Select a Physical Location in order to select a Shelter Location
- The person ID shown is the person currently connected to the animal
- The animal type displayed is the current type shown on the Animal Details Page.
- Vet Treatment Status Filter can be used to streamline your return by setting it to show only Active Treatments, only Inactive treatments or both simultaneously. Inactive treatments are treatments that have been deleted from your treatment lists, but may have been administered to an animal in the past.
- The include/exclude foster filter is based on the current status of the animal.
Vet Treatments Given (Report 8)
This report displays animals that were given a particular vet treatment within the date range selected.
Vet Treatments Given Summary (Report 55)
This report gives the total number of vet treatments given broken up by vet treatment type.
Foster Reports Overview List
Animals Currently In Foster Report (Report 60)
This report provides a list of animals that are currently in foster, or if you want, animals that entered foster during a chosen date range.
Selection Parameters
- Region: if you select a region, then only animals that have this selected physical location at the start of their foster will be shown.
- Animal Type: restricts output to the selected animal type
- Only Show Animals That are Currently In Foster?: if ticked (default) you will only see animals who have a foster status currently shown the Animal Details Page. If unticked, you may select a date range for the Date in Foster from the Fostering Instructions page.
Foster statuses include:
- In Foster
- Hold In Foster
- Protective Custody In Foster
- Available for Adoption - In Foster
- Stray - In Foster
- Awaiting Spay/Neuter - In Foster
- Return Due Date: if selected, results will be filtered to animals with the Return Due Date set in the Fostering Instructions Page and between the selected date range.
- Foster Parent Preferences: if any are selected, the list will be filtered to only those foster parents with the selected foster preferences (under Foster Details) will be shown.
- Group by: You may choose how to sort and count the animals. Choose No Grouping for a better layout for export to Excel, plus the links are removed that open new windows for animal ID and person ID. Note: when exporting to Excel, if you need to sort the data, it is recommended that you use the advanced excel export and untick all the options.
- Include fields: You may choose which fields you want to output on the report. Animal ID, animal name, foster person ID, foster person name, and animal type will always appear.
Field Notes
- Date In Foster: comes from the Fostering Instructions page.
- Animal Type: is the type at the start of the foster period (for example, if the animal was a kitten at the start of foster but now is a cat, this report will display kitten)
- Current Age: is the age shown on the Animal Details Page.
- Date In Shelter: is the most recent date the animal entered the shelter.
- Date In Foster: is the date recorded in the Fostering Instructions Page.
- Return Due Date: is the date set in the Fostering Instructions Page.
- Actual Return Date: is the date in Status History for the first non-fostering status recorded after the Date in Foster date. Note: the report may show a return date that is invalid if someone has set the animal status back to one of the fostering statuses after a non-fostering status, and did not use the Personal Category of Foster to properly send the animal back into foster.
- Days: is the number of days the animal was in foster, including the beginning and ending dates. It is calculated from the Date In Foster to the Actual Return Date if there is an actual return date, or to today if the animal is still in foster.
Animals Due For Treatment (241)
This report shows all animals in foster care with a scheduled treatment in the date range. This includes scheduled surgery date, stitch removal, medications, vet treatments due, and animal care requests.
- Date Range is used by to find the various treatments shown. The report searches for treatments in the date range as listed above whether or not you choose to display them.
- Region is the current animal type as shown on the Animal Details Page
Field Notes
- Contact Details is the foster person phone numbers.
- Scheduled Surgery Date is shown on the Medical Notes page.
- Stitches Removal Date is shown on the Medical Notes page.
- Vet Treatments Due includes any vet treatments that have been scheduled in the date range but not given.
- Medications include any medications that are scheduled during all or part of the date range specified.
- Care Requests include both vet reminders and animal care requests with a reminder date in the date range.
Available Foster List (Report 108)
This report shows details for foster persons. To appear on this report the person must have a blank Inactive Date on the Foster Details Page, and not be marked No Foster on the Person Details page. Additional filters are chosen at the time you run the report.
If you leave all options blank, you will receive a list of all active foster persons.
- Available Date: You may leave this blank. If you enter from and to dates, then people will be excluded from the report who have Unable To Foster dates fully outside the date window you select. If they are available any part of that date period they will show.
- Foster Details: Matches those entered on the Foster Details page
- Foster Carer: Allows you to select only people who currently are fostering or select only people who are not currently fostering animals, as determined by the person being associated with animals who have any of the foster statuses as the current animal status.
- Special Needs: Matches those entered on the Foster Details page
- Last Foster End: You may leave this blank. If you select a date range, then you will see people who have the most recent date they returned an animal within that date range. Note it does not look at animals currently in foster since they do not have a return date.
- Region: Matches that entered on the Foster Details page
- Foster Preference: Matches those entered on the Foster Details page
- Property Check Completed: If you choose yes, then people will show on the report who have any date entered in the Property Check field in Foster Details page.
- Training Completed: If you choose yes, then people will show on the report who have any date entered in the Foster Parent Training Completed field in Foster Details page.
- Order By: Allows you to choose how you want the results sorted.
Notes on Some Fields
- Address: This is their postal/mailing address.
- Current Foster Count: This is a count of animals that are in the person's care, and the animal has a current status of one of the foster statuses.
- Most Recent In Foster Date: This is the most recent In Foster date associated with the person as shown on the Foster Instructions pages for all the foster animals for that person
- Last Foster End: This is the most recent date they returned an animal. Note that this does not show anything for animals currently in their care since there is not a return date for those animals. The return date is based on the first non-foster status for that animal after the In Foster date shown on the Foster Instructions page, and therefore theIn Foster date is required.
- Person Jurisdiction: This is shown on the Person Details Page with their physical address.
Dispatch Animals in Foster by Job Number (616)
Display the animal details and foster parent details of animals linked to a dispatch job. This report will only display animals with a current foster status.
Foster Monthly Report (Report 140)
This report is designed to give you counts or details on foster animals in four basic categories.
Report Parameters
- Date Range: the dates of interest. The date ranges are used differently in each section, detailed below.
- Regions: the region from which the animal went into foster, stored in the Status History.
- Animal Types: the animal type at the time the animal went into foster, stored in the Status History.
- Report Type: The Summary report provides simple counts by animal type. The Detail report can be either one record per entry into foster, showing start and end dates and the foster person information, or you can choose the Detail report where there is only one record per animal ID, and this will show the number of times the animal started foster as well as the number of unique foster homes the pet had during the date range.
Report Sections
Note: if your parameters result in no data on a section, that section will not appear in the report.
Section 1: In Care End of Day
This section counts animals that were in foster care as of the end of the ending date selected, based on the most recent status history entry entered before the Date To you entered. Animals are only counted once.
Section 2: Animals Fostered This Period
This section counts the animals that were in foster care during any portion of the date range selected, including those that started foster before the beginning of the date period and were still in foster during any part of the date period or have not yet returned from foster. Number of animals is the count of specific animal IDs. Number of Instances counts the number of times an animal was in foster during the date range entered (an animal can be counted multiple times).
Section 3: Animals Starting Foster This Period
This section counts the animals that went into foster care during the date period.
Section 4: Animals Returned this Period
This section counts animals that returned from foster care during the date range selected. An animal is considered returned when a non-foster status in status history follows the foster status.
Field Notes
- Number of Animals: a count of unique animal IDs.
- Number of Instances: a count of the number of times the animal was in foster.
- Number of Foster Homes: a count of unique foster person IDs associated with the animal during the date range.
- Inventory Status: only shown in Section 1. This is the status that is the most recent status before the Date To and is used to determine that the animal was in foster for Section 1.
- Foster Date: the date/time in status history when the animal was sent into foster. If showing the detail report with one line per animal, then this is the first date the animal went into foster related to this report data.
- Return Date: the date/time of the first non-foster status in status history following the Foster Date. If showing the detail report with one line per animal, then this is the last date the animal returned from foster related to this report data.
