This procedure links the animals in need of foster care to a foster person in bulk. This is to be completed when the foster person obtains the animal from the shelter, and where multiple animals are involved. This procedure assumes that the foster carer and the animal are both in the Shelter Buddy system.
- Obtain the Animal ID of the animal that will be going into foster care.
- Search for the foster carer.
- Searches can be done by the Basic Search field located on the Welcome page, the Advanced Person Search accessed by clicking on the Person Advanced Search link located on the right hand side of the Welcome page, or by utilizing the Available Foster List report (Reports in the orange menu on the left-hand side of the screen – Foster – Available Foster List).
- On the Edit Personal Details page, click on the Scroll To Bottom link in the upper left-hand section of the screen and click on the Foster Person link in the Personal Categories
- Find and click on the link Bulk Foster Multiple Existing Animals
- Several options will be presented to you
- To add animals by Animal ID, enter a single Animal ID number into this text box and either click the plus (+) symbol at the end of the box or press the Enter key. This will add an individual animal to the list and is best used when there are multiple animals that are not related in any specific way and are not sequentially numbered.
- To add animals by Animal ID Range; go to the first of these two text boxes and enter the smallest number, then enter the largest into the second text box and click the plus (+) button or press the Enter key. This will add all the animals in that sequence of numbers provided they are currently in care.
- To add animals by Dispatch Job #, enter the Dispatch Job number into this text box and click the plus (+) symbol or click Enter. This will add all the animals linked to that Dispatch Job to the list.
- To add animals by Litter (Animal ID), enter the Animal ID number of one of the animals in a linked litter into this text box and click the plus (+) symbol or press Enter. This will add all animals linked as part of this the same litter as this animal.
- Once added, the animals will list below under the heading Included Animals:
- If you would like to remove any from the list, place a tick in the box beside the animal ID number and click the down arrow on the box below to select the option "Remove", then click Apply to Selected. This will remove the selection from the list.
- To select all, click the box in the header line, adjacent to the heading Animal ID. Click again to remove all ticks.
- click Clear All to remove all animals from the list.
- Use the page numbers to see more animals if there are many animals included.
- Once all animals to be fostered are loaded, click the Next button to proceed:
- The Bulk Foster processing page will load.
- Enter the date the animal entered foster care, and the date it is expected to return by placing your cursor in the date fields to load the calendar. Click on the date to select.
- Click on the Reasons For Foster bar and select as many as apply. Click the page behind the list to collapse the list and continue.
- If required, enter notes regarding the foster into the Foster Instructions field.
- Select an applicable Status: NOTE - This field defaults to the first available status alphabetically, which is Available for Adoption - In Foster. Make sure you amend this appropriately. Only foster statuses are available.
- The Status Date and time will default to NOW. Click in the field to update if required.
- When amending the Time field, you can either use the up and down arrows OR you can click on the number to open a quick-select field.
- Select a Sub-Status if required.
- Select a Shelter Location from the drop-down: there will usually be a "location" specifically set up for use with foster or off-site animals so they don't appear to be occupying on-site space when they are not.
- Click the Process button or Cancel to undo.
- If set up for Digital Signatures, you may be required to have your foster person sign now. This will look a little different on this page than it does on a receipt or single foster page:
- You will receive a success message for each animal and a link to print a foster summary for all:
- You can now print the Foster Summary form for your foster person if required.
Don’t forget to:
- Add any applicable notes to the General Animal Notes link in the Animal Menu on the right side of the Edit Animal Details
The following process returns an animal from foster care.
- Search and access the animal’s record via the Welcome page*.
- *Go To Animal ID: enter the animal ID and click View. The Edit Animal Details page will display.
- Status: click on the down arrow and select the appropriate status. The most common will be Awaiting Vet Exam / Health Check or Awaiting Spay/Neuter.
- Shelter Location: Click on the down arrow to select the appropriate location the animal will be placed in within your shelter.
- If known, click on the down arrow and select the kennel number of the kennel the animal will be placed in. If not known, this can be done after the animal has been placed.
- Click Update Details.
Don’t forget to:
- Take and upload a new photo of the animal, if required.
- Enter vaccinations, tests and treatments that have been administered.
- Print out a new Kennel Card to be placed on the kennel where the animal is placed.
- Add any applicable notes to the General Animal Notes link in the Animal Menu on the right side of the Edit Animal Details
- Assign a kennel number to the animal once they have been placed, if it has not already been done.