January 2021


Adopter Application Limit

Once the adopter has met their application limit, they will receive a notification and a display of pets they have submitted applications on. They will then have the option to continue with their choices, or exchange a pet for the one they are attempting to apply for. To set your shelter's limits please email support@adopets.com

Pet's Application Limit

Once a pet has reached its application limit, the adopter will receive an alert that the pet is no longer available for adoption. Suggestions for similar pets and an option to return to the shelter Pet page will be made. To set your shelter’s pet application limits please email support@adopets.com

Customize Shelter CTA in Smart Responses

Shelters can now add customized CTA’s in Smart Responses for actions such as: Pay Here, Schedule Appointment, and Schedule Meet and Greet.

Smart Kennel Card

Adopets Smart Kennel Card enables shelter visitors to scan a QR code with their phone to submit an application. Kennel cards are personalized to your shelter, including Shelter Logo, QR Code, Pet photo, Pet name, Pet ID and Microchip, Description, Pet gender, Pet age, Pet size, Availability date, Adoption fee, and 6 Key Personality Features. The Smart Kennel Card can card is available in three sizes, full page, half page, and quarter page. To set your Smart Kennel Card please email support@adopets.com.

Smart Filters on Shelter iFrame

Smart Filters have been updated for a more streamlined pet search, and will only display the filters that match the pets in the shelter. For example: if a senior pet is not available at the shelter then that search option will not be available to the potential adopter.

Pets Without Applications Listed As Available

  • The No Applications filter now shows all available animals without active applications

“Visible”, “Hidden”, “Restricted” Tags Available For Pet’s Visibility

  • "Restricted" indicates the pet's application limit has been reached, users can not update visibility

  • "Hidden" indicates that a shelter user has removed the pet from being visible for applications

  • Once the pet application is approved, visibility can not be updated as the pet is automatically removed from the Shelter website

Filter For First And Last Name Of Adopters

  • There are no longer additional spaces in first and last name fields, eliminating the mini-bug in the Contacts section.

New Identifiers Added To Exported Adoption Reports

  • “Approved by”, “Adopter address”, and “Animal ID” have all been added to the Adoption Reports file.

“Pet Details” offers adopters first and last name

Update “Time in Shelter”

  • “Time in Shelter” will now be reflected by the number of days the pet has been at the shelter

“Pet Details” Available In “Adoptions” Menu

  • Pet Details are now available to open in a “new tab” in the “Adoptions” menu allowing for an easier, more complete collection of pet information.

CTA Change From Public to Private Based on Pet Availability

  • When the pet is available, CTA will show “Public Page” and when the pet is unavailable CTA will show “Private Page”.

Link Correction for Copy page link within Pet Details Pages for animals with no application.

  • “Copy page link” CTA inside the Pet Details page now corresponds according to the animal’s visibility.

List Pets Based on Number of Applications.

  • Shelters can filter animals based on the number of applications they have, in either ascending or descending order

Shelter Description Character Limit

Adopets Now Integrates with AnimalsFirst

More Details Pet Age Information

  • Pets Details page now includes detailed information such as age tags and animal years|months

Pet Smart Filter

  • Filters have been simplified to Group, Species, Breed, Gender, Age, and Size allowing the adopter to experience a more specific pet search

Shadow on Images in Pet Profile Pages Removed

  • We have removed the drop shadow that exists when viewing the animal's photo gallery.

Multiple Category Search in iFrame

  • Organizations can now search by the global search, Specie, Breed, Sex, Age, Size

Text Break in Organization Description

  • A text break has been implemented on lengthy organization descriptions allowing for a better content flow

Adopter Updated "Adopt Me" Button

  • A blurb was added on top of the “Adopt Me” button to inform adopters the adoption process has begun.

Customize Donations

  • Adopters may now customize the size of their donation at check out

Street Type Now Mandatory At Registration

Archived, restricted and hidden pets are no longer appearing in the “similar pets” section

Phone Number Registration Supports US Standard

  • Zipcode automatically populates when adding a new location

  • Clarify Action of Add or Remove People to “Do Not Adopt” List

  • Update on “New Adoption Inquiry” Feature For Better Stability

  • Pets Automatically Hidden Once Adopted

  • Pet Details Provides Application Count (Shelter can keep track of how many applications each pet has with the application count feature)

  • Emergency Contact, Personal Reference, and Co-Applicant information are correctly displayed in Application Details when required.

  • All address information is now visible in the application details for the adopter

  • System constraints are fixed for updating pet location through Adopets, as these might need to be done in the Shelter Software directly.

  • Contact report downloading correctly

  • Adoption Contract Upload Issue in Admin is Fixed

  • “Application Sent” is now working effectively

  • Performance Improvements on Filtering Species, Groups and Breeds while searching for animals

  • The checkbox in the contract is gathering correct information from the adopter

  • Country information in Shelter Details is now correct

  • Questions in general info are now being marked as answered once filled in

  • Bugs fixed when submitting applications

  • Application answers are now being stored more efficiently

  • Adopters Can Sign Contract | Make Payment Effectively

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