- Total Days: the Return date minus the Foster Date expressed in days and tenths of days.
- Report Days: the days the animal was in foster during the report date range.
Foster Statuses include:
- In Foster
- Available for Adoption - In Foster
- Awaiting Spay/Neuter - In Foster
- Awaiting Vet Approval - In Foster
- Bite Quarantine - In Foster
- Emergency Evacuation - In Foster
- Hold In Foster
- Protective Custody In Foster
- Stray - In Foster
Foster Person List (Report 691)
This report gives information on people who fostered in a date range.
- Date Range: compares to status history with one of the foster statuses.
- Region(s): Optional. Filters on the physical location stored in status history at the start of foster.
Report Types:
- Foster Person: One line per person including contact information and the number of animals fostered (unique animal IDs) and the number of instances (entries into foster).
- Foster Person and Dates: For each foster person, shows the dates they fostered animals during the date range, the number of days they fostered, and the number of animals. This report is useful to analyse the analyse of days the person had animals during the date range, for volunteer hours for example. The days are complete days including the start and end dates.
- Foster Person and Animals: For each foster person, shows detail on each animal they fostered. Animal Type is the type stored with the status history when the animal went into foster. Region is the physical location stored with the status history when the animal went into foster. Foster Start Date is the status date stored with the status history when the animal went into foster. Return Date is the date stored in the status history for the first non-foster status after the foster status date. Due Date is from the Foster Instructions and only displays if the animal has not yet been returned. Total Days is the return date minus the status date when the animal went into foster; if the animal is still in foster than the report ending date is used. Report Days is the same math as Total Days but ending at the report date range.
Foster Property Check Report (Report 608)
This report lists all foster parents that do not have a property check date entered on the foster details page.
Foster Returned Report (Report 62)
This report provides a list of animals that were returned from foster in the date range selected.
Selection Parameters
- Region: if you select a region, then only animals that have this selected physical location at the start of their foster will be shown.
- Animal Type: restricts output to the selected animal type at the start of foster.
- Outgoing Status: restricts output to those animals who have the selected outgoing statuses as the first outgoing status after the Date In Foster.
Field Notes
- Animal Type: is the type at the start of the foster period (for example, if the animal was a kitten at the start of foster but now is a cat, this report will display kitten)
- Foster Parent: is the person linked to Owner History during the animal into foster process.
- Date In Foster: is the status date linked when the animal was sent into foster.
- Return Date: is the date in Status History for the first non-fostering status recorded after the Date in Foster date.
- Days: is number of days the animal was in foster. It is calculated from the Date In Foster to the Return Date, including the starting and ending date.
- Current Status: is the status shown on the Animal Details Page.
- Outgoing Status: is the first outgoing status after the Date In Foster.
Fostered Out (Report 61)
This report is designed to give you counts or details on animals that entered foster care during the date period selected, including counts by reason for foster.
- Date From and Date To: Required. The status date in status history when the animal went into foster. This is linked during the foster process.
- Region(s): Optional. Filters on the physical location recorded in status history when the animal went into foster.
- Animal Type(s): Optional. The animal type stored in status history at the time the animal went into foster.
- Outgoing Status: Optional. Filters on the outgoing status (adopted, etc).
- Report Type: Detailed provides a list of animal IDs along with various data elements. Summary provides counts based on your selections in Group By and Count By.
- Group By: your first selection of grouping of the animals. Note: if you select Foster Reasons, you will see a group for each reason. An animal can have multiple reasons attached to one foster entry, so your counts might not match other reports.
- Order By/Count By: your second selection for the ordering or counting of the animals. Note: if you select Foster Reasons, you will see a group for each reason. An animal can have multiple reasons attached to one foster entry, so your counts might not match other reports.
Detail Report Field Notes:
Animal ID and Foster Parent Person ID are always shown. Results are grouped by your selection in Group By and ordered by your selection in Order By, followed by animal ID and In Foster Date.
- Foster Reasons: This is always the collection of reasons for the foster animal.
- Reason Count: this count allows you to more easily spot animals with multiple foster reasons.
- Foster Count: this count allows you to more easily spot animals with multiple entries into foster.
- In Foster Date: the status date from status history when the animal entered foster
- Return Date: the status date from status history for the first non-foster status after the In Foster Date.
- Foster Days: the number of days and partial days from the In Foster Date/time to the Return Date/time. If the animal is still in foster, the math is done to the current date and time.
- Current Status: the status shown on the Animal Details page.
- Outgoing Status and Outgoing Status Date: the first outgoing status for this animal after the In Foster Date.
Summary Report Field Notes:
Your selection for the Group By and the Count By fields are shown. Next is a count of the unique animal IDs that meet the combination of those two selections. Finally there is a count of the number of times an animal entered foster with that combination of those two selections.
New Foster Homes (681)
This report will show you how many new foster homes have been added during the selected time period and/or by region, based on the "date trained" date and selected region showing on the Foster Person Details page.
Length of Stay Report List
(Note: these reports are found in the Shelter Report Group)
Animal Care Days – Summary (Report 11)
Animal Care Days - Detailed (Report 735)
Both reports use the same filters but display different levels of detail.
This report provides a study of animals in care over a date range. The report looks at in care statuses recorded in Status History and gives you counts of days and counts of animals (depending on choices below) and the associated average, grouped by one or two grouping options of your choice.
Key Selection Parameters
- Region: this will filter on animals that have the selected region in status history.
- Animal Type: restricts output to the selected animal type as saved in status history.
- Date Range Option:
- Status Begins in Date Range: The filter will take those animals with a status date in the date range you entered.
- Status Occurs Any Part of Date Range: The filter looks at the span of time the animal had the status and includes the animal if the status falls in the selected date range. For example, this selection allows you to see all animals who had the status of Available For Adoption any time in June. If you want to see all animals in care during the month of June you would select this option.
- Source Date: If you choose this option the date filter is restricted to animals with a Source Date in the range selected. You can see the total length of stay using this option and it will include animals currently in care. You need to choose the Count Days By option to All Days at Each Status to do this.
- Outgoing Date: If you choose this option the date filter is restricted to animals with an outgoing status during the date range specified. To see the Total Length of Stay, you will need to choose the Count Days By option to All Days at Each Status to get an accurate count. If you choose to exclude certain statuses they will not be counted. For example, you might want to measure the Total Length of Stay for animals that had an outgoing status in June but exclude their time in foster. To do this, exclude all the Foster statuses.
- Count Days By:
- Animal Days in the Date Range: Only count the days the animal were in care AND within the date range. For example, use this option to see how many meals should have been served to the dogs in June. For this example you would also select the Date Range Option of Status Occurs Any Part of Date Range.
- All Days at Each Status: sums the total amount of days the animal had that status regardless of the date range (the date range and date range option is used to select which animals to include). If there is no next status, it counts through today's date. Examples of using this feature would be to see the average amount of time animals are awaiting sort or the total amount of time the animals are in care.
- Source to Status Date: Counts days from the Source date to selected status regardless of any statuses in between the selected status. It is recommended that you select only one status for this summary to give useful information. For example, use this option to measure how long from incoming to Available for Adoption.
- Status Date to Outgoing Date: Counts days from the start of the selected status to the outgoing date. If there is no outgoing date, the ending report date is used. It is recommended that you select only one status for this summary to give useful information. For example, use this option to measure the length of time from Available for Adoption to any outgoing status, even if there were some other statuses in between.
- Days to One Specific Status: This option needs the Select Status parameter to be filled in (if you forget you will get no data). This option counts all days at each status until the first time the selected status is found for each animal. This gives you the ability to measure the days between incoming and Available for Adoption, for example, and also allows you to exclude certain statuses from the count. Perhaps you need to measure the length of stay between incoming and Available for Adoption, but you do not want to count Foster time in this calculation: Use the Date Range Option of Source Date, the Count Days By option to Days to One Specific Status, the Select Status to Available for Adoption, and exclude the foster statuses.
