Animal Profile - Characteristics


Characteristics are the equivalent of Animal Icons in the Classic User Interface. They don't have images, but they are easy to add and remove and can include severity*.  This document walks you through how to find, add, and remove Characteristics. 

*Please note the "severity" will be set at low in the first instance, with ability to customise being included in a later release. 

  1. From the landing page, click Animal in the top menu
  2. The Animal search will open. 
  3. Search for the animal you wish to view (if you need tips, click here)
  4. From the end of the animal's row, find the three-dot "hamburger menu" on the right. 
  5. Your cursor should turn from an arrow to a pointing finger when you hover over the dots. When it shows the pointing finger, click your left mouse button to see the two options. 
    • Clicking See Animal Detail will take you to the Classic Animal Details page. 
    • Clicking See Animal Profile will take you to the new Animal Profile page
  6. Click See Animal Profile to proceed. 
  7. On the Animal Profile dashboard, the centre of the page will default to the Characteristics tab: 
  8. The characteristics that are currently assigned to the animal will display in alphabetical order under the Characteristics heading.

To ADD a Characteristic:

  1. Click the + Add characteristic button found to the right of the Characteristics heading. 
  2. The Add custom characteristic landing page will load.
  3. Below the heading is a list of all available characteristics, in alphabetical order. 
  4. On the right you will see if the characteristic has already been added to the animal, or if it has not, by which button it shows. 
    • [Add] means this characteristic is not currently assigned to the animal. 
    • [(✓) Added] means this characteristic is already assigned to the animal.
  5. To Add a new characteristic, click on the [Add] button beside the characteristic you want to apply.
  6. The button will change to [(✓) Added]
  7. Click outside of the dialogue to close it and you will return to the Animal Profile page and see your new characteristic(s) is now visible in the Characteristics tab.

To Remove a Characteristic

  1. Click the + Add characteristic button found to the right of the Characteristics heading. 
  2. The Add custom characteristic landing page will load.
  3. Below the heading is a list of all available characteristics, in alphabetical order. 
  4. On the right you will see if the characteristic has already been added to the animal, or if it has not, by which button it shows. 
    • [Add] means this characteristic is not currently assigned to the animal. 
    • [(✓) Added] means this characteristic is already assigned to the animal.
  5. To Remove a characteristic, click on the [(✓) Added] button beside the characteristic you want to remove.
  6. The button will change to [Add] 
  7. Click outside of the dialogue to close it and you will return to the Animal Profile page and see your chosen characteristic(s) is now removed from the Characteristics tab.
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