Rabies Tag
The rabies tag number on the animal details page now has a new field, "valid until". From here you can set the expiry date of the rabies tag. When entering a rabies vet treatment and you enter a rabies tag number it will automatically enter the rabies tag number on to the animal details page and it will also automatically set the valid until to the next due date of the rabies vet treatment.
From the boarding details page there is a new link for boarding fee summary. This will allow you to email the form direct to customers of what the fees are for boarding their pets. The body wording of the email can be customized so please contact support@shelterbuddy.com if you would like this updated, the fee form it self also has the option for customized wording.
The calendar page now includes a drop down list to change the physical location / region. When clicking on the calendar link from the dashboard it will default to the region that was currently selected on the dashboard. Upon changing the region the page will refresh and the locations for the selected region will be populated in the second location drop-down.
The dispatch page will now show jobs that have the same matching vehicle registration / license. From the main dispatch job page if there is a matching registration a message will be shown on screen with a link to view the jobs with the matching vehicle registrations:
There will also be a similar link if there are vehicle registrations linked to a person. To add a vehicle registration to a person, this can be done via the person details page > dispatch PC link. From here there is a link to add a vehicle registration to the person.
Shelter Location History
The time of the update will now show on the location history popup from the animal details page.
Science Diet Adopter Report (630)
This report is updated to include the new white filter page so it is mobile and tablet friendly. For our Canadian customers there is now the option to include the language in the spreadsheet which is set to only display "english". To have this always included you can set it to be ticked by default by going to admin > report admin> Set Science Diet Adopter Report Defaults. For our other customers this can be left unticked.
Animals By Source (734)
This report is updated with the new filter page that is mobile and tablet friendly, the new columns of Current Status and Animal DOB are also now included.
Bequestor and Pet Legacy Information (672)
This report is updated with the new filter page that is mobile and tablet friendly and a new option for joint persons to appear as one row for mail outs.
License Certificates Report Excel (372)
This report will now include the option for license type.
*New Person Opt In Report - Detailed (40)
For customers using the new Activ4Pets integration, this Report displays the person opt in details and the animal details for the adoption.
*New Person Opt In Report - Adoption Summary (44)
For customers using the new Activ4Pets integration, this Report displays a summary of the opt in for adoptions.
Adhoc Reporting Module
The licensing entity has been updated to show records with blank license tags, and Shelter Tag is now included.