- Calculate Age On: This option lets you see the animals age calculated from date of birth to the date you select. If you leave this option blank no age will be calculated. If you enter a date, the age will be calculated in years and months and will automatically show on the report.
- Count Animals By: This applies to the Summary Report Type, and determines the Animal Count and the denominator for the average.
- Unique Animal IDs: Counts each animal only once. Useful for studying the total amount of time the animal is in care or average time at available for adoption.
- Instances at Each Status: If an animal has multiple statuses in the output it will be counted each time the status is listed. This is useful if you want to study how long animals are Awaiting Vet Check each time they need it.
- Sort/Group By: These two choices allow you to see counts by those one or two categories. You can leave the same choice in both selections.
- Source Select/Exclude and Sources: You can either select specific sources or exclude specific sources. If you choose Exclude but do not select any specific sources, you will get them all.
- Status Select/Exclude and Statuses: You can either select specific in care statuses or exclude specific ones. If you choose Exclude but do not tick any specific statuses, you will get them all. This only affects the status column and which records are reported; not the Next Status nor the Outgoing Status columns. For example, you may want to count animal care days for June except for animals offsite, so you would Exclude status of In Foster, Available for Adoption Offsite, etc.
- Breed Size: This is the size assigned to the breed under Administration > Edit Drop Down Lists > Animal Breeds > Maintain. Enter breed size for the Dog or Cat animal types; do not enter breeds and sizes for Kitten nor Puppy. Enter breed sizes for other animal types as appropriate.
Animal Status Report (Report 612)
This report lists animals that had a status within the date range specified. The status history is used to generate this report. The report return will display the number of days spent at the status selected.
- Date Range: uses the status date field on the animal details page
- Animal Type: is the animal type at the time of the animal's status (E.g. puppy then but dog now)
- Status: The status the animal had during the date range specified.
- Region: The physical location of the animal when the status was processed. If the status was information, then the region of the user that entered the animal will be used.
In Care Inventory (Report 226)
This report shows details for all animals currently in care as determined by the status shown on the Animal Details Page. It will also show how long the animal has spent in care thus far.
- Media is all current media appearances for an animal
- Days Here is from the source date (in source history) to today
- Days at Current Status is from the status date on the Animal Details Page to today
- "In Shelter Days" is the days here less days in foster
- Days the Animal Has Held This Status - will find any animals that have the selected status/s within the number of days selected. For example, if you enter a range of 10 to 20, it will show animals that have had the selected status for 10 to 20 days. The range can be open-ended, so you can find animals that have held a date greater than a set number of days by entering the number into the first box and leaving the second blank, or less than a number of days by entering a number in the second box and leaving the first box empty. The range boxes will only accept whole numbers and numeric characters only.
Length Between 2 Statuses (Report 614)
This Report calculates the number of animals, total length, and the average of the number of days an animal was between statuses. For example, running this report with a To status of "available for adoption" and a from the status of "Adopted" would give the number of days the animal had the status of "available for adoption" before it was given the status of "adopted".
The report uses the status history to calculate these figures. A break down of the filters are:
- The source filter will use the animal's source that was applied during its status history (from source history) at the time the "from status" was applied.
- The date ranges are from the status date field that is stored in the status history at the time the "from status" was applied.
- The region filter is the physical location of an animal when it was in care, or if the status was outgoing then the user of the region that first entered the animal is used. The "From status" history is used (in case the animal is transferred to a different region)
- The animal type is the type the animal was at the time the "from status" was applied (from status history)
Length of Stay by Region (Report 686)
Reports on the length of stay by region in both summary and detailed formats. This report will only show the number of days in shelter per animal type within the given time frame, not total. For example, if a dog enters a shelter on April 1 and leaves on April 21, but the report is only being run for the range of April 7 - April 14, then the dog's number of days is counted as 7, not 21. Data is pulled from status history plus source history.
This report pulls data based on both status and source dates. Please run the audit reports to be sure your data is clean. Recommended reports include Outgoing Status History Audit and Source and Status Date Audit.
- Date From: Required. The status date from status history.
- Date To: Required. The status date from status history or the from date from source history.
- Region(s): The animal's physical location from source history or status history.
- Animal Type(s): The animal's type from source history or status history.
- Incoming Source(s): Optional. The incoming source, so you can exclude DOA or Euthanasia Requests, for example. Internal Transfers are included if the true source is in the selected list. Leave blank for all sources. You cannot filter on Internal Transfers.
- Outgoing Status(es): Optional. If you select any outgoing status then the animals still in care will be excluded. Internal transfers are included if the true outgoing status is in the selected list. Leave blank for all outgoing statuses plus in care animals. You cannot filter on Internal Transfers.
Summary Report Format:
- Number of Animals: Total number of animals from source history and status history for this period. Each visit at a region counts separately.
- Total Report Days: Difference between start date/time and end date/time. Start date is either the day the animal arrived in shelter or the date from parameter, whichever is later. End date is either the day the animal left shelter, or the date to parameter, whichever is sooner.
- Average Report Days: Total report days divided by number of animals.
Detail Report Format:
- Total Report Days: Difference between start date/time and end date/time. Start date is either the day the animal arrived in shelter or the date from parameter, whichever is later. End date is either the day the animal left shelter, or the date to parameter, whichever is sooner.
- Report Start Date: Either the starting parameter or the date the animal came to the region via a new source or an internal transfer in.
- Report End Date: either the ending parameter or the date the animal left the region via an outgoing status or an internal transfer out.
- Actual Start: the day the animal arrived in shelter.
- Actual End: the day the animal left shelter.
Total Length of Stay (Report 272)
This reports shows the full length of stay in both summary and detailed format for animals with an outgoing status. The animals must have a live incoming source (no DOA). This report is different from Total Length of Stay by Region (report 690) because this report sums all time in care regardless of region. An animal is counted once per incoming source.
This report sums the calculated the status date/time to the next status date/time for each status history record. Additional filters allow you to select specific in care statuses or groups of statuses.
If the entire LOS for an animal is excluded by the selected excluded statuses, then that animal will not show in the detail nor count in the summary. For example: a cat with the status of Emergency Boarding and then her outgoing status is Emergency Boarding Returned to Owner: if you select to exclude days at Emergency Boarding, then this animal would not count.
- Date From: Required. The outgoing status date from status history.
- Date To: Required. The outgoing status date from status history.
- Region Option and Regions: If you select specific regions, then the incoming option will filter on source history or the outgoing option will filter on the status history at the outgoing status.
- Animal Type(s): The animal type stored in status history at time of outgoing.
- Jurisdiction: Filters on the incoming jurisdiction as stored in Source History.
- Color Select and Color: Selects or excludes based on the primary color shown on the Animal Details Page. For example, this allows you to compare LOS for black dogs vs LOS for non-black dogs.
- Min/Max Age(years): The age filter compares to the age in years calculated at the outgoing status date. This is set to be greater than or equal to the minimum age and less than the maximum age. This prevents animals that meet that maximum age to be counted twice if you are running the report for groups of ages.
- Sources: Allow you to pick one or more specific sources to examine.
- In Care Statuses: Allows you to pick one or more in care statuses to include. If you select specific statuses here, only animals with those statuses are included, and the Total Days is only the days at those selected statuses. Selected in care statuses override the Day Groups set to Include (Foster Days, Court Hold Days, etc). Note If you chose to exclude the same statuses using the Day Groups you may get confusing results.
- Outgoing Statuses: Outgoing statuses to examine.
- Euthanasia Requests: Exclude filters out the animals with any of the Euthanasia Request sources but only if the animal was euthanized. Include leaves those animals in the report. (You can also exclude Euthanasia Request sources by selecting other incoming sources). This provides an easy way to exclude these animals, and is set by default to exclude them because usually Length of Stay analysis excludes Euthanasia Requests. This filter looks at the outgoing status as well, because some euthanasia request sources allow for optional rehoming.
