Creating a list of Prospective Donors


This process allows you to create a CSV or Excel file list of people who fall within specific parameters to target for fundraising mailout or similar. 

  1. From the Welcome/Search page, click on the Fundraising link in the left-hand menu.
  2. Click on the option for Campaign Management
  3. Click on the option Search Prospective Donors & Fundraisers
  4. On the resulting page, a list of options will be presented, each boxed to represent which fields will work together. Items under different boxed headings will affect the each other, but by further limiting your return not expanding it. For maximum hits, use one box group at a time. 
    • Adoption Search: this group allows you to target people who have adopted within a time frame by Animal Type and Region if required. 
    • Surrenders: this group targets people who have surrendered pets to your organisation by date range, region and the reason the pet was surrendered. 
    • Location Search: allows you to search for anyone in the database with an address recorded within the specified postcode/zip code/postal code range. 
    • Person Information Search: This search allows you to target people using fields on the Person Details Page, including Last names, the region that entered the person, people whose date of birth falls within a specific range of years (to target age groups) or who's birthdays fall within specified month (e.g. for birthday promotions), or allow you to include those with no date of birth entered at all. It also allows you to filter by gender, by company name, by occupation (as entered on the Personal Info tab), by files flagged as Prospective Donors or Head of House, or even by the date they were entered onto the database for the newest acquisitions. 
    • Relationship search: allows you to target files set up with a specific relationship (e.g. for Mother's Day promotions)
    • Donation Search: Allows you to search for people who have donated previously, by the amount donated (within specific bounds) by the date the donation was created, by the Campaign they gave to previously, by the Appeal Category linked to the Campaign, or by only those who have been flagged as "Donor Type Campaigns". 
    • Personal Categories Search: "Personal Categories" are the links that appear at the base of every Person Details page. This option allows you to target any files that were acquired via a specific category, and can be further refined using checkboxes below. There are two options for this:
      • Use And if you want the resulting list to consist of people who were both acquired by the person category selected in the drop down and have the other relevant person category or categories ticked on their file. This means they must have every additional person category selected active on their file to be included. (E.g. "Volunteer" And "Member" means they must be both a volunteer and a member to be included.)
      • Use Or if you'd like to target the person primarily by how they were acquired, but they can also have any or none of the additional categories selected to be included. 
      • There is also an option to Exclude by Person Category. Useful if you would like to target people who adopted, but exclude those who have returned a pet.
    • Mailing List Subscription Search: will target all files marked as subscribing to the mailing lists selected. 
    • Miscellaneous Search: this search has text boxes that can search for keywords saved in the note boxes present either under the General Mailing PC or Donor PC
    • Last Name PageThis will refine your search to sections of the alphabet (e.g. last names that begin with A to C only). Helpful if you have a large list to prevent the system from becoming too slow and/or crashing. This option works very will with any other option box on this page. 
    • Filter by "Would Person like to be on Mailing List": This simple drop-down allows you to choose from one of three options; Yes, No or exclude people marked with "do not call - telemarketing"
  5. Once your selections have been made, click Create CSV File. There is a button for this at the top and bottom of the page so regardless of which option(s) you are working with, there will be one close by. 
  6. A CSV file will be created and, depending on your browser settings, may open automatically in Excel, ready for export. 
  7. If your browser doesn't have this function, there are links at the top and bottom of this page How do I open a CSV file in Excel that gives you instructions on how to perform that task. 
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