Introduction 🐱🐶
View this PDF to learn how you can use Adōpets to find adopters for your foster animals.
Video Library 🎦
Have questions about using Adōpets? Try watching a video on the feature you want to try. Click the links below to get started.
Application Details: Introduction
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do new applications show in the In Process column?
✅ The Adoptions menu is organized by pet, not by application or potential adopter.
Animals appear in the "New" column if all of their active adoption inquiries are "Pending," meaning you aren't considering any potential adopter for that pet yet.
Animals in the "In Process" column have at least one application that is "Under Review," meaning you have at least one potential adopter you are considering for each of those pet. These pets may also have "Pending" applications. To view all pending applications on all of your foster animals, check in two places: in the "New" column and in the "New Applications" section of the "In Process Column."
Animals in the "Approved" column are very close to being adopted. A staff member has sent the contract and checkout to the approved adopter for this pet. You may be waiting for the adopter to complete those steps or you may be waiting for a staff member to mark that adoption as finalized. Animals who have approved adopters are hidden from the website so that they do not receive new adoption inquiries.
Why can't I upload my photo?
Your organization may not allow foster users to add photos directly on Adopets. If they do and you can't upload a particular photo:
Make sure you upload a JPG or JPEG. Adōpets does not support PNGs.
Try compressing the video.
Why can't I rearrange the photo order?
Adōpets does not currently offer drag and drop options on the photo uploads, but it's something we're planning! In the meantime, you will need to upload photos in the order you want them to appear on the public website.