- Foster Days, Protective Custody Days, Court Hold Days, Emergency Boarding Days: Include: the days at the associated statuses count towards the Length of Stay. Exclude: the days at the associated statuses are excluded from the Length of Stay calculation, and are shown in the Excluded Days column.
- Report Type: Detailed provides a list of animal IDs and a sum of their time while in care. Summary provides statistics on these animal counts.
Detail Report Type: Shows one record per animal and entry into the shelter.
You may set defaults for the optional fields under Report Administration. - Total Days: Total days in care. If you selected one or more specific in care statuses, then Total Days shows number of days at those statuses only.
- Excluded Days: Days at the statuses you have chosen to exclude (Foster, Protective Custody, Court Hold, and Emergency Boarding). Note: if you chose specific in care statuses and also chose to exclude any of the Foster, Protective Custody, Court Hold, or Emergency Boarding Days, the animal might have more days excluded than total days.
- LOS: Total Days - Excluded Days
- Primary Color/Secondary Color: As shown on Animal Details Page
- Age (years): Calculated age in years at the outgoing status date.
- Incoming Source, Date, Region, Jurisdiction: From Source History. Note that source date is for reference only; it is not used in the LOS calculation.
- Incoming Person/Org: from Owner History linked to the source history record
- Outgoing Source, Date, Region, Jurisdiction: From the outgoing Status History record
- Outgoing Person/Org: from Owner History linked to the status history record
Summary Report Type: - Number of Animals: Count of animals by type. Each new incoming source counts separately.
- Total Days: Total days calculated by the sum of the status date/time to the following status date/time. If you chose specific in care statuses, then Total Days is only for those in care statuses.
- Excluded Days: Days at the statuses you have chosen to exclude (Foster, Protective Custody, Court Hold, and Emergency Boarding).
- Adjusted Days: Total Days - Excluded Days.
- Avg LOS: Adjusted Days divided by Number of Animals.
- Median LOS: the midpoint of the distribution of Length of Stay values, such that half the animals are above and half the animals are below that LOS.
Total Length of Stay by Region (Report 690)
This report shows the full length of stay by region in both summary and detailed format for animals with an outgoing status. This report is different from Length of Stay by Region (report 686) because this report looks at animals with an outgoing status and reports on the total time spent in care, with optional exclusions. An animal is counted once per incoming source and region combination.
For example, a dog enters the shelter on April 1 and is adopted on April 21, and during that time transfers from Region A to Region B and back to Region A. The dog would count once at region A and once at Region B. The dog would only count if the date range included April 21, when the outgoing status is recorded. If the dog comes back into the shelter after April 21 he will be counted separately.
This report calculates the status date/time to the next status date/time for each status history record, and sums those by the physical location recorded in status history. If you choose to exclude certain statuses, then those days are excluded from the final calculation.
If the entire LOS for an animal is excluded by the selected excluded statuses, then that animal will not show in the detail or count in the summary. For example: a cat with the status of Emergency Boarding and then her outgoing status is Emergency Boarding Returned to Owner: if you select to exclude days at Emergency Boarding, then this animal would not count.
- Date From: Required. The outgoing status date from status history.
- Date To: Required. The outgoing status date from status history.
- Region(s): Optional. Filters on the physical location recorded in status history.
- Animal Type(s): The animal type stored in status history at time of outgoing.
- Report Type: Detailed provides a list of animal IDs and a sum of their time at the selected regions. Summary provides statistics on these animal counts.
- Euthanasia Requests: Exclude filters out the animals with any of the Euthanasia Request sources. Include leaves those sources in the report. (You can also exclude them by selecting other incoming sources). This provides an easy way to exclude these sources, and is set by default to exclude them because usually Length of Stay analysis excludes Euthanasia Requests.
- DOA: Exclude removes any incoming DOA from the report. Include leaves DOA sources in the report. (You can also exclude them by selecting other incoming sources). This provides an easy way to exclude these sources, and is set by default to exclude them because usually Length of Stay analysis excludes DOA animals.
- Foster Animals: Exclude removes from the report any animal that was in foster (per status history) during its stay at the shelter. Include leaves these animals in the report, and you can exclude just their days in foster by the Foster Days filter.
- Incoming Source(s): Optional. The incoming source to allow you to pick one or more specific sources to examine.
- Outgoing Status(es): Optional. Outgoing statuses to examine.
- Foster Days, Protective Custody Days, Court Hold Days, Emergency Boarding Days: Include: the days at the associated statuses count towards the Length of Stay. Exclude: the days at the associated statuses are excluded from the Length of Stay at Region calculation.
Detail Report Type: Shows a sum of the days each animal spent at the selected regions. - Days At Region: Total days spent at the region
- Excluded Days: Days spent at status you have chosen to exclude, such as In Foster, etc.
- LOS At Region: Days At Region - Excluded Days
Summary Report Type:
- Number of Animals: Count of animals that spent time at the region by type. Each new incoming source counts separately.
- Days At Region: Total days calculated by the sum of the status date/time to the following status date/time at that region.
- Excluded Days: Days at the statuses you have chosen to exclude.
- Adjusted Days At Region: Days at Region - Excluded Days.
- Avg LOS: Adjusted Days at Region divided by Number of Animals.
- Median LOS: The midpoint value of the Adjusted Days at Region for that region/animal type.
Notes on optional fields for Detail Report:
You may set default fields in Report Administration. - Incoming Age: calculated age in years and months from date of birth to source date.
- Outgoing Weight: the last weight taken before the outgoing date.
- Breed Size: the size set in administration for the primary breed.
- Last Kennel and Location: the last kennel change before the outgoing date.
- Original Source and Date: the source and date for the first time the animal entered the shelter.
- Outgoing Jurisdiction: the jurisdiction shown on the person page for the person related to the animal on the outgoing status.
Agency Report List
Agency Billing - Animal Control (Report 430)
This is a detailed report of all animals that have come into a specific shelter from a specific jurisdiction. It will show all animals from the source of Agency Incoming, ACO Impound, Stray, DOA - Agency and DOA - Stray. You have the option of also showing Owner Surrender Animals, Wildlife, DOA - Wildlife or Returned animals. This report will show the found location of the animal and if the animal was reclaimed it will show the owner name and address.
Agency Incoming Detail Report (Report 219)
This report shows details for all animals that were linked to an agency when brought into the shelter.
- The report runs off source history
- Region is the physical location of the animal when it came in
- Agency is the agency that the animal came in from
- Date Range is the date the animal was entered into the system (from source history)
- Source is the source the animal came in with
- Animal type is the type of the animal
Agency (Council) Invoicing Check/Cheque (Report 256)
This report lists the jurisdiction, release fees, and license fees for all reclaimed animals brought in by an agency. For licenses to show animal record must have:
- A license record
- A status history of "Redeemed"
- Brought in by an agency from the "go to agency" drop down list.
The date range is based on the status history date of the Redeemed status.
Agency Outgoing Detail Report (Report 218)
This report shows details for all animals that were linked to an agency when leaving the shelter.
- The report runs off source history
- Region is the physical location of the animal when it went out
- Agency is the agency that the animal went to - leave blank to see all agencies
- Date Range is the date the animal went out
- Animal type is the type of the animal
Agency Outgoing Stats Summary (Report 273)
This report is for statistics of how many animals exited the shelter that was received by an agency/council. The Date range is based on the animals outgoing status history, the agency/council is based on the animals incoming history from source history and the region is based on the animals outgoing region.
Agency Statistics - Incoming By Circumstance (Report 217)
This report counts all animals that were linked to an agency when brought into the shelter. So it doesn’t distinguish between sources.
- The report runs off source history
- Region is the physical location of the animal when it came in
- Agency is the agency that the animal came in from (via incoming agency)
- Date Range is the date the animal was entered into the system (from source history)
- The circumstances at the top of the report are the circumstances that the animal had when it came in (from source history)
Ambulance Hours (Report 247)
No description available.
Animal Control Officers Report (Report 457)
No description available
Animals Received From Public (Report 451)
This report shows details of animals which were brought in by members of the public residing in a contract council area.
Chip Report (Report 249)
No description.
Daily Record Of Council Impounds Detailed (Report 719)
This report is for agency/council billing. Animals are invoiced for a maximum of the number of days while they are in care.
- The maximum days are entered on the invoice days field on the report generator.
- The date range will be based on the date the animal was in care
- The council filter is based on the incoming council/jurisdiction/shire (from the field on the animal details page)
- The region will be based off the animals incoming region.
- The sources will be the animals incoming source that it had while it was in care.
- Days in care will only show up until the maximum, so if an animal was in care 10 days, it will show only 5 days as that’s the maximum billable days.
- Registration # is the council registration/license number on the animal details page
- Exclude animals that are still in care and have not yet reached their maximum invoiceable days. The animal is the property of the shelter when it exceeds the maximum invoiceable days. For example, When an animal comes in on the 24th of June and leaves on the 6th of July, and the report is run for June, the animal should not appear in the July report at all because it was included in June.
- Exclude animals that were invocied previous month. An animal can only be invoiced once, if the animal was in care 2 days in one month, and then 3 days the following month, the animal will only be invoiced for 5 days in the following month. Ie. A pet can only show on the report once its reached its maximum invoicable days, or if it exits the shelter, which ever one comes first.
There is also a summary version of this report
Daily Record Of Council Impounds Summary (Report 720)
This report is for agency / council billing. Animals are invoiced for a maximum of the number of days while they are in care.
- The maximum days are entered on the invoice days field on the report generator.
- The date range will be based on the date the animal was in care
- The council filter is based on the incoming council/jurisdiction/shire (from the field on the animal details page)
- The region will be based off the animals incoming region.
- The sources will be the animals incoming source that it had while it was in care.
- Days in care will only show up until the maximum, so if an animal was in care 10 days, it will show only 5 days as that’s the maximum billable days.
- Registration # is the council registration/license number on the animal details page
- Exclude animals that are still in care and have not yet reached their maximum invoicable days. The animal is property of the shelter when it exceeds the maximum invoiceable days. For example, When an animal comes in on the 24th of June and leaves on the 6th of July, and the report is run for June, the animal should not appear in the July report at all because it was included in June.
- Exclude animals that were invocied previous month. An animal can only be invoiced once, if the animal was in care 2 days in one month, and then 3 days the following month, the animal will only be invoiced for 5 days in the following month. Ie. A pet can only show on the report once its reached its maximum invoicable days, or if it exits the shelter, which ever one comes first.
There is also a detail version of this report
Disposal outcome by Council (Report 600)
To ascertain disposal outcome for all incoming animals by Council and public stray. Possible outcomes- adopted, reclaimed, euthanized. Also of outcome – number desexed vs entire
Outgoing Animals By Agency (Report 266)
No description available.
Released Animals (Report 248)
This report shows details of animals reclaimed/redeemed by specific agencies/councils. In includes licensing information (including exemption reasons), owner/guardian information and amounts allocated for these reclaims/redemptions.
Released Animals Export (Report 22)
This report is an export for the released animals report.
Dispatch Reports List
Ambulance New Jobs (Report 35)
Finds unassigned Ambulance jobs.
Ambulance Response Times (Report 685)
This report provides ambulance response times and includes a calculated time frame from received to pick up. Report is for use with the old dispatch module only.
- Date range: from the dispatch job's pickup date.
- Council / Jurisdiction: taken from the job address.
- Ambulance Driver: the officer from the dispatch job.
- Ambulance Request Code: taken from the dispatch job.
Animal Control Services Activities (Report 340)
This report shows all Animal Control Dispatch Request Details including details on the animals seized/surrendered.
Animal Control Summary (Report 343)
This report shows all incoming animals for a particular agency and also those animals that the public brings into that agency's particular warrant area (if any).
Carried In From Previous Period
These are the animals that have come in from the agency or warrant area before the date range selected in the report that are still in care.
Animal Outcomes (Report 470)
This report shows the outcomes of animals brought in by the ambulances or inspectors, i.e. whether or not the animals were euthanised, adopted, in care, etc.
Animals Seized, Surrendered, Put To Sleep (Report 581)
This report shows the number of each animal type seized, surrendered or put to sleep from dispatch jobs. The date range filters the date the job was received.
Average Response Times (Report 666)
This report determines the average response times over given periods, using the Date Attended field on the Inspection Details page (Add Inspection Details in the Dispatch Menu). Useful to track the effectiveness of enhanced procedures and priorities in dispatch. Filters out any unattended jobs (i.e. jobs that have no Date Attended entered in the requisite field) during the reporting period.
Calls by Officer (Report 34)
This report shows a summary of each job and the calls that were started during the date period selected. Can be filtered to show only jobs with the "after hours" box marked.
Citations Issued (Report 522)
This report shows the citations for animal cruelty, neglect or breaches of Animal Control.
Cruelty Complaint Follow-ups Detailed (Report 79)
Required for Dispatch Cruelty Complaints to show total workload involved for inspectors ie 1 cruelty complaint may require 2 revisits to finalise so this equals a total of 3 visits to the property/site. Currently, Cruelty complaints only report the 1 record for the initial complaint received.
SPCAs want to be able to capture not only every Cruelty complaint job that they receive but also have the ability to capture the number of onsite property revisits/follow ups for each job to show the full workload of inspectors.
The report only includes inspections that are:
- of type cruelty complaint
- Only inspections
And the filters are defined as:
- Date Range: date the job was received
- Officer: the officer assigned to the inspection (not the job)
- Status: the status of the inspection.
- Outcome: the outcome of the job.
- Inspection type: this will alter the column "Number of follow-ups to the selected inspection types.
Cruelty Complain Follow-ups Summary (Report 80)
Required for Dispatch Cruelty Complaints to show total workload involved for inspectors ie 1 cruelty complaint may require 2 revisits to finalise so this equals a total of 3 visits to the property/site. Currently Cruelty complaints only report the 1 record for the initial complaint received.
SPCAs want to be able to capture not only every Cruelty complaint job that they receive but also have the ability to capture the number of onsite property revisits/follow ups for each job to show the full workload of inspectors.
The report only includes inspections that are:
- of type cruelty complaint
- Only inspections
And the filters are defined as:
- Date Range: date the job was received
- Officer: the officer assigned to the inspection (not the job)
- Status: the status of the inspection.
- Outcome: the outcome of the job.
Cruelty Report (Report 395)
The number of inspections where the dispatch request is a cruelty complaint and the inspection is NOT a followup. The date range is the date the inspection was attended.
The number of inspections where the dispatch request is a cruelty complaint and the inspection is a followup. The date range is the date the inspection was attended.
The number of inspections where the dispatch request is a cruelty complaint and A breach type of MOU has been entered The date range is the date the inspection was attended.
The number of inspections where the dispatch request is a cruelty complaint and the inspection is NOT a followup. Charges approved by Crown are ticked for PCA Act or Criminal Code The date range is the date the inspection was attended.
The number of inspections where the dispatch request is an ambulance request. The date range is the date of pickup
The number of inspections where the dispatch has been flagged as unfounded, and in history the job is flagged as finalised. The date range is the date the the inspection was flagged as finalised in history
The number of inspections where the dispatch request is a cruelty complaint. The date range is the date the inspection was attended.
Daily Worksheet Report (Report 396)
This report shows details of jobs which are either assigned, awaiting recheck, or have been attended but not finalized.
Detailed Dispatch Summary (Report 589)
A comprehensive list of dispatch cases from which, to prioritize at a glance, enables management and officers to look at a summary of cases with details of each case.
