Animal Profile - Notes


The purpose of this document is to help you navigate the Animal Profile page and find the Notes tab. The Notes show all classifications of notes and will eventually replace General Animal Notes, Vet Notes, and any other note fields associated with the Animal. 

  1. From the landing page, click Animal in the top menu
  2. The Animal search will open. 
  3. Search for the animal you wish to view (if you need tips, click here)
  4. From the end of the animal's row, find the three-dot "hamburger menu" on the right. 
  5. Your cursor should turn from an arrow to a pointing finger when you hover over the dots. When it shows the pointing finger, click your left mouse button to see the two options. 
    • Clicking See Animal Detail will take you to the Classic Animal Details page. 
    • Clicking See Animal Profile will take you to the new Animal Profile page
  6. Click See Animal Profile to proceed.
  7. In the centre of the page, you will see four headings with Characteristics underlined to show this is the tab you are currently viewing
  8. Click the heading that says Notes to see the note page.
  9. Any notes assigned to the animal will display in chronological order with the most recent at the top:Screenshot
  10. The page will default to showing all your note categories, but you can filter this to minimise the number of notes you need to scroll through by, you can sort by category using the drop-down provided at the top left of the Notes page. 
  11. Click the drop-down, then click on an option to filter the list of notes. 
  12. To add a new note from this page, click the [+ Add note] button.
  13.  This will open a new note modal. 
    • Add a Note Title* by selecting an option from the drop-down provided. This represents your existing Note Categories:
    • Use the Search field provided if there are many note categories and click to select the one you'd like to use. 
    • You can type directly into the text canvas, or you can apply a template by clicking the Insert Template link found at the top left and choosing a template. 
    • The options to Show as popup on animal details page and Notify users who are following this animal are still available below the Note canvas. 
    • Click [Add this note] to save your note or
    • Click [Cancel] or simply click anywhere outside of the modal to close and return to the Notes tab. 
  14. At this time, notes cannot be deleted from this feature, even by users with the access to do so. 


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