VolunteerBuddy: Email Templates


This option allows you to create templates for the verbiage you would like included in the emails sent to your volunteers to notify them of changes. 

You can create templates for the following: 

  • New Volunteer
  • Adding a volunteer to location
  • Deactivate volunteer
  • Forgot password
  • Email Volunteer (generic email)

NOTE: This feature uses the generic email stored for your site in your custom options. It cannot support unique emails for this purpose only at this time. 

From the Volunteering Dashboard page in Volunteer Buddy:

  1. Click the option More in the menu at the top left. 
  2. Select the option Email Templates by clicking on it. 
  3. The template home page will load, showing the list of default templates for various options. 
  4. You can filter using the drop-down boxes at the top. 
  5. Select the template you would like to make amendments to and click Edit to view. 
  6. Location: Select a location from the drop-down if you would like to make the template exclusively for one place, or leave at the default of All to include all locations. 
    • Default for location is ticked by default. This means that this email will automatically be sent for this situation. 
  7. Description: enter a heading for the Template that describes its purpose. 
  8. Type: This will show the item you're editing. You will not be able to alter this. 
  9. Subject: Place your cursor into the text box BELOW the Subject drop-down to activate the placeholder options. You can add free text here, and personalise the result using the placeholders. 
  10. Body: Place your cursor in the large text canvas to activate the Body placeholder drop-down. Enter whatever text you would like the volunteers to see, and personalise it for them using the placeholders in the drop-down. 
  11. Click Save or Cancel to return to Templated Documents.
  12. To create a new template, click +Create in the top right of the Templates heading bar to open the Create Email Template page.
  13. Click Save to create your template, or Cancel to return to the  Templates menu without saving. 
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