Dispatch Animals Report (Report 382)
This report allows you to view dispatch jobs based on animal classes (livestock, wildlife etc) which were reported by the caller.
Dispatch Audit Trail (Report 649)
Audit trail of changes made to dispatch records.
Dispatch Numbers Report (Report 124)
Counts the number of Dispatch jobs entered into the system in various ways.
- officerName: The name of the Officer, Inspector, ACO etc that may be assigned to the job. This will filter the return to only show jobs assigned to this person or persons.
- JobTypes: used to filter for specific job types, e.g. Cruelty Complaint, Ambulance, Animal Control etc.
- Regions: Relates to the Region/Physical Location the user was assigned to when the job was created. Will restrict the return to only jobs entered from this/these locations.
- officerName Regions: Filters by the custom zoning used by Dispatch.
Dispatch Service Standard (Report 574)
This report details the response time to dispatch jobs. This report uses the statuses entered via the Dispatch Summary pop-up to determine how long a job took to process.
Dispatch Stats By Animal Type (Report 231)
This report shows the number of each animal type reported (not actually picked up or seized) for each code. Note: it is counting the Type, not the individuals, and will count each animal type listed on the job as one (1) regardless of how many instances of that type are listed, or what is entered in the Number of Animals field.
A job with multiple codes will be counted for each code and each animal type.
- Date range: The date the job was added to the system
- Jurisdiction/Shire: The jurisdictions assigned on the Dispatch Address
- Officer Region: The officer region in which the job took place. Report offers and option to group by region also.
- Codes: Select one or more of these to filter the jobs to only show those which had one of the selected codes checked
Dispatch Stats By Cruelty Code (Detailed) (Report 32)
This report shows details of animals attached to dispatch jobs along with a brief snapshot of the dispatch job itself. The filters are as follows:
- Warrant Area: the warrant area in which the job took place
- Date from / Date to: The date the job was added to the system
- Officer Region: The officer region in which the job took place
- Codes: Select one or more of these to filter the jobs to only show those which had one of the selected codes checked
- Animal Class: for reported animals only, entered in the Animal Summary at the base of the Dispatch job, not those that have a unique Animal ID linked to the job.
- Animal Type: the animal type for the above Animal Summary animals: does not relate to those linked to the job by Animal ID number.
- Inspection Status: The Inspection status from the Inspection or Follow up page.
- Group by Location and Officer Region: will place job assigned to specific login region and custom dispatch regions together.
- Source: the source entered on the dispatch job page, i.e. where the report came from (e.g. public, police etc)
Fields: - Reported Animal Breed: The breed of animals in the Animal Summary at the bottom of the dispatch page, not those linked to the job by unique Animal ID numbers.
- Reported Animal Type: The Animal Type of animals in the Animal Summary at the bottom of the dispatch page, not those linked to the job by unique Animal ID numbers.
- Source: Displays the source as entered on the dispatch job page.
Dispatch Stats By Cruelty Code (Summary) (Report 613)
This report shows details of animals attached to dispatch jobs along with a brief snapshot of the dispatch job itself. The filters are as follows: Warrant Area: the warrant area in which the job took place Date from / Date to: The date the job was added to the system Officer Region: The officer region in which the job took place Codes: Select one or more of these to filter the jobs to only show those which had one of the selected codes checked
Dispatch Stats By Suburb and Job Type (Report 573)
This report shows the number of dispatch jobs grouped by job type and suburb for an entered date range.
Dispatch Summary (Report 393)
This report will show a breakdown of job outcomes, and how many jobs had each outcomes. Keep in mind, a job can have more than 1 outcome, so the final count on the summary report is not a reflection on the number of jobs, more a reflection on how many outcomes were used.
There is also a detailed version of this report as well
Dispatch Summary (Detailed) (Report 732)
The detailed report will show details of each job which matches the selected criteria. This report will show a summary of job outcomes, and how many jobs had each outcome. It will also include jobs that have no outcomes, so one can be assigned if required. For this reason, totals may not balance with the summary version, which excludes jobs that have no outcome.
Keep in mind, a job can have more than 1 outcome, so the final count on the summary report is not a reflection on the number of jobs, more a reflection on how many outcomes were used.
Emailed Dispatch Summaries (Report 388)
This report shows details about all dispatch summaries emailed from the system.
Final Dispatch Outcomes (Report 580)
This report shows the number of each outcome grouped by animal type. The date range filters the finalized date of the job.
Humane Officer Animal Release Report (Report 107)
This report finds animals that were released to their owners, using the Seized Release function on the Dispatch page. Excludes animals that were released to the shelter.
Humane Officer Kennel Report (Report 115)
No description.
Instructions Issued (Report 575)
This report shows the number of instructions issued by each officer, grouped by officer region.
- Date Range: The date the instruction was issued.
- Officer Region: The region that the officer works in.
Job Outcomes (Report 584)
This report shows outcomes for dispatch jobs finalized during the given date range.
MOU Report (Report 113)
No description. Custom Report.
Officer Activity Log (Report 21)
This report shows the officers activity log for a given date range recorded via the dispatch summary page. It also includes the status history of the job during the time the officer was attending the job.
This report shows the officers activity log for a given date range.
The region filter is based on the officer region the officer is linked to in admin.
The date range is based on the starting date of the activity, e.g. when their shift started, or break started, or attending a job.
Request For Service By Dispatch Code (Report 636)
This report is a statistical summary of the number of cruelty codes for a dispatch job for a given month.
Seized Animal Report (Report 93)
This report displays information for animals linked to Dispatch jobs with a unique Animal ID number, regardless of whether they are currently in care, or have exited care, or are simply information only files.
- Officer: will limit the report to jobs assigned to a particular Officer/Inspector
- Job Type: Limits the report to specific types of Dispatch job, e.g. Cruelty Complaint or Animal Control
- Physical Location: Defines the behaviour of the Shelter Location drop down.
- Shelter Location: Filters the report by animals held in a particular Shelter Location
- Jurisdiction: limits the report by the jurisdiction entered in the Lost/Found Address field on the Animal Details page
- Seized From / To Date Range: the date the animal entered care
- Only Show In Care Animals: Excludes animals with an outcome. NB includes information and in care animals.
- Show Animals Which Have Not been Released to Shelter: Shows only animals that have not had the “Release to Shelter” process applied.
- Show Information Only Animals: Limits the report to just animals that are entered as information only.
- Order By: Offers different options the report return can be ordered by.
- Codes: The dispatch code assigned to the job the animal is linked to
- Job postcode: the postcode/zip code in Job Address field
- Job suburbName: the suburb/city/town in the Job Address field.
Unpaid Citations/Violations (Report 19)
This report lists citations / violations that have not been paid. To qualify as "not paid", the citation will have no receipt linked to it, or the total receipt payments does not equal the total citation fine amounts.
The date range uses the date issued field of the citation.
The Citation fine is for the individual citation's fine. The payments made is the sum of receipts linked to the citation (to show part payments)
Receipt Report List
Account List (Report 703)
A simple report to export the financial accounts for review.
Adoption Deposit (Report 186)
A simple report detailing adoption deposits taken for unaltered pets within a date range. The report includes basic information on the animal and contact information for its new guardian.
Agency Billing Report (Report 321)
This report shows animals that entered care with a source of either Stray or Council within a date range selected, from within a selected jurisdiction.
- Jurisdiction is based on information entered on the Animal Details page
- Date range is from Source History
- Displays both in care and exited animals
- Includes Owner details for reclaimed/redeemed animals
Bank List (Report 301)
This report assists with banking by breaking up payment amounts within a batch or date range into Payment Types.
Bank List by GL Code (Report 323)
This report breaks up payment amounts within a batch or date range by the account codes each amount was assigned to.
Campaign Management by GL Code (Report 310)
A simple report that shows the number and value of donations accredited to each campaign within a date range by region.
