Person Profile - Associated Animals


The purpose of this document is to help you navigate the Person Profile page.


  1. In the top right corner is the Associated Animals Card. 


    • The circle with the number that appears after the heading indicates how many animals have been linked to this Person Record. 
    • Beneath the header are the two most recently linked Animal records, indicating the following information: 
      • The name of the animal in question
      • A thumbnail image if one is available - if not, it will show a pawprint as seen above
      • The current status of the animal
      • The date on which the linking took place
    • You can access the Animal Profile information by clicking directly on the Name of the animal in question.
    • If more than two animal records are linked, you will see a link at the bottom of the card that reads See all data >. Clicking this link will open a modal that shows all animals linked to the person, with similar information snapshots as above. 
      • If you click the three-dot "hamburger menu" at the end of the animal you would like more information about, it will offer you an option to see the Animal Profile. Click the option to navigate to that animal's Profile page. 
    • Click anywhere outside of the modal card to close it and return to the Person Profile
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