Day To Day Impact
Products & Services
During any of the ShelterBuddy processes such as an adoption or stray etc, before the receipt is created you will now be asked to confirm the products that are linked to the animal or person are for the receipt you are creating. This new confirmation screen will only show if there are products linked to the person or animal you are processing.
You have the option of removing the product, or unticking the "charge to customer" option which will keep the product linked but will not be incldued on the current or any future receipts.
Foster Parents
With this upgrade the foster details must be filled out for a foster parent before fostering an animal. Previously you could foster animals without entering details and this was causing foster reports to run slow. When you now access the foster link from the person details page for a new foster parent you will see the message "To update foster animals you must first enter foster details.". After the foster details are entered this message will be removed and the normal animal links will show. For any previous foster parents that have fostered animals in the past that do not have foster details, then they will have foster details entered automatically for them as part of the upgrade.
Return To Habitat
There is now an alternative way to process a return to habitat, you can continue to process return to habitats the same way as before with selecting the status "return to habitat" from the animal details page, but this new feature allows you to change the person linked to the animal. To process a return to habitat that includes changing the person the steps are;
From the person details page click the Stray person category link:
Then search for your animal, then on the animal details page select the status "return to habitat". You will then be asked if you would like to create a receipt or no receipt. Both options will allow you sign the receipt electronically through our digital signature module. At the end of the process a printed receipt/form is produced.
On the right hand side of the scheduling dashboard, there is a new link called 'Appointment Search', this is a new page that allows users to search for any open scheduling appointment (cancelled or complete will not show):
The "Search" field on the search page will search appointments by first name, last name, email and phone.
Scheduling Menu Options
The menu options for scheduling have been updated to short cut which screen you are most interested in getting to. From the original blue screens of ShelterBuddy you can click Scheduling to open up a new list of options:
From the new white screen template pages we have the menu items for scheduling updated and on scheduling pages we also include the side bar menu to help navigate to diffferent pages within this module.
Scheduling Auditing
Scheduling appointments now also have auditing details of the user that entered the appointment and also who last updated it:
Vet Treatment History Form
The vet treatment history form will now include the vets signature. This is currently showing on the spay/neuter certificate and also the rabies certificate and it will work the same way. Signatures for vets can be set up via admin > edit drop down lists > vet > edit. From here you can upload a signature image file to print on the form. The form will use the signature of the last vet that gave the animal a vet treatment. This is the vet name field that is selected when entering the vet treatment.
Dispatch Summary Emails
The dispatch summary email will now look a little different but function exactly the same. When clicking the email link it will now show a dialog window that will work better for mobile and tablet devices. The summaries will now email as PDF files where previously they were html files. This will ensure the formatting is correct across different devices.
Dispatch Physical Description
The attached person listing on the dispatch details screen will now include a new link for viewing the physical details that was entered from the confirmed or unconfirmed person area.
Previously once these details were entered you could not view them, now you can view them in a popup that is formatted in a mobile / tablet friendly format. These details can be updated from the popup as well.
Foster Multiple Animals
The link under the foster menu for fostering multiple existing animals is now replaced with "Bulk Foster Multiple Existing Animals", this will load a new page to select the animals you wish to foster:
Once the animals are selected you can then select the foster details such as reason for foster, date out etc, then also the animal details such as status or sub statuses.
This includes the options for digital signatures so you can sign once for all animals. The final screen will show the successful results with a link to the foster summary.
Vet Treatments - Notes
You can now enter notes against each vet treatment record, when adding, editing or even administering a vet treatment the notes field will be available to be used. The notes will display on the animals vet treatment history which lists all the treatments due and given, and then also on the vet treatments due report.
We have added the ability to undo a relinquishment. Under Administration > Reclaim / Redemption Administration there is a new option to undo a relinquishment. This will go through the same process as undoing a reclaimed animal.
License / Registration Fees
The licensing fees are updated so that you can now make fees inactive. This is handy in the situation where some license fees are only available for part of the year. The license fees admin area is updated to a new list page where you can search for fees by agency / council and include inactive licenses to make them active again.
Clicking each fee allows you to view more details and then edit or add accounts to the fees. The add screen also gives you options on where you go next:
Media Stories (664)
This report is updated to the new filter page to be mobile and tablet friendly, it also has new columns included and can be run for multiple regions.
Receipt Summary Report (318)
This report is updated to the new filter page to be mobile and tablet friendly and now has an option to include $0 receipts.
Vet Treatments Given (8)
This report is updated to the new filter page to be mobile and tablet friendly and now allows you to export to excel and other formats. The old format of the report can be achieved by grouping by animal and deselecting the animal fields to show from the report.
Incare On Specific Day (646)
This report is updated to the new filter page to be mobile and tablet friendly.
Rabies Certificates By Jursidiction (485)
The excel version of this report has been moved to new report called Rabies Certificates By Jursidiction Excel Export. There is a link to this new report on the existing 485 report. The report is updated to include the vet name, the new report filter page and then also the column for "altered" is now renamed to "spay / neuter" to be consistent with out other reports.
Adopted List (196)
This report is updated to the new report filter page that is mobile and tablet friendly, it also includes the option to include the secondary color of an animal.
Frequent Surrenderers (538)
This report is updated to the new report filter page that is mobile and tablet friendly.
User Details (243)
This report is updated to the new report filter page that is mobile and tablet friendly.
Shelter Statistics - Incoming Comparison to Prior Year (669)
This report is updated to the new report filter page that is mobile and tablet friendly.
Detailed Dispatch Summary (589)
This report is updated to the new report filter page that is mobile and tablet friendly.
Outgoing Detail Audit Report (346)
This report is updated to the new report filter page that is mobile and tablet friendly.
Outgoing Shelter/Rescue Summary (385)
This report is updated to the new report filter page that is mobile and tablet friendly, it has also been split into 2 reports for detailed and summary, the detailed has a link to the summary report and vice versa.
Adhoc Reporting Module
The licensing entity has been updated to show records with blank license tags, and Shelter Tag is now included.
Receipt Changes Entity
This has been updated to include receipts where the region that the receipt was entered from (Region Entered) doesn’t match the region of the batch (Region Current). The Region Current is the correct region for the receipt.
Incoming Animal Details Entity
The following new fields are now included in the incoming animal details:
- Surrender Reason Other (the free text field)
- Shelter Tag
- numeric age at intake in years and months
- Current Kennel Sort (allows proper sorting of alpha-numeric kennels)