Campaign Totals (Report 328)
This report shows the total amounts campaigns have generated within a date range, including how many donations were assigned to each campaign. It differs from 310 because it can be filtered by specific campaigns and amounts, but not by region.
Clinic Consultations (Reports 233)
A simple report that shows the total number of procedures, vet treatments, additional procedures, products and medications performed via the Costed Clinic module within a selected date range, how much these items have cost and how much tax was included.
Council Fee Reconciliation (Report 334)
This report is used to reconcile the reclaim/redemption, license/registration fees and other fees that have been collected at the time of an animal being reclaimed from either the Agency Incoming, ACO Impound or Stray PC. It will also show license fees which have either been purchased separately or at the time of adoption if these boxes have been checked to show when running the report.
Customer Service Income Report (Report 314)
Intended to be run daily, this report helps users balance out at the end of each day by showing how much money has been taken by receipt and account. It has a Detailed version (117) and an option to display a bar graph with the result.
Customer Service Income Report - By Day (Report 325)
This report shows financial transactions for every day within a data range selected.
Detailed Donations By GL Code (Report 629)
This report shows a more detailed version of Donations By GL Code report and is exportable in various formats. It includes ALL payments and is not limited to simply those marked as donations.
Group allocations by GL Code:
If this box is checked, a single record will be listed with the total amount allocated to that GL Code for that receipt.
If the box is unchecked, then if multiple allocations are made to the same GL Code within a single receipt, each allocation will be listed separately.
*Note: if you have also selected Animal Type and/or other animal details to show as well as unchecking the Group Allocations by GL Code box, be aware that this will cause each individual allocation to display once per animal as well as once per line. Please take this into consideration when totalling your figures and adjust accordingly.
Donations By GL Code (Report 317)
This report shows details on all receipts within the parameters selected, not just donations. For a more detailed version, please use the Detailed Donations By GL Code report.
Group allocations by GL Code:
If this box is checked, a single record will be listed with the total amount allocated to that GL Code for that receipt.
If the box is unchecked, then if multiple allocations are made to the same GL Code within a single receipt, each allocation will be listed separately.
Euthanasia Payments (Report 234)
Deprecated report, used to track fees as assigned via Admin > Edit Drop Down Lists > Euthanasia Fees (no longer utilised)
Print Campaign Receipts (Report 363)
This report prints receipts for campaigns with their specific chosen template. If a receipt has a template selected on the receipt page that is different to the template selected for the campaign, then the selected template on the receipt page will be printed.
Products And Services Sold (Report 665)
This report shows products and services that appear on receipts during the date range for the receipt. This report is limited to products and services on receipt and does not include fees and any other charges that are outside of the products and services administration.
These fields are from the receipt:
- Product
- Quantity
- Price Level
- Price
- Line Item Total (note: if the product is a Set price regardless of quantity, the line item total is the price, otherwise it is the price * quantity)
- Receipt
- Receipt Date
- Region
- Location Sold From
- Animal ID
These fields are from the Product/Services Admin Setup:
- Product Code
- Product Group
- GL Code
- Account
Under Report Administration, you may set which optional fields are pre-set to show.
Receipt Changes (Report 214)
This report shows changes to payment amounts made after the receipt has been completed.
Receipt Integrity Report (Report 245)
This report looks for incomplete receipts, i.e. receipts that have no allocation and/or no receipt total. It uses colours to show you different things, e.g. missing information is shown in red, zero amounts are shown in orange and entered information that may be correct or not depending on the other columns are shown in black.
Receipt Summary (Report 318)
This report shows a summary of all receipts for a given date period, including the receipt date, the GL code, the amount, how the receipt was paid, and the user who processed the batch. The date period is required. Additional selection criteria are optional to give you more filtering selections.
Group allocations by GL Code:
If this box is checked, a single record will be listed with the total amount allocated to that GL Code for that receipt.
If the box is unchecked, then if multiple allocations are made to the same GL Code within a single receipt, each allocation will be listed separately.
Refunds Issued (Report 731)
This report will show all the refund receipts created in the system, the user that created, and the person that the refund was given to. The region filter is based on the receipt batch which was the region the user was logged in as when creating the receipt.
Refunds Not Yet Paid (Report 307)
This report finds receipts where a refund amount has been issued. Can be set to find all refunds or just those created via the Return Person Category
Return Animals Report (Report 312)
This report lists receipts where the purchase order has a value. The date range is based on the receipt date, and the region is based on the user's region that entered the receipt (from the receipt batch).
Taxable Clinic Items (Report 316)
This report shows items sold via the Costed Clinic module and totals it by numbers sold, pre-tax totals, tax totals, and totals.
Total By Cost Centre (Report 402)
This report shows details of payments received grouped by cost centre.
Group allocations by GL Code:
If this box is checked, a single record will be listed with the total amount allocated to that GL Code for that receipt.
If the box is unchecked, then if multiple allocations are made to the same GL Code within a single receipt, each allocation will be listed separately.
Total By G/L Code (Report 304)
This report simply totals amounts by account codes.
Total By Income Description (Report 303)
This report totals amounts by the descriptions assigned to account codes.
Total By Payment Type (Report 302)
This report displays totals for a date range by payment type, including subtotals per credit card types.
Unbalanced Receipts Report (Report 425)
This report lists receipts where the total of the receipt does not equal the sum of the allocations for the receipt.
Specifying a date range will get receipts that were created within that range.
Selecting a region filters on the region of the receipt batch.
Fundraising Report List
Admissions Follow Up (Report 469)
This report retrieves person and animal details for all animals which were admitted to the shelter through Stray, Owner Surrender or Returns which were adopted during the specified date range. Agencies, staff members, foster parents and persons who have been investigated are not included.
Adopted by User (Report 585)
This report lists each user that processed an adoption in the specified region and date range and the number of adoptions that they did.
Animals From Agency Statistics (Report 193)
A simple list of in care animals that have come from an Agency source.
Branch/Community Council Members Report (Report 474)
This report lists branch/community council members.
Campaign Appeal People (Report 661)
Shows a list of people who have been contacted for a campaign by appeal code, and whether or not they have made a donation to the campaign.
Campaign List (Report 705)
A simple report to export the campaigns for review.
Campaign Performance Analysis (Report 660)
Analyse and measure the effectiveness of a fundraising campaign, how many people responded, the amounts that were donated etc. for future earnings, by linking the Appeal Category on donation receipts with the Appeal Category in Campaign Communication Online Diary entries.
Campaign Results (Report 138)
A simple statistical report showing how many times a particular campaign has been assigned to a receipt within the date range selected.
Campaign Zip Code Report (Report 136)
This report displays amounts assigned to a campaign within a specified zip code/postcode area.
Cumulative Donations (Report 239)
This report lists people who have donated within a date range and notes the amount for that range and the total amount the person has donated to the organisation over all time. NB: to appear on this receipt, the donation must be linked to a campaign.
Donation Report (Report 390)
This report shows details of people who have made a donation within a selected date range. The walk-in option is for receipts that are not flagged as donor receipts (through the donor person category) but rather general receipts entered through the system.
If no Donation Account is selected, the report will only display receipts that have not yet been allocated to a Donation Account.
Donor History Letter (Report 230)
Generates letters to supporters that includes their donation history within the date range selected.
Donor Receipts (Report 658)
This report shows details of all of the donations to a fundraising campaign. To appear on this report:
- The grant must be added under the “Grants” link in the Fundraising menu
- Must have a response status of “Pending”
- The Expected Response Date must be within the parameters selected for the report. If no Expected Response Date has been entered, it will use the date applied instead.
Grants Awaiting Response (Report 31)
This report displays a list of grants that have passed their expected response date.
Inactive Persons List (Report 707)
A simple report to export a list of inactive persons with contact details for review.
Lottery Mailing Address Labels
Produces a mailing list of people who are to receive lottery books.
