Membership Reports


We have some reports dedicated to membership, to help you track your members:

Membership Export (Report 726)

This report is a data export of membership details. It has options to show active or inactive members (called "Person Active") but will exclude files if the Person File itself is marked as inactive, regardless of whether the membership is active or not. 

Membership Report (Report 411)

Primarily designed for querying lapsed members, this report can find members by Membership Type, joining date, renewal dates, and much more. Quite handy for targeting specific groups within your members.

Membership Welcome Letter (Report 492)

This report simply prints pre-loaded letter text to welcome new members. Membership letters are loaded by Shelter Buddy support techs.

Member Numbers / Areas (Report 26)

This report shows how many members there are for a specified Member Type and Branch.

Member Renewals (Report 25)

This report shows members whose membership is due to be renewed or expire within the date range selected. 

Members Birthdays (Report 27)

This report provides a list of members whose birthdays fall within the selected parameters.

New Members to Approve (Report 259)

This report must be run so that members recently entered are officially approved. This report must be run for the system to recognise them as approved, regardless of the manual setting on the Membership page. 


All of the above reports are found in the Fundraising report group. 

If you need assistance tracking your members, and the above reports aren't what you're looking for, please email

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