Lottery Tickets
Produces a list of lottery tickets issued, returned or refunded.
Mailing Lists (Report 1)
This report lists persons entered on your system and can be filtered in different ways. NOTE: applying multiple filters means the files on the resulting return must have ALL selected filters active on their file. The fewer filters, therefore, the larger the return.
Medical Clinic Services - Owners Listing (Report 513)
This report retrieves person details and the types of clinic consultation services that were done for their animals during the date period selected. The Origin field is from the consultation page, not the Animal Details page.
Member Numbers / Areas (Report 26)
This report shows how many members there are for a specified Member Type and Branch.
Member Renewals (Report 25)
This report shows members whose membership is due to be renewed or expire within the date range selected.
Members Birthdays (Report 27)
This report provides a list of members whose birthdays fall within the selected parameters.
Membership Report (Report 411)
Primarily designed for querying lapsed members, this report can find members by Membership Type, joining date, renewal dates, and much more. Quite handy for targeting specific groups within your members.
Microchip Implant Report (Report 572)
This report shows all animal ids for animals that have been microchipped within the given date range.
New Members to Approve (Report 259)
This report must be run so that members recently entered are officially approved. This report must be run for the system to recognise them as approved, regardless of the manual setting on the Membership page.
No Recorded Reason for Euthanasia (Report 583)
This report shows a list of animals that have been euthanised where the staff member has not recorded the reason for euthanasia.
Person Mailing List Subscriptions (Report 721)
This report lists the person and what mailing lists they are subscribed to receive. 1 means they are subscribed, 0 means they are not.
Pre Registration / Data Acquisition (Report 85)
This report gets information from the pre registrations/data acquisitions area. This module may need to be enabled for your site by Shelter Buddy support.
Prospective Donors Report (Report 67)
A simple report that locates files that have the “Prospective Donor” box ticked on their Person Details page.
Receipts Per User Report (Report 195)
A simple report that displays how much money has been assigned to any given type of receipt by users within a date range.
Regular Payment Batch Direct Debits (Reports 453)
This report lists bank account details for a certain regular payment batch direct debit transactions. (These direct debit transactions have not had receipts created for them yet).
Regular Payment Exclusion Report (Report 694)
A simple report that lists any exclusions against a specific batch from Regular payments.
Regular Payments Due To Expire (Reports 652)
This report details regular payments which either (depending on user selection) expire in the selected date range, or are attached to a credit card which will expire in the selected date range.
Regular Payments List (Report 475)
This report lists people with regular payments, with the status and other details of the regular payment.
Sponsorship Products Report (Report 509)
This report produces a list of sponsorship products, including whether they are currently available for sponsorship or if a person or business is currently sponsoring this product.
Sponsorships Report (Report 510)
This report produces a list of sponsorships that a person or business currently have or have had previously.
Admin Report List
Access Levels for Users or Groups (Report 540)
This report shows the pages and access levels that have been specifically assigned to the selected user or access group. The list shown for a user are those pages assigned in the Manage Pages section under Administration, and then under Assign Individual User. The list shown for a group are those pages assigned under Assign Groups.
Activity Summary Report (Report 488)
This report displays a summary of activity for a user, or a region of users, within a specified date range.
Adoption Audit (Report 289)
Audits files for all adopted animals and compares the number of adoption processes to the number of adoption statuses. Any records where the number is different are displayed on this report.
Adoption Fee Export (Report 46)
This report exports all the adoption fees set up via administration to an excel spreadsheet.
Adoptions Accounts Audit (Report 446)
This report lists all the adoptions for a region, that have an account in a different cost centre. The region is based off the user's region that processed the adoption. The cost centre is based on the receipts allocations.
The cost centre option should be used to say what cost centre is the correct cost centre for the adoption receipt.
Animal Vet Treatment Export (Report 18)
This report is for customers that need to export their basic vet treatment data on a regular basis. It simply lists all active Animal Treatments.
Audit Trail (Report 119)
A useful report that works in one of three ways:
- Audits specific users in your system
- The User text box is auto-complete: just begin typing the users name and the list will narrow down according to the text typed. Select from the list so the report can recognise the user you want.
- Examines their activity within the date range selected
- End result displays any person or animal file the user has added or edited, displaying the action the user took and additional information that may be relevant to the file.
Animal ID:
- Audits individual animal files to display changes to status, source, owner and vet treatment history.
- Changes are marked on the audit.
- Some items are simply marked as “edits”, others – such as the addition of a microchip – are marked in more detail.
- Changes to source or status using Admin features can be seen here.
Person ID:
- Simply displays the date, time and user that added the file and the date, time, and user that edited it. The changes themselves are not displayed.
Billing Report (Report 353)
This report shows the number of animals added to the system within a given period and region.
Data Integrity Report – Animal (Report 91)
This report is designed to search all animals in the database based on the animal ID range you supply,
e.g. if you search for animal ID 100 to 200, the report will get the details of animal 100 and display all matches in the database for this animal, then it repeats this for animal 101, 102, etc until it reaches animal id of 200.
Data Integrity Report - Animal Fields (Report 212)
Similar to 91 but displays more fields. NOTE: if the animal has had multiple sources assigned within the date bracket selected, it will appear multiple times, but always with the same details. This report isn’t sophisticated enough to recognise history.
Data Integrity Report - Animals with multiple deceased statuses (Report 391)
This report details all animal records which have multiple deceased statuses in status history.
Data Integrity Report – Person (Report 90)
This report is designed to search all persons in the database based on the person ID range you supply,
e.g. if you search for person ID 100 to 200, the report will get the details of person 100 and display all matches in the database for this person, then it repeats this for person 101, 102, etc until it reaches person id of 200.
If the physical location is selected, then all person records in the selected region and number range will be displayed.
Equipment Hire / Outstanding Report (Report 394)
This report shows details of hired equipment during a specified date range and provides an option to only show all outstanding items.
Euthanasia Agent Batch Used (Report 166)
No description available.
Euthanasia Agent Used By Individual (Report 165)
No description available.
Integrity Duplicate Report – Animal (Report 121)
This report lists possible duplicates for animals within the specified animal id range. If a tag number is present, it is used to check against any possible duplicates, otherwise, the source, animal type, breed, gender, colour and city are used.
Integrity Duplicate Report – Person (Report 120)
This report is designed to search all persons in the database based on the person ID range you supply,
e.g. if you search for person ID 100 to 200, the report will get the details of person 100 and display all matches in the database for this person, then it repeats this for person 101, 102, etc until it reaches person id of 200.
If the physical location is selected, then all person records in the selected region and number range will be displayed.
Membership Welcome Letter (Report 492)
This is the welcome letter for the Membership Module.
Merged Records Report (Report 562)
This report shows records of the merge process; both deleted and kept record IDs. If files have been accidentally merged, this report is your best bet of finding at least some information to recreate the missing file.
Number Of Contacts By Zipcode (Report 126)
This report shows the total number of animals brought in under each incoming source during the specified date range grouped by the city of the person to which the animal was attached at the time.
Page Access Audit Report (740)
This report shows details of when certain pages were accessed, and by whom. Currently, the report is limited to Animal Details Page views, but long-term there are plans to extend this to include other page types as well.
Person Notes Report (Report 737)
This report displays all the running notes entered from the top of the person page (discussion notes, donor notes etc).
Products And Services Export (Report 727)
This report exports all active products and services, with their costs and fees for each region and where it can be sold from.
Receipt Cancel History (Report 276)
This report shows basic details of receipts that have been cancelled by user, person, ID or date range.
User Accounts Created (Report 561)
This report shows all user accounts created in the system.
User Details (Report 243)
A simple report that shows all users entered onto your system and attributes assigned to them.
User Login Report (Report 633)
Audit trail of all user login and logoff transactions.
VIP Tag Allocation Log (Report 271)
Deprecated